Bright Blessings for  
Lammas or Lughnasadh
+ A day out of time and
The Lions gate  
Star Lion
Dear all
what an incredible time of light, with its shifts and generally revved up intense energy, especially as we are in the midst of the powerfull Lions gate time
( from 23rd July until 8th August), and l
ast week we had the Mayan 'day out of time' (Tuesday 25th July - see more below). 

For those of us in the northern hemisphere we have the beautiful Fire festival of Lammas or Lughnasadh now here ( 1st August) , with its celebrations for the harvest and the many gifts the ripening Earth provides.

And you maybe finding that life is accelerating, with changes and directions appearing out of nowhere, with sudden shifts and times of wonder as well as grief, loss and pain.

You may also be experiencing intense moments of clarity, energy and synchronistic happenings, as well as times of extreme challenge and concerns.

 Maybe you need to navigate difficult choices and a culling and clearing of what needs to go, so you can align yourself to the truth of your being in life.

It certianly has and is a 'full' time for me, yet I find any moments of overwhelm
quickly pass. I  then return to appreciating the beauty all around and the absolute miracle of life that we have, whilst also knowing elsewhere in the world there are beauties and horrors ocurring.
Which reminds me of a line from a Rilke poem...

let everything into you
beauty and terror
keep going
remember no feeling lasts forever.

The joy of this human experience is that whether we are in beauty or terror, wonder or grief, we are priviledged, here in the west, to choose our own spiritual paths, enabling us to follow our own unique timings and which doorways we wish to cross through . May this current time be a doorway for you to step through into even greater remembering of yourself.

  Lions gate

And a day out of Time 

In the ancient Mayan calender the 25th July is considered to be a day 'out of time' because in order to align the solar calender (365 days) with the 13 moon calnder (13 x 28 = 364) the Mayans created  a day out of time.
  It is a day for reverance and allowing oneself to sense and know ones own divinity and light and to again simply BE. What happened for you last Tuesday?

Myself and Howi ( my partner) spent part of it visiting an area of Wales from his early childhood, an area of incredible natural beauty, and taking a day out of time we went on
the Rheidol steam railway from Devils bridge into Aberystwyth, quite spectacular.... 


For us in the Celtic lands, and for me personally, I think of the fire festivals as days out of time, portals in the year where we can take the opportunity to reflect, remember, and restart, which leads me on to.... 
Devils bridge
Lammas / Lughnasadh

today, if you are reading this on August 1st)

  So as we are at this next turn of the wheel, the
season of the ripening and harvest,
ask yourself what in your life blesses you with the opportunities for opening and abundance and what closes you, limits you, or has a 'passed its sell by date' feel.

This season calls us to open even further to receive, whether it is the beauty of the world and its gifts, or our own inner wisdoms and inner voice. Time to allow our own unique wholeness and compassionate heart its place in the world as we hold ourselves in kindness, forgiveness and acceptance.  
With Lammas focussing particularily on the energy of the creatrix, or mother energy, take this opportunity to discover and explore the delight of the ripe full bodied feminine within. It's the feminine energy that can give birth to life, whether that be another human being or herself and her creativity, presence and being in the world. It's the energy to nourish life - yours and others -  its emphasis is on connection, and co - creativity in union with others, coming from a place of love, beauty and plenty.  IN - JOY !

Grain goddess
For many of us, we grew up learning a different way to obtain or 'get', either from striving hard through suffering and sacrfice or through manipulations, by pleasing and becoming what we think was wanted by another to get our way.

 And with much of this world based from a foundation of mistruth, it is radical to step away from this into our own authenticity. Yet when we do, and we each make another move towards that end, shining our own light, even if its not always easy going, it makes for a deeper integrity to ones own inner essence and core, as well as giving others a chance to do the same.

Birthing, like the Creatrix, life in truth and beauty.

And here is a poem I have been getting to know and really love - thanks to Carly Mountain for bringing it to my attention.
Autobiography of Eve by Ansel Elkins
Wearing nothing but snakeskin

boots, I blazed a footpath, the first

radical road out of that old kingdom

toward a new unknown.

When I came to those great flaming gates

of burning gold,

I stood alone in terror at the threshold

between Paradise and Earth.

There I heard a mysterious echo:

my own voice

singing to me from across the forbidden

side. I shook awake-

at once alive in a blaze of green fire.
Let it be known: I did not fall from grace.
I leapt
to freedom.
And I have just returned from a radical act myself, as nine courageous women took a thunderous journey on my summer retreat. Travelling and crossing many thresholds , sometimes to traverse fear and terror, we connected to ourselves and with each other, to meet more of ourselves and remember.

Each woman took the chance to move from their old kingdom of outworn habits and patterns, to step into new territories, the land of the wild wise embodied feminine, in her naked word and in her silence, in her ecstatic dance and in her stillness, in her power and her vulnerability.

 For 5 days we plumbed the depths with poetry, song, dance, emptiness and fullness. We ate, slept and dreampt together in a mysterium of non verbal space , and when back into words many spoke of how incredible it was, for total strangers before, to come into such a deep communion and place of trust with each other after so little time.  

So I take a deep bow of gratitude to them for taking that radical road, for Meriel providing such a beautiful 'temple' for us to work in, and in all I am so grateful for the privaledge of seeing women shine in their diversity and authenticity,  together - unity through diversity - yes yes yes. 

So dear hearts please find below a little about what is coming up. I have been busy with circles, programs and retreats this year, with less time available for one-off workshops, however having offered one or two recently I am inspired to offer a couple more before autumn sets in..

Whether you have worked with me before and fancy a drop-in top-up, or are new to me and my offerings, come along and discover your own
creative, wise , wild and soulfull voice.

And look out for my next years dates (2018)  coming in Septembers newsletter. 

"Invite the inner woman to speak in her language of poetry, bones, clouds, dreams, red shoes, fairy dust, ravens, and fissures of the heartland. She who dwells in the wild within will help to navigate the cliffs and valleys.
 She will show you the passage through - give you eyes to see in the dark.
And then, when you are able, she will give you wings to fly out from that both nurturing and devastating abyss into divine light."

-Shiloh Sophia McCloud

Keepers of the Flame   

Whats coming up...    

Sunday August 20th 
Singing the Bones 
 a 1 day workshop exploring the voice through sound, song, poetry and heartfull connection ( see more below).

Saturday September 23rd  
Naked Word 
A day of immersing into poetry as a path of awakening. Liberating your own wisdom words through writing from the heart, and finding the medicine of poetry when the alchemy of langauge is taken into the bidy and heart      

And remember that on Monday 7th August Miranda Gray will be giving her WORLD WIDE WOMB BLESSING in conjuction with the full moon.
To register for free

Sunday August 20th 2017

      Singing the Bones
 a one day workshop for Women

Release your voice of majesty, your sound wisdom, and your soul song in connection with other like-minded women 

Timings - 11am - 5.30 pm
Location Rhoshill nr. Cardigan
costs £35 (concessions available - £25 concessionary rate)

Booking is required
 due to a limited number of places. Please contact Jules to book your place asap or to find out more..

Have a beautiful LAMMAS and     

May we all walk in beauty. 


Contact Info
Julie Heavens 01239 841787.              


                                   [email protected]

or [email protected]