Please note the update to our early release plan for Friday. After students and staff 'Clap-Out' the 4th graders,  ALL STUDENTS WILL BE DISMISSED AT 1:00 .   If you plan to pick-up your student in a way that differs from their regular pick-up, let the student's teacher know immediately.  Getting messages to classrooms will be more difficult on the last day of school, so please plan ahead and make sure that your student knows exactly how you will be picking them up on Friday.

As a reminder, Caruth has a queue lane where all 'car riders' are picked-up and Colgate is reserved for all students walking or biking home. Please do not leave your vehicle parked next to the school on Colgate or Caruth after 12:00, noon on Friday. 

Please call the office if you have any questions, 214-780-3300.