How to Rule The World From Your Couch Banner
 Dear Circle, 

We need your energy!

I do healings each morning on your healing requests ([email protected] and on the Facebook page). Studies have shown that doing healing on others also healers the healer!

When we work together we can create immediate, transformative and dynamic changes in our lives. There is a great deal of research on the group effect. This summer our Circle is joining together to remove the Outer Roadblocks that block our way to a New Reality. Please join in sending each person on our list below healing and post so that we can support you. Let us create healing and miracles together.

I have many events scheduled for the remainder of this year (many of them free) and some trainings in Santa Barbara and Phoenix as well as my annual certificate trading in intuition in New York City in November. Please email me if you have any questions about these events. As many of you know, for your privacy, I am the only one who reads my email, so please keep them short and to the point. 

I am continuously adding events to the page at

As many of you may know, I have been traveling around the country helping you start your own Circles using, The Circle: How the power of a single wish can change your life. (Atria Books) and you own intuitive groups using, How to Rule the World from Your Couch (Atria Books). Many of you amazing healers, intuitives, life coaches, therapists and teachers have merged your talents with The Circle and created groups that have exceeded my expectations. It is really The Circle in action. 

I have been grateful for the people who have joined me in the Laying on of Hands events, offering psychic healing to our communities as you build an awareness of your own unique modality.

Please spread the word of the events. I will be adding more!

You can view events here:

I join you in The Circle,

Laura Day