People at a protest march holding signs
When so many causes, crises, and critical needs demand our attention, how can a congregation decide where to engage? Pastor and author Ginger Gaines-Cirelli outlines key questions and concerns in discerning a faithful and sustainable response to public issues.

Friendly church greeter waving hello
Kay Kotan and Blake Bradford explain that a church visitor's first impression is often formed long before they enter the sanctuary. So, hospitality needs to begin online, as people approach your location, and through casual encounters with your building.

The Right Question
Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions. 

On a calendar, many activities may seem the same. However, every church expends its time and energy disproportionately across those efforts. These questions may provide clues about your church's priorities.

What activities and ministries do we plan extensively?
What activities and ministries do we plan very little?

The New Welcome Video Tool Kit

Learn concepts and strategies to welcome and respond to your first-time and repeat visitors, reach younger generations, expand your church's entry points, and get new people involved. The New Welcome Video Tool Kit helps you open your church to new people by acknowledging the changing ways that people enter into the life of congregations.

Church greeter shaking hands with a visitor

How can your congregation make a good first impression with first-time visitors? 50 Ways to Welcome New People  provides strategies and tips to ensure your visitors feel truly welcome and at home in worship, plus guidance on visitor follow-ups and ways to be more inviting in your church.

Leading Ideas is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you.

Cup of coffee and a pen and notebook on a table
Many churches have a one-size-fits-all approach to their stewardship appeal. Everyone in the congregation receives the same "Dear Friend" letter inviting them to prayerfully offer up their tithe to the church for the coming year. While this approach is simple and easy to execute, it's generally not the most effective or meaningful way to communicate with people about their giving. Read To the Point: Crafting Better Financial Commitment Messages.

Quotable Leadership

It may be that what a church is as an institution will have more impact on its own members than what it says to them. 

Robert K. Greenleaf
In God_s Time Adult Study

What is Revelation really about? This 10-session study offers a faithful and credible Christian alternative to sensationalist perspectives on the Bible's teaching about the End Times . In God's Time is ideal for your congregation's small groups, adult Bible stud ies, and Sunday School classes .

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