June 2017
Trans4ming News
Learning is Fun (or it should be!)
This picture of Rainbow Days’ trainer, Jill Darling, with a group in Corpus Christi says it all about the importance of making learning fun. Jill, a lifelong educator and trainer, says “I think too many times we equate fun and laughter with ‘play’ and not learning. I feel it’s the opposite. If people are having a good time and learning at the same time…the learning ‘sticks’.”

One of the reasons children, teens and their adult facilitators enjoy participating in the CBSG Program so much is it’s fun! I recently came across a blog which reinforces the strategies we use in the Rainbow Days’ support groups:

  1. Offer Choices – children often have limited experiences with making choices, whether it is at home or in school. In group, there are many opportunities to offer a choice, beginning with the fact they always have the right to pass.
  2. Make it a Game – turning any lesson into a game will almost always make learning fun, and many of the Activities in the curriculum are games.
  3. Tailor Lessons to Your Students – all children do not have the same attention span. One of the reasons the support group structure is broken up into several components is to give an opportunity for all learning styles to be incorporated. It’s incumbent upon the facilitator to know your group and adjust accordingly!
  4. Make Learning Practical – it is hard for any of us to stay engaged if we don’t understand how we are going to actually use what we are learning. The CBSG Program is all about teaching and developing skills that help children cope with the reality of their lives. Guided Discussions are designed to “teach” while engaging students in how they can apply what they are learning in their lives. Group is a safe place to practice new skills!
  5. Pay Attention to Student’s Interests – relating lessons to the hobbies and interests of kids helps make learning meaningful. Through Sunshine and Cloud, the Guided Discussions, and the Activities there are many opportunities to learn about the children and to relate the discussions to their interests.

Laughter can be such a positive energizer, and far too often the children we work with have multiple adversities in life that don’t give them many opportunities to laugh. Let’s all remember that group is an opportunity for kids to be kids and experience the healing power of laughter!  After all, “laughter is the best medicine.”  

Training Calendar
Check out our upcoming CBSG Facilitator Trainings. 

Dallas on July 24th
The  July 24  “CBSG Program Facilitator Training” in Dallas is full with a waiting list!  Please contact Sandi McFarland or 214-887-0726  if you would like to be added to the list.
We Want to Hear from YOU! 
If you have attended the CBSG Program Facilitator Training, you will be sent a survey 1 month, and again 6 months after being trained. This information helps us maintain and receive grant funding to help offset facilitator training costs. Our surveys are brief!

We appreciate you taking a moment to complete these surveys!
The Trans4m Center | 214.887.0726 | trans4mcenter.org