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Traffic in Atlanta is impressive. I love driving to work on Fridays because it is so much lighter. Do that many people take Fridays off, or do they work from home? My commute is mercifully short, but it is not unusual to sit through a traffic light several times. That used to drive me crazy, especially if it was because someone was being selfish and trying to turn where the sign says they shouldn't ...


Although I have gotten much more patient as I've grown older, discourtesy still sends me over the edge, and I'm not sure I want to become patient with that. My fear is that, if I did, I might come to tolerate it in myself, and I'd hate that.


The Bible says "Love is patient and is kind, never rude." What an amazing world this would be if we all could become the incarnation of that kind of love. What if we drove with patience, kindness, and courtesy? What if we treated our most irritating co-worker with patience, kindness, and courtesy? What if we treated ourselves that way?


That doesn't mean we can't patiently, kindly, and courteously confront and resist people when they are being rude, selfish, narcissistic, or unjust. It just means that we can't challenge their behavior by emulating it. Failing to challenge misbehavior in a civil way only make us complicit in it. On the other hand, failing to confront it in a gentle and courteous manner only compounds the measure of incivility in the world.


Truthfully, I haven't figured out how to apply that to driving. Somehow my horn never sounds as civil as I intend it. Maybe I'll just have to work from home on Fridays to spare myself, and them.




Rev. Michael Piazza 

The Center for Progressive Renewal
Center for Progressive Renewal Center for Progressive Renewal