DEY logo
April, 2015 

Rallying educators to speak out on current policies that affect the education of young children  


Geralyn Bywater McLaughlin 

Senior Advisers
Nancy Carlsson-Paige
Diane Levin

National Advisory Board
Indhira Blackwood
Blakely Bundy
Sherry Cleary
Bill Crain
Stephanie Feeney
Doris Pronin Fromberg 
Ayla Gavins
Marcy Guddemi
Constance Kamii
Lilian Katz
Ed Klugman 
Deborah Meier
Maurice Sykes
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Links to our friends:
   (Deborah Meier)

CCFC (Campaign for a

    Institute   (Sarah
   Lawrence College)


CEASE  (Concerned
   Educators Allied for
   a Safe Environment)

S O S March (Save Our

TRUCE (Teachers
   Resisting  Unhealthy

Dear Friends of DEY:
Important New Report from Lilian Katz!

In the wake of the Common Core academic push down on America's kindergartners, a new report by Lilian G. Katz argues that excessive and early formal instruction can be damaging to our youngest children in the long term. Today, Defending the Early Years is proud to release Lively Minds: Distinctions between academic versus intellectual goals for young children.

Lillian G. Katz, Professor Emerita of Early Childhood Education at the University of Illinois, argues that the common sense notion that "earlier is better" is not supported by longitudinal studies of the effects of different kinds of preschool curriculum models.  Furthermore, her report maintains that a narrow academic curriculum does not recognize the innate inquisitiveness of young children and ultimately fails to address the way they learn.

"Young children enter the classroom with lively minds--with innate intellectual dispositions toward making sense of their own experience, toward reasoning, predicting, analyzing, questioning and learning," says Dr. Katz.

"But in our attempt to quantify and verify children's learning, we impose premature formal instruction on kids at the expense of cultivating their true intellectual capabilities - and ultimately their optimal learning."

Watch and share this video about this new report: 


DEY Lively Minds video
DEY Lively Minds video


Help us spread the word about the importance of intellectual pursuits for young children using social media!

Consider tweeting:

#CCSS replaces wonder with worksheets, investigation with memorization. Preserve the lively minds of children

Premature academic instruction comes at a cost for youngest students @dey_project #2much2soon 

We are rethinking academic vs. intellectual goals. Earlier is not always better. @dey_project #2much2soon


Join DEY at Network for Public Education's second annual national conference
We hope to see you in Chicago!

"Public Education: Our Kids, Our Schools, Our Communities"

Register here


Please remember that you can show your support to DEY through online donations.  Check out our donation page. Thank you!

We thank you for your continued support!
Geralyn Bywater McLaughlin

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Defending the Early Years
DEY is a non-profit project of the Survival Education Fund, Inc.,
a 501(c)3 tax-exempt educational organization.