This is my commandment:
love one another as I love you.
No one has greater love than this,
to lay down one's life for one's friends.

--- John 15:12-13
Holy Spirit Catholic Community
May 10, 2015

With John's gospel reading today, we will have read almost all of chapter 15 and throughout the chapter John calls our attention to the fundamental theme of all the gospels (and religions) - LOVE. Verse after verse, we hear Jesus' repeated invitation to fall into Love, to live in Love, to know, taste and feel the strength of Love.

In speaking his final and parting message to his friends, Jesus says, "love one another as I love you". He chose love as the mark of our identity; not doctrines, not catechism, not the Bible, but LOVE! Love means different things to different people and it is perhaps the most used and abused word in the dictionary. But here is the truth, you and I have been created by God with love, for love, to love. It's our essence and our purpose.

Love is the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega, and everything in between. Love is the message, the messenger, the meaning of it all, because God is love. It's the last we'll hear from Jesus before his Ascension. It sets the stage for Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the spreading of the ministry of Love. Let us reflect on the following poem by Mother Teresa of Calcutta to guide us in being and living Love:

Living Love

"Be kind and merciful.
Let no one ever come to you without
leaving better and happier. Be a loving
expression of God's kindness: kindness in your
face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile,
kindness in your warm greeting. To children,
to the poor, to all who suffer and are lonely,
give always a happy smile. Give them
not only your care, but your heart."

Easter Blessings,
Rev Rosa

Mother's Day Mass with Fr Ron Presiding
MASS Sunday 5:00pm
All Are Welcome at the Table

Rev. Ron Ingalls is presider and Br. Joseph (Rick) Klaich is liturgical facilitator. We ask all who are available to please come early and help Rick with set up.

"The Communion table especially, reminds us that when we eat together, we celebrate not only with those who are physically present with us. We celebrate too with all those around the world who gather at their own tables, and we celebrate with those no longer upon this earth but who continue to be part of our story and who linger close when we come to the table."-Jan Richardson

We bless you, God of holiness:
you accompany us with love
as we journey through life.
Blessed too is your Son, Jesus Christ,
who is present among us
and whose love gathers us together.

Open our eyes to the needs of all;
inspire us with words and deeds
to comfort those who labor and are burdened;
keep our service of others
faithful to the example and command of Christ.

Let your Church be a living witness
to truth and freedom, to justice and peace,
that all people may be lifted up
by the hope of a world made new.

Eucharistic Prayer, Jesus, Compassion of God
Church of the Beloved ECC, Northglenn, CO

Click here for the Lectionary readings along with stimulating reflections and commentaries provided by The Center for Liturgy Sunday Website at Saint Louis University.

The Prayerful Meditation for this week is JESUS SPEAKS a poem by J. Janda Scroll to the bottom of the page.

No Distinction
Gerald Darring is a retired high school and college teacher of theology who has written an assortment of articles and talks several decades. A thematic thread that runs through them is the vision of a Catholic church involved in the work of justice and peace. The topics include church history, the Mass, the Way of the Cross, prayer, Christian-Jewish dialogue, the Beatitudes, Catholic social teaching, the laity, women, the Good News, John the Baptist, the church, and the following of Jesus. No Distinction was published in the book form, To Love and Serve: Lectionary Based Meditations, by Gerald Darring

The theme of the two readings from John is love, and in today's opening prayer we pray that we might "express in our lives the love we celebrate." The Johannine formula, used in both 1 John and the Gospel, is: "Love one another."

One might interpret this formula in terms of a false understanding of the Hebrew law: Love those who belong to your group and stay away from outsiders. The first reading from Acts, however, makes it clear that we are to love everyone without exception, for "God shows no partiality" and we are to pattern our love after God's love.

The generosity of the Spirit surprised the circumcised believers accompanying Peter. They had grown up believing that God favors some people over others.

They are not unlike the people of our day who look down on others, regarding as inferior all those whom they consider "Gentiles" (= outsiders): African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, women, gays, the handicapped, the poor. Such favoritism does not bind the Spirit of God.

The Spirit will rescue the "insiders" from their hidden atheism by revealing God's love to everyone. Liberation for the "outsiders" will also come from the same Spirit.

Questions by Anne Osdieck on today's readings:

First Reading
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48
1. In this reading the gift of the Holy Spirit is poured out on the Gentiles as well as the Israelis. Is grace available to all people? Do you listen to the Holy Spirit on a regular basis, or just now and then? How does the Holy Spirit speak to you? What discernment process do you use on the communication between you and the Holy Spirit?

2. Are there some areas that are off limits or do you invite the Holy Spirit into every part of your life?

Second Reading
1 John 4:7-10
1. How was "the love of God revealed to us?" Had Jesus not come into the world, what would you know about God?

2. So what was the message God sent through Jesus about God's own self? What is your response to that message?

John 15:9-17
1. The one thing Jesus asks of us is that we love our neighbor. How would you rate this assignment on a "difficulty" scale from 1-10? Explain. What gift (First Reading) does God give you to help with this assignment?

2. How can we get to know and love God? Consider the following:

This is the doctrine of two Commandments: the most important is "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." To get to the first we must ascend the steps of the second: that means that through our love for our neighbor we can get to know God, who is love. Only through loving can we reach love." --- Pope Francis' homily at Mass at Casa Santa Marta, January 10, 2015

Holy Spirit Ministries
Faith In Action
"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40

*****CALL TO ACTION*****
Family Promise Metrowest guests' day room is in need of a lift with a fresh coat of paint and hoping to find someone among their talented pool of volunteers with professional experience to lead a group in this painting project. FPM is targeting the weekend of May 17, but have flexibility.

Please let FPM know if you could lead or assist with this project by contacting Judy Mongiardo, Network Coordinator at [email protected] or
508-318-4820 (office)
781-883-1643 (cell)


As has been our custom from the beginning, Holy Spirit donates 10% of our weekly collection to charity. Our members suggest local agencies or organizations that serve the poor and work for justice and equality. A huge thank you to all who contribute to make this ministry possible (and a success) each year! This past year we were delighted to send $100 to the following organizations:
  • WAGLY / OUTWest, working with local LBGT teens by providing a safe environment in which to socialize with other LGBT youth, and learn about the LGBT community
  • FAMILY PROMISE METROWEST, providing temporary housing, food, and interviewing skill for homeless families
  • BIRTHDAY WISHES, providing birthday parties for homeless children
  • BUDDY DOG HUMANE SOCIETY, a no-kill shelter for our four-legged friends
Holy Spirit members also volunteer at various programs throughout the year. FAMILY PROMISE Metrowest (FPM) is one of the organizations that we have been involved with for several years.

FPM ia a community response initiative for families that are homeless and Holy Spirit is a support congregation to our host church, Unitarian Universalist Society of Wellesley Hills. Through faith communities and countless community resources the organization is able to provide temporary shelter, meals, job networking, skills training, childcare and more throughout the year to help these families get back onto solid ground.

Public Witness

"We are called to act with justice.
We are called to love tenderly.
We are called to serve one another,
to walk humbly with God."

Boston Ministers' Rapid Response Team is an emerging network of Christian pastors committed to racial justice for all God's children in Boston. They strive to be a public witness to God's justice and peace. Currently, there are 91 ministers from many traditions.

As an outreach of our HS Justice and Peace ministry, Rev Rosa Buffone is now among the numbered pastoral ministers.

Greater Boston PFLAG is a group of parents, families, friends, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. The organization helps change attitudes and creates an environment of understanding so that our gay family members and friends can live with dignity and respect in a world that is safe and inclusive. They accomplish this through support, education, and advocacy.

In the gospel spirit of "all are welcome in this place", Holy Spirit is now listed on its website as an LGBTQ-friendly congregation in Massachusetts.

Relief for the People of Nepal

From Fr. Mike Bober, our CWS liason:

"The news is full of pictures of the earthquake that devastated communities in Nepal. If you or your community would like to offer assistance to the people of Nepal who have lost their homes to the earthquake, please consider sending donations to Church World Services. They have the proper organizational channels set up to make sure that your donations get to the people in need in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Church World Service was organzied after World War II to assist the millions of people whose communities were devastated by the war. At that time several communions determined that their resources could have a greater effect if they worked together rather than each one creating their own programs. That same efficiency is true today as CWS addresses the immediate needs of people following a disaster such as the earthquake in Nepal. CWS has also developed community building and refugee resettlement programs to help people in need.

The Ecumenical Catholic Communion has partnered with the 36 other faith communities who are members of Church World Service to address disasters around the world and here in the US.

If your community members wish to respond to this disaster and offer assistance to the people of Nepal, please send your donations to Church World Services, P.O. Box 968, Elkhart, IN 46515. Indicate that your donation is for disaster relief in Nepal. If you would like to donate on-line, just go to

Thank you for your generosity,

Fr. Mike Bober
Church World Service Liaison
Office of the Presiding Bishop
Ecumenical Catholic Communion


Intentional Eucharistic Communities Gathering 2015

Registration with meals: $175 from April 16 to June 1, then $200

- more than 30 sessions and speakers with leading visionaries including Sister Jeannine Gramick of New Ways Ministry; Fr. Michael Joncas, composer of liturgical music; Dolly Pomerleau cofounder of the Women's Ordination Conference; Marianne Duddy-Burke of DignityUSA


Jamie L. Manson received her Master of Divinity degree from Yale Divinity School, where she studied Catholic theology and sexual ethics. Her columns in NCR have won numerous awards, most recently second prize for Commentary of the Year from Religion Newswriters (RNA).

Robert McClory is professor emeritus of journalism at Northwestern University, and has contributed to NCR since 1974. He is the author of Radical Disciple: Father Pfleger, St. Sabina Church, and the Fight for Social Justice and As It Was in the Beginning: The Coming Democratization of the Catholic Church.

Miriam Therese Winter is Professor of Liturgy, Worship, Spirituality and Feminist Studies and Director of the Women's Leadership Institute. She came to Hartford Seminary to establish a department of liturgy, worship, and spirituality. She introduced ecumenical and cross-cultural emphases in theory and in practice, then developed feminist and multi-faith approaches that have culminated in a quantum perspective.

What to expect?

  • 250-500 people
  • venue at Concordia University
  • dorm, hotel, and homestay accommodations
  • three days: Friday thru Sunday
  • three topic tracks: theology, liturgy, and organization
  • special opportunities and incentives for youth
  • product fair (religious books, media, advocacy groups, merchandise, etc.)
  • preconference on social justice and action opportunities

Hosted by Spirit of St. Stephen's Catholic Community, Minneapolis MN

Download flyer

ECC Logo
Ecumenical Catholic Communion

Contact information for
ECC Administration & Office of Presiding Bishop

483 E Lockwood Ave., Ste. 3
St. Louis, MO 63119

Bp Francis Krebs, Presiding Bishop-Elect: [email protected]

Jenn Reyes Lay, OPB Administrator: [email protected]



Friday Evening, September 18, 2015, at 6:30 PM
At Eden Theological Seminary
St. Louis, MO 63119


Greetings, sisters and brothers!

I am happy to tell you that on Thursday, May 14, 2015 we will be having a "Virtual Happy Hour" with the Presiding Bishop Elect. This will be a news conference-type format exchange between myself and anyone who cares to join the conversation. We will be using the ECC conference line (712-432-0750; Code: 549473#) and will also be taking questions and comments through Facebook and Twitter. I hope you can join the conversation, Thursday, May 14 at 4 pm Pacific, 5 pm Mountain, 6 pm Central and 7 pm Eastern.

April has been a month full of transitions for many of our ECC parishes. Fr. Stan Manickam retired as pastor of Pax Christi in Denver, CO and the community chose Fr. Michael Nicosia, who was previously serving the community as associate pastor, to become the new pastor. A special mass of installation was celebrated on April 10, 2015. Fr. Don Rickard stepped down as pastor of Light of Christ in Longmont, CO with a special mass and celebration of thanksgiving and farewell the weekend of April 18-19th.

Also in April the community of All Souls in Reading, PA celebrated the installation of their new pastor Fr. Henry Pruski. Bishop Rick Hollingsworth celebrated the mass of installation with All Souls. And most recently on May 1st, 2015 with great joy we celebrated the ordination of Peter Militello to the permanent diaconate within the community of Mary Magdalene in Rochester, NY.

The Spirit is alive and at work in all these transitions as our communities grow and change, and we give thanks to God for all those who have pastored and continue to pastor communities of the ECC throughout the world!




OPENING REMARKS AT SYNOD 2014 by Bp. Peter Elder Hickman, ECC Presiding Bishop

Called Together: The Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion of 2014 written by Bp. Peter Elder Hickman, ECC Presiding Bishop

WOMEN PRIEST GATHER: Catholic Women Priests Exploring Our Common Roots & Call reflection by Rev. Denise Donato, co-organizer of the retreat.

The Ecumenical Catholic Communion at Ten Years: An Ancient Dream Realized written by Bp. Peter Elder Hickman, ECC Presiding Bishop

Chosen by All, A Pastoral Letter to the People of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion Concerning the Active Voice of All in the Selection of the Presiding Bishop

View ECC Documentary, recorded in 2003 (38 min.)

The Local Church, A Pastoral Letter from
Bp. Peter E. Hickman, April 4th, 2012

Directory of parishes in the United States

Directory of European Communities

Mary Mother of Jesus, Mary Mother of God
HS Facebook Photo Gallery
A picture is worth a thousand (or more) words! We are a joyful bunch and we have photos on Facebook to show it...liturgies, retreat, pot lucks, summer festivals, community events, Bp Peter's visits, Christmas Pageant, Mardi Gras and so much more! Take a look at our albums and bless us with your comments. Perhaps you'll even "Like" us!

Holy Spirit
Catholic Community
Worship Location:
Chapel at UUSWH
309 Washington St
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481

Mail Address:
PO Box 600459
Newtonville, MA 02460

Web Address & Email:
[email protected]

Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Wedding, Annointing of the Sick, Funeral, Other Blessings, Pastoral Counseling

Contact Rev Rosa Buffone
[email protected] Cell: 617-256-6308
Office: 857-334-7678

Looking Ahead and Around Town

Holy Spirit Catholic Community
Sixth Sunday of Easter

May 10, 2015 Mass at 5:00pm in the CHAPEL of the UU Church, 390 Washington Street, Wellesley Hills, MA

Holy Spirit Catholic Community
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Celebrating the Ascension

May 17, 2015 Mass at 5:00pm in the CHAPEL of the UU Church, 390 Washington Street, Wellesley Hills, MA

Holy Spirit Catholic Community

May 24, 2015 Mass at 5:00pm in the CHAPEL of the UU Church, 390 Washington Street, Wellesley Hills, MA

Holy Spirit Catholic Community
Community Celebration of 9th Anniversary
Presiding Bishop-Elect Francis Krebs visits

May 31, 2015 Mass at 5:00pm in the CHAPEL of the UU Church, 390 Washington Street, Wellesley Hills, MA
Prayerful Meditation

by J. Janda

Do not be afraid
I have shown you
how to live

I have shown you
how to pray
I have shown you
how to care
for your brothers
and sisters

why do you worry?

didn't I tell you
time and time again
you have a Father
who cares for you

who understand you

he knows all about you
he ever has the hairs of
your head numbered-


J. Janda's poems have appeared in newspapers, magazines, anthologies, and literary publications, as well as in books of his own poetry. The present poem comes from the Janda's book, IN EMBRACE

Pastor & HOP Delegate Rev Rosa M Buffone 617-256-6308 [email protected]
Office of President Mary Anne Buffone 857-334-7678 [email protected]
Office of Clerk & HOL Delegate Donna Bosco 857-334-7678 [email protected]
Office of Treasurer & HOL Delegate Sandra Rice 857-334-7678 [email protected]
Member, Steering Committee Roberta Robinson 857-334-7678 [email protected]