February 24, 2017
MAFP members are invited to become involved in the national conversation regarding health care policy -
MAFP President Bill Sturrock, MD and Pres-elect Patrick Connolly, MD are encouraging members to express their views and concerns regarding current legislative efforts to repeal/replace the Affordable Care Act to their national representatives.  We have been sharing our concerns with our senatorial delegation that any changes to health insurance reform refrain from depriving vulnerable populations from access to medical care. (see the recent report on our recent meeting with Senator Susan Collins- HERE

For members that would like to improve their skills at advocacy sign up to attend the MAFP Member Advocacy Training Day.  There's also Links to more resources below)

Deborah Halbach, MAFP Executive Director
MAFP Member Advocacy Training Day -
April 12 & 13, 2017
      If you are a MAFP Member Family Physician interested in Advocacy for your patients and our specialty of Family Medicine, but don't know where to begin - this FREE training day is for you!

The event is FREE - but you must
Pre-register by April 3rd.

More Information/Schedule/Registration- HERE
Above:Andrew MacLean JD (Maine Medical Association)
with Maine Legislative Update - 2013 Member Advocacy Training Day
AAFP Letters and Statements:
Sen Collins,Pat Connolly,Bill Sturrock,Deborah Halbach
Above:  Drs Sturrock, Connolly & Exec Director Deborah Halbach 
meet with Sen Susan Collins
AAFP Advocacy Resources - “Speak Out” - Your Voice Matters! 

Look up and contact your Congressional Delegation, Track Legislation, Meet Your Legislator and more!

Monitor Our Issues - Track and Discuss the Issues -  Learn about our principles of healthcare reform and keep up with federal and state legislation as developments occur.