Dear friends and colleagues of the Missouri Mid-South Conference,

            Today is our first day of ministry together in the Missouri Mid-South Conference! Woohoo! This is a day that many of us have been preparing for and praying about for many months and even years. Words cannot begin to describe how honored I was to receive your affirmation of our ministry together.

One of the memories I will cherish forever is the sound of all of us singing the doxology after you elected me as your next Conference Minister. I heard a harmony of voices and words that expressed our collective doxology. This is how we begin our ministry together - giving praise to the Holy One with our unique voices and theologies, which create a beautiful expression of music. Worship. Our ministry together reflects our worship of God's image created and lived within each of us as the Missouri Mid-South!

            As you read this on Tuesday morning, I am in Memphis. When I was interviewing with the search committee, they asked me what I planned to do on my first day if I were to become your Conference Minister. Rather than share my plans of unpacking my boxes in my new office or meeting with the MMS Conference Staff, I shared the first thought that came to my spirit (which even to me seemed a bit outside-of-the-box): I would visit the 3 UCC churches in Memphis. There's no better way to get to know all areas of the Missouri Mid-South Conference than to hit the ground running by visiting different churches and ministers in the conference. On behalf of all of you, I will bring a warm Missouri Mid-South greeting to our UCC churches in Memphis! Woohoo!

Now Here's Your Homework - Sing the Doxology Today!!!
            Today as you go about your work, ministry, and family life, I invite you to take a moment and celebrate our new ministry together in a special way. Whether you are in your car, at your desk, or in the grocery store line , I invite you to pause and sing your version of the doxology! As we all sing the doxologies with our own words and music, we will fill our first day of ministry with praise to God as the Missouri Mid-South Conference!
And Here's Your Bonus -
Record the Doxology and Post it on the Conference Facebook Page!
            If you are so inclined, I invite you to video your singing the doxology and post it to the Missouri Mid-South Conference Facebook page as a way to celebrate our special day together. Don't worry about the sound of your voice - it takes all of our different voices to reflect the image of God!

            Today we begin our ministry together as the Missouri Mid-South Conference. May our doxologies fill all of creation with our worship for God's Still Speaking Love!

Rev. Dr. Ginny Brown Daniel
Conference Minister