The History of Lent
All that a Christian does, even in eating and sleeping, is prayer, when it is done in simplicity according to the order of God, without either adding to or diminishing from it by his own choice. 
John Wesley

Oh! Simplicity! In researching the History of Lent, it feels much more complex than simple. This is a collection of simple facts from several articles (see list below) about Lent that seemed the most important.

The meaning of the word Lent:
From the Anglo-Saxon word lencten meaning “Spring”, and lenctentid, which literally means not only “Springtide” but also the word “March,” the month in which the majority of Lent falls.

In other languages the word for Lent implies ‘forty’: for example, Quaresima deriving from quaranta (forty) in Italian.

Lent also has another derivation from the Anglo-Saxon word meaning to ‘lengthen’. Lent comes at a time when the hours of daytime are ‘lengthening’ and so it is a time when we too can ‘lengthen’ spiritually, when we can stretch out and grow in the Spirit. Therefore, not placing too much emphasis upon our own efforts.

Lent’s Origin
Since the earliest times of the Church, there is evidence of some kind of Lenten preparation for Easter. In one passage, written by Eusebius who died in 339 AD, it is mentioned that since the time of “our forefathers” – always an expression for the apostles – a 40-day period of Lenten preparation existed.

Lent became more regularized after the legalization of Christianity in AD 313. The earliest mention of Lent in the history of the Church comes from the council of Nicaea 325 AD. 

By the end of the fourth century, one writer stated that we can safely conclude that the 40-day period of Easter preparation known as Lent existed, and that prayer and fasting constituted its primary spiritual exercises.

The Council of Nicaea in 325 and the Second Vatican Council (completed in 1965) may be seen as the two poles in the history of Lent: Nicaea acknowledged its existence while Vatican II confirmed its importance. 

Lent is ecumenical. At the time of the Council of Nicaea, the church was still united, East and West. The division of the Church into Catholics and Orthodox came about in the 11th century. Lent can be a reminder that despite the divisions, Christians are much more united than divided.

Prayer and Fasting
Fasting for religious purposes has always been thought of as a time to not be distracted from being present with God (prayer) by such things as food or other myriad of things that distract Jesus’ followers.

Pope St. Leo (d. 461) preached that during the time of Lent the most faithful must “fulfill with their fasts the Apostalic institution of 40 days,” noting again the apostolic origins of Lent. 

The number 40 has special significance regarding preparation throughout the Bible. For example, Mose’s days on Mount Sinai, the number of years the Israelites wandered in the desert, Elijah’s walk to Mount Horeb but most importantly Jesus’ time in the desert spent in prayer and fasting before beginning his public ministry.

Eventually, the practice prevailed of fasting for six days a week (not on Sundays) over the course of six weeks, and Ash Wednesday was instituted to bring the number of fast days before Easter to 40.

The rules of fasting varied and evolved over the years. Initially, Lenten fasts tended to be very strict allowing one meal a day, with meat, eggs and other indulgences forbidden. Our present practices of Lenten observances are merely suggested, simpler and easier. People are still encouraged to fast or “give up something” for Lent as a sacrifice.

The Purpose of Lent
Norman Tanner writes that the practices of Lent help us to follow in the footsteps of centuries of Christians who spent time preparing to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Specifically, Lent helps us relive more directly Christ’s forty days in the desert, giving Christians appropriate time for quiet, prayer and purification. The last week, Holy Week, was more a time to focus on the last days of Christ’s life on earth, followed by his resurrection.

Rev. William Saunders states, “Although the practices may have evolved over the centuries, the focus remains the same: to repent of sin, to renew our faith and to prepare to celebrate joyfully the mysteries of our salvation.”

One writer talked about the recalling of our baptism or preparing for it, as in the case of confirmands, and penance were especially characteristic of Lent. Baptism is a ritual that reminds us of our own death to self and rising to new-life in Christ. 

A twofold dimension of Lent – joy and preparation – is elaborated in the Second Vatican Council’s decree.

Wesley on Lent
The Church of England, from which Wesley never separated, did and still does observe Lent.

Wesley was familiar with the practices of Lent although he does not mention Lent directly. He addresses the issue of fasting and was a regular participant in this practice two days a week.

It was noted that even though he may have followed the lectionary during Lent, there is some indication that Wesley saw Lent as potentially harmful and the reason why he removed it entirely from his edition of the Book of Common Prayer sent to the North American Methodists.

John Wesley omitted Ash Wednesday and Lent and most holy days from his liturgical calendar. When asked why, Wesley said, “there is no valuable end” to such observances. However, Vatican II sparked a liturgical renewal (the recovery of ancient worship practices) in both Catholic and Protestant churches. This led to a recovered understanding and return to Lenten practices. 

In his book Wondrous Encounters: Scripture for Lent, Richard Rohr shares this definition that may help enhance a more simplified and personal understanding of Lent. “Lent is just magnified and intensified life. Lent is about transformation. What always and finally matters for all of us is the Encounter itself.”

Saunders, Rev. William. “History of Lent.” Arlington Catholic Herald
Norman Tanner SJ. “A Short History of Lent.” Thinking Faith
John Drury. John Wesley and the Shaping of Liturgical Time.
Taylor Burton-Edwards. Liturgy Man: Why John Wesley omitted Ash Wednesday from his liturgical calendar.
Richard Rohr OFM. Wondrous Encounters: Scripture For Lent
Outside The Walls
"This year during the Lenten season we're focusing on some of the sermons of John Wesley"
Central United Methodist Church

Holy Week, 2018
As we journey through the season of Lent, our focus is ultimately on Easter Sunday (April 1). The week preceding Easter is known as Holy Week, and several worship services will help us feel and appreciate the last week of Jesus’ life.

Palm Sunday
The last Sunday before Easter is known as Palm Sunday. This Sunday retells the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem before the events of Holy Week unfolded. The first half of this Sunday’s service will focus on the palms, while the second half of the service will tell the story of the events of the second half of the week: the Last Supper, the arrest, the trial, and Jesus’ death.  

*Please note, because Easter falls on the first Sunday of April, we are moving Holy Communion to Palm Sunday to coincide with a commemoration of the Last Supper.  

Holy Thursday
Of all of our worship services over the year, our Holy Thursday service is the one that changes the most. Over the years we have done a little of everything for this service. This year’s celebration of Jesus’ last meal with the disciples, will invite us into a series of “scenes” that finish the sentence, “I see grace because…” This service will begin at 7:00pm in the Life Center. Wonderful music will help frame each scene throughout this worship service.  

Good Friday
The story of Jesus’ crucifixion and death is told on Good Friday. Our service at 7:00pm in the sanctuary features readings from the Gospels that focus on Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, trial, Passion, and death. Over the course of the evening the service becomes darker and darker as the lights that are lit at the beginning of worship are extinguished. The musical selections featured in the Good Friday service always add another layer of texture to the experience.  

Great Getting Up Morning
Our annual Saturday night worship service with Fellowship Baptist Church is scheduled for March 31. As always, this evening features amazing music from Central’s choir and Fellowship’s choir, along with some great jazz. Please join us at 7:00pm.  
Inside The Walls
2018-2019 COMMITTEES

Lay Leader Jim Sumner
Treasurer Karl Jarvis
Annual Conference Denise Dockendorff, Nadia Dockendorff, Jim Sumner

Governance Team
George Faulhaber - Chair; Don Link - VP Chair, Jim Dines, Glenn Small, Sandy Garcia, John Kees, Virginia Nymeyer, Maxine Todd, Del Calhoun, Nadia Dockendorff, Sue Ellsworth, Suzanne Lawson, Clergy representative

Jean Hawk - Chair, Denise Dockendorff, Berry Jo Nye, Larry Wills, Raymond Irwin, Angus Jordan, George Meineke, Jim Stephens, Debbie Tixier, Clergy representative

Ken McVey - Chair, Claudia Ryan, Martha Bedeaux, Robin Harder, Sandy Roberts, Peggy Murtagh, Bob Waldman, Pat Wilkins, Clergy representative

Maurice Ikle - Chair, Steve Gough, Cathy Swain, Scott Everett, Kyle Harder, Joan Sheets, John Brooks, Rob Lasater, Eric Lawson, Clergy representative

Nominations and Leadership Development
Scott Sharp - Chair, Donna Faulhaber, Jim Hering, Ken McVey, Jean Hawk, Janice Honeycutt-Hering, Maurice Ikle, Clergy representative

Compass Points
Janice Honeycutt-Hering - Chair, Betty Jo Nye, Ed Vigil, Nadia Dockendorff, Judy Williams, Sabrina Carrillo, Kristen Dockendorff, Marc Davidson, Ellen Skrak, Clergy representative
Compass Points – Janice Honeycutt-Hering
Compass Points is charged to evaluate and discern current and future programing and outreach for the church. If you are familiar with the old vernacular, we are the Council of Ministries. We also oversee the Hanna funds as they are designated for program purposes.

This year our focus is on how the programs and ministries of CUMC help us be better disciples. It is our charge to make disciples. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus charges us to “Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of Father, Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the end of time.” 

How many of you are complete in your journey with Christ?

Are you as full of a disciple as you can be? If we use the concepts of worship, scripture, prayer, serving, tithing, community or small group, witnessing and sabbath, are you as far as you can go in each area? 

Are you having the same spiritual year again and again, or do you take the next step and find that there is movement in your spiritual journey?

Is Central United Methodist Church the same church as it was 5, 10, 50 or 100 years ago? Do we really want it to be?

Each of us is in a different place in our spiritual journey. Some of us are taking the first step. Some of us are taking the 50th step. Some of us, while on the 50th step, are not on the same 50th step as our counterparts. Some of us have incredibly strong prayer lives, but don’t observe a Sabbath; some of us tithe, but don’t have the prayer life we would like to have.  

We are never done; while we are alive, we never reach the end of the journey.  

The Compass Points committee is working on a way that EACH of us can take the next step in our journey as disciples of Christ regardless of what steps we have already taken, what steps we have avoided or didn’t even think about, and whether we have taken any steps at all. And this will tie to the programs we have in place or may need to add. We want to make sure there are opportunities for each of us to take another step in our lives with Christ, whatever it may need to be.  

I encourage you to think about ONE thing you can do differently this year. Is it joining a small group? Increasing your giving? Being more intentional in your prayer life? Pick ONE. Make a commitment to yourself, to God, and if you need an accountability partner, reach out to someone you can trust, or someone you would like to bring along with you.  

What is that one thing that you can do this year so you are living more like a disciple than you did last year?  

While you work on that, I ask for prayers for the team as they work through this process and bring more detail to you through the year.  

Compass Points meets the first Sunday of every month. If you would like for an issue to be considered by this committee, please submit your idea to Janice or Pastor Kelly no later than one week before their meeting. If more information is needed, one of them will contact you. This information should be sent to [email protected] and [email protected].
Our Church Family
• January 21 Jack McComas
• January 28 Parker Stevenson
Who Is?
Television Ministry

Television - a word that needs no introduction in today's world. It's that place where we can get our 'one stop' fake/non-fake news; where we "participate" in the life of our family and friends of choice (Modern Family, This is Us, Madam Secretary...); where we celebrate or mourn the outcome of Olympic efforts; where we're shown how to cook, remodel a house; 
and the list goes on and on! There is no doubt, for better or worse depending on your viewpoint, television has a powerful voice.

Ministry - a word that is not so visible in our culture, but one that holds a rich, powerful impact for those involved. It is an activity carried out by Christians to express or spread the Gospel - an activity Jesus commissioned all Christians to participate in. It is intentional, organized to some degree and done through the power of the Holy Spirit. It takes focus, training, time, commitment and faith to engage in ministry activities. The results are sometimes obvious, sometimes not; but the blessing is in the doing, not the results. We are called to be stewards of our gifts - God will use them as He will.

This brings us to Central's TV Ministry - television in all sense of the word and a ministry by every definition of the word. Central is doubly blessed with both individuals of focus, talent dedication, a faithful heart for service and the only production studio among NM Methodist churches. You'll perhaps notice one thing needed for full success in ministry - time - is missing from this description. The TV Ministry is functioning with a staff of 10, down from its height of 25. 

This means that some events that could and probably should be televised aren't, simply because of lack of humans to do the job. Those dedicated individuals that are available to do all of the necessary jobs are:  
David Bibeau director, camera, tape/ timing
James Brockway camera
John Denslow camera, audio, scheduling
Max Hayes everything
Grace Hsu camera
Eric Lawson camera
Jeffery Micono camera
Jeremiah Murray camera
Judy Nickell camera
Bill Noel director
Phil Reeves audio, director, tape/timing/graphics, editor, camera, program upload, delivery to TV station
It's a complicated process to coordinate all of the functions that go into a finished tape. As you can see from the above, the jobs are varied and many - requiring individual focus and expertise and group cooperation to get everything where it needs to be when it needs to be there. Not simple jobs, but according to those who do them, a rewarding and educational experience. James enthuses "It's a perfect job for anyone wanting to learn the skills of audio and video work. It would make a great introduction into the field for a young person (of any age). We would provide excellent on-the-job training to anyone interested." 

"How can people call for help if they don't know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven't heard of the One who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them? And how is anyone going to tell them unless someone is sent to do it?" The Message translation of Romans 10:14 describes the ministry of this group. They are called and they answered that call and continue to answer it week by week - since 1979. Central has at least forty individuals/families that are no longer able to attend Church, but have no less interest in and need for God's message as it is given through our church. This does not take into account individuals who are ill or hospitalized or out of town - or the 100,000 potential customers in the KAZQ Channel 32 (Channel 22 on Comcast) broadcast area. Many of the members of CUMC that count on this ministry are the ones who served as pillars of support for the church for years - every committee, every leadership position, every giving opportunity - a long list of "good and faithful servants".  

There is fascinating fact about wolf packs in nature. The oldest and weakest members of the pack are placed in the front of the pack - followed by the younger, stronger ones who provide protection. God built this instinctive behavior of honoring and caring for the elders into the behavior of these animals - we have a choice to mirror this care and concern among ourselves - and the TV Ministry is one very obvious, vital means of doing this.

A conversation among Phil, Max, John and James reveal dreams for the Ministry beyond the excellent work they already do. At the same time they are focused on the immediacy of their work, they imagine what more they could accomplish - with the facilities they have at their disposal and more volunteers. These imaginings include:
• filming special events at Central - Great Gettin Up Mornin, Christmas Eve Services
• helping to create and film special events in the underused Life Center
• taping conference messages for general decimation - the Bishop's quarterly letter for example
• training IT departments of Charter Schools

The ideas are really limitless - what an opportunity to creatively respond to God's call to go and involve and teach! It's a call that has been issued - it's an opportunity to answer and learn and experience - it's perhaps the call you've been waiting, looking for. All you need to do is say, "Yes!"

If interested in more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Phil Reeves [email protected]
Adult Ministries
Lenten study groups
  • Rev. Kelly Brooks  Wednesdays, 11:00
Starbucks at Lomas and Washington
Pastor Kelly structures this weekly study based on the upcoming Sunday scripture that will be used in worship. It's a marvelous way to be in community with like minds and have the opportunity to enrich your upcoming worship experience by deeper understanding of a particular scripture. The group has asked Kelly to continue this experience beyond Easter and she has willingly agreed to its continuation. The topic will be determined later. You are more than welcome to join this study at any time.

  • Rev. Scott Sharp  Thursdays, 6:00
Church conference room

Bible Studies
  • Monday Night Bible Study
George and Donna Faulhaber  6:30 - 8:00, Room 311
If you want to dig deep into God's Word - the history and events and how they speak to the life you're living in today's world; if you ever wonder what these 2000+ year old words actually have to teach you as a disciple; if you ever have trouble discerning God's will in a particular situation - then please join us. These are the issues we deal with every Monday night - using only the Bible as our benchmark. We sometimes find our answer, we sometimes don't; but we faithfully search and pray, knowing that we're looking in the right place - searching God's word in the presence of a caring, supportive, curious group of fellow believers.  
Our studies have included the books of John, Genesis, Revelation, Romans; the Holy Spirit and Jesus' 'Red Words'. We're currently searching the Book of Acts - the foundations of the Christian Church as it was meant to be. You're more than welcome to join us in God's Word.

  • WOW - Women of the Word
Wednesdays 9:30-11:30
We are a group of women who meet weekly for fellowship, food and study. Out topics are chosen by consensus of the group and vary from the Bible itself to a spiritual book, a video study or a stand-alone topic. We take turns facilitating the weekly study and are currently studying What Makes a Hero? by Matt Rawle, a book about how Jesus redefines what it means to be a hero. Please feel free to join us; you are always welcome to enjoy learning in fellowship with us.
Service Ministries
Helping Hands
On Friday mornings I usually sit at a table in the area next to the Family Life Center for an hour. I may not look it, but I am another woman at the well. This well gives living water that is both physical and spiritual to the homeless of our community. The physical “water” I dispense meets daily needs: a day bus pass that is useful for transport to agencies offering other services, medical appointments, and jobs. The Helping Hands room provides temporary respite when it is too hot or cold to be on the streets. We also provide toiletries, socks, hats, gloves, and other donated items of clothing and cat and dog food. We are frequently asked for nail clippers, needle and thread, underwear, and toilet paper. Can you imagine?

Our clients line up early at the doors, then are given a number, and must pass a breathalyzer test before entering our building. We treat them with love and respect remembering that Jesus said in Matt 25:24, “whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me.”

Our brother and sisters enter being reasonably assured of one hour of security. They may use the phone and the restrooms, and sit at tables drinking the coffee Gary makes for them. Our director Cynthia Kaiser rounds up all sorts of donated and rescued foods and milk. Ruth Pirttinen brings bananas and makes peanut butter sandwiches. Mesa View UMC recently provided for an oatmeal breakfast bar. We are dependent on the generosity of many. On Fridays George Faulhaber offers a Bible class.

Once a young couple came in and told how they had come by Greyhound to find her mother, arrived late and couldn’t find her. It was cold and they had no money so they spent the night in the hospital waiting room where someone told them to come to CUMC in the morning for help. They were so frightened. We gave them what we had and information for other services. I wish I knew what happened to them.

We ask for each client’s first name so we can greet them personally, ask how we can help them, and ask for prayer requests. Humbled even more, I record their requests which are then passed to Marilyn Ortman who is the Steven’s Ministry Prayer Warrior or to Pastor Kelly. I write down their requests for their children and families, for health, for jobs, for housing, and for victims of violence and the flu. They ask for prayers for conflict resolution and for our nation. They also include prayers for us as a whole and individually. Prayers of praise for Cynthia’s weight loss which gives her better health, for Maria and her beloved dog, and for peace for Dodie Hawkins at the death of her daughter, Paula, who also served at Helping Hands. There are many prayers for Jeannie Jurgensen that her meds will stabilize her health. She is so missed in this program.

One man was adamant that I write down his prayer request exactly as he stated it. The prayer was for his mother’s irregular heart beat and labored breathing. He explained that prayers from this church are answered! He had requested prayers for a job and that week he got a job offer … in Lovington. The next week he asked for a job in Albuquerque and then got it. Let this be a lesson to all of us, let your prayers be specific!

The spiritual water of this well is more often what we receive. Once again, I am humbled regularly. A man came in with really cold hands but we were out of gloves so I offered him a pair of socks for his hands. A client behind him in line was wearing double gloves and gave him one of his pairs. A man was talking to me about jewelry and I told him that I appreciated his knowledge. He said, “You know, we all have stories before this [homelessness].” 

I have shared tears. I have had my hands held tightly. I have had my ears talked off. I have had feet-dangling hugs. Sometimes clients are silent or speak little English, but most often they express gratitude. “God bless you and your church” is heard frequently. Please tell your church thank you. And so, Church, know you are thanked.

P.S. I haven’t named all those who work in this ministry and worry that you might think that there are enough involved. We always need more people on Wednesday and Friday and would like to open this ministry on Monday but do not have enough people to do that. Please prayerfully consider if this ministry could fit into your schedule. Set up is at 8:30 and clean up takes a short time after closing at 10. And, please continue to support this program with prayers and donations.
United Methodist Women
"The Earth is the Lord's, and everything in it the world and all who live in it."
Psalm 24:1
"For John Wesley, the clearest characterization of human beings in relationship to God is that of steward......The steward uses what is in the steward's charge as the owner pleases."
Sanford Coons

The combination of a faithful Christian with 'eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to understand' and the action of the Holy Spirit always equals a marvelous work! Such is the case with the New Mexico United Methodist Women's' stand and action on Creation Care. The impetus of this work lies with Dodie Hawkins. When UMW selected Creation Care for a Mission U study in 2015, Dodie jumped at the chance to become informed on a topic on which she knew very little. After a year of reading and training she taught the class in the Summer of 2016 at Sacrament Methodist Assembly. One of her readings was God's Renewed Creating: Call to Hope and Action, 2009 - a Pastoral Letter of the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church. Intrigued by the nine pledges in the Letter, she met with our Conference Bishop to see what progress had been made in our Conference. Discouraged by Conference inaction, she was advised that the best way to bring Creation Care to the foreground was to submit a resolution to Annual Conference.  

Unable to get the support of a conference Committee, Dodie wrote the Resolution herself and received immediate support from the New Mexico Conference United Methodist Women. The Resolution consisted of three issues:
All Churches in the NM Conference shall be encouraged to:
  • conduct an energy audit and act on the findings
  • form a Church Green Team
  • become a styrofoam-free Church
The Resolution passed the 2017 Conference. All three of these issues have come to fruition at CUMC, thanks to our Board of Trustees and the members of UMW

Dodie waited for Conference action on the resolution and seeing none, made an appointment with Provost Randall Partin. After discovering that there had been no Conference Committee assigned to carry out the resolution, Dodie committed the UMW to head the project. Information packets were sent to each of the 140 churchs in the Conference showing them how to execute the steps of the resolution. In February a follow up postcard was sent asking about progress and offering any needed assistance.

Future Annual Conference plans for this Creation Care arm of the UMW include reporting the results of this follow-up letter, a display brimming with information about creation care and introduction of another resolution. Dodie stresses two points: the entire process with the Conference has been completely transparent and mutually supportive and the issue is completely non-political; it is a moral issue, not a political one. Any political involvement is absolutely the personal decision of each individual. Dodie, however, does not rule out a Women's March supporting Creation Care! 

Never underestimate the power of an 'on fire' Christian guided by the Holy Spirit and the corporate influence of a group of engaged women - Creation Care is a fact in our Conference! 

Prepared by the New Mexico Conference United Methodist Women

These are available in the church office. They serve as a daily Lenten reminder to help us all become more aware how the choices we make about how we live our lives impact our world............remove one light bulb from a light in your home.......create a paper-free kitchen.................put out some bird food...................40 ways you can become a better steward of God's creation. Please get a copy and demonstrate to yourself how small changes add up to a huge difference.
What Can You Do?
(Change begins with Small Steps)
February 28, 2018 Lowell Food Bank
·     Total Families Served: 53 (10 new & 43 existing families)
·     Total Adults: 104 (19 new & 85 existing adults)
·     Total Children: 108 (19 new & 89 existing children)
·     Total Seniors age 65 years plus: 9 (0 new & 9 existing seniors)
·     Total Volunteers (not all from CUMC): 21volunteers
MORE Ways to Support Your Pastor’s Well-Being – excerpts from Wespath (

Following are some of the suggestions from the “50 Ways to Support Your Pastor’s Well-Being” that the Pastor/Staff/Parish Relations Committee and the congregation can use to support their pastor’s health and well-being in all of its dimensions – physical, emotional, spiritual, social and financial – and thereby also support the mission and ministry of the congregation.

Physical Dimension
Encourage the pastor to care for his/her physical health by resting when overworked and not working when ill.

Emotional Dimension
Discuss any conflicts or disagreements first with the pastor directly and confidentially, giving him/her the benefit of the doubt and seeking reconciliation. Encourage others to do the same.

Spiritual Dimension
Recognize that the pastor is also a Christian on a spiritual journey and will not have “all the answers”.

Social Dimension
Avoid scheduling church meetings or activities requiring the pastor’s presence more than two nights a week.

Financial Dimension
Budget adequate funds to cover the costs of the pastor’s continuing education, as required by The Book of Discipline.
Watch For More Details
Wesleyan Heritage Tour 2018
"Would you like to experience the history of the Methodist Church and the Wesley Family in a different way? Please join Pastor Scott and Pastor Kelly on a journey of a lifetime - The Wesley Heritage Tour"
In May, Central is embarking on a 10-day trip to England to experience the historic birthplace of John Wesley, and what would become the Methodist movement. This trip will be an exciting and faith-growing adventure.
For more information and registration materials, please contact Pastor Kelly at [email protected]
Communications Team Information
Do you want anything in the April Newsletter?
Deadline for the April edition is March 21, 2018
Any questions, please ask the Communications Team. 
Contact information is at the end of this newsletter.

Visit the Welcome Desk in the gathering area for: answers to your questions from a member of the governance team, printed copies of the newsletter (also, in the Narthex), and other written information. Classes and ministries consider placing informational flyers for a study or event at the desk. Connect cards are available at the desk and in the pews to update your contact information for the church and so we can email the newsletter to you.

Phone #: (505) 268-1009 [Briggs Family]

Co-Chairs: Chris Briggs & Pat Briggs

Current Team Members:
Donna Faulhaber, Barbara Fuller, Jesus Valdez,
Rev. Scott Sharp, Rev. Kelly Brooks