Inside This Edition>>>
  • Stewardship – What does that mean to church leaders and committee chairs? To church members?
  • Remember Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday November 5.
  • Would you like something in the newsletter? The deadline for the December and January editions is Tuesday November 14, 2017.
Catalytic Generosity: Trusting God with our gifts and talents
The fifth and last Mission Value in our Vision Pathway is Catalytic Generosity.

Catalytic (adj) – causing a change – facilitating reaction or change.

Generosity (n) – the quality of being kind and generous – openhandedness, free handedness, unselfishness.

There are so many recent examples of Catalytic Generosity lately in the news – from help for people in Texas, Mexico, Florida and beyond. In our own congregation, we responded generously with donations to the youth to gather supplies for people in Houston after the devastation of Harvey and to pay for uniforms for Lowell Elementary students. These simple gifts can make profound changes in the lives of the receivers.

Of course, the most profound example of Catalytic Generosity for us as Christians comes from the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. He gave his very life for us and it is at the cross we learn of God’s unconditional love and grace and mercy. When we come to realize what that really means for us in our lives, and humbly accept it, we are forever changed. 
  • Gone is the need to earn love. 
  • Gone is the need to feel guilt and shame over our past. 
  • Gone is the need to worry about our future. 
We can stand right now in the warmth and presence and freedom of God’s love and truly live. That is life changing.

In John 1:16 we read, “From God’s abundance, from the fullness of His grace, we have all received one gracious blessing after another.” We need to remember that it is out of God’s abundance that we can be catalytically generous, but we must first catalytically receive His unconditional love, grace and mercy.
Outside The Walls
Rev. Scott Sharp
"The Possessor of heaven and earth brought you into bring and placed you in this world; he placed you here not as a proprietor, but as a steward. As such He entrusted you, for a season, with goods of various kinds; but the sole property of these still rests in and cannot be alienated from Him. As you yourself are not your own but His, such is all that you enjoy; such is your soul, your body and your substance in particular - not your own, but God's. He has told you, in the most clear and express terms, how you are to employ it for Him in such a manner that it may be all a holy sacrifice, acceptable through Christ Jesus. This light, easy service He has promised to reward with an eternal weight of glory."

Inside The Walls
Governance Team
As we look forward into this month of November it seems to be one of the more important months of the year. We will kick off our Stewardship Campaign and hold our Church Conference on November 13th at 6PM. While we look at these two events as being separate, it is actually the combination of the two that will provide the resources necessary to achieve our goals for Central throughout 2018. Without your prayers, your gifts, your service, Central will not be able to stay the course we will set at our Church Conference meeting. 

As the Finance Committee initiates the fundraising campaign and our Nominations Committee seeks to fill our various committees with members who will take on the responsibilities of achieving our goals and reaching our destination for 2018, I ask that we each consider the following:

Christian Stewardship is our commitment to the giving of our time, talents, and material possessions. These are a trust from God to be used in His name for the benefit of all mankind. Stewardship is being a responsible and concerned caretaker of our church. It is also learning how to enjoy church life and being made happy in church work.

Stewardship is the caring for the needs of one another.

Stewardship is being devoted and totally committed to serve God and His Church morally, spiritually, physically, and financially as an individual and collectively as a body of Christ.

I pray that you will answer the call to service from the Nominations Committee. I pray that you will seek opportunities to volunteer for our service Ministries. I pray that you will be led by your heart as you consider your financial gifts for 2018.

I look forward to seeing you at our Church Conference,
Church Conference
Please mark your calendar for this year’s Church Conference which will be held on Monday, November 13 at 6:00pm. The church Conference is our annual meeting wherein a number of important decisions are voted on by the church. The Albuquerque District Superintendent, Rev. James Large, will conduct the meeting.
What the Church Provides, What the Church Needs …
A Church Thanksgiving Potluck and Stewardship Celebration
will be hosted by the Finance Committee to celebrate!

The celebration will be after church on Sunday, November 19, 2017
Provided will be the main course : Turkey, mashed potatoes and Gravy.
The potluck contributions for this celebration will generally be assigned as
Last name starting in:

A – J : Salads; J – S : Vegetables; T - Z : Desserts

If any questions please contact Rev Kelly Brooks
GOVERNANCE George Faulhaber
TRUSTEES Maurice Ikle


In order to more fully outline the responsibilities of the various advisory members, the Newsletter will include an ongoing in-depth look at each of the committees.
According to the Book of Discipline, each church shall elect a lay leader with various responsibilities including:
  • fostering awareness of the role of the laity;
  • meeting regularly with the pastors to discuss the state of the church and needs for ministry;
  • membership in the charge conference and church council; member of Finance, Nominations and SPRC Committees  
Central has, in the person of Jim Sumner, an individual eminently qualified to fulfill this position. Jim is a long time member of Central, with an equally long history of involvement. His vision of his position is really quite simple and equally as effective - "Here I am for you." He states that, "You act on what you hear." In line with that he listens all the time - to direct questions and concerns, in committee meetings, in various groups in the Church. He takes what he hears and interacts with our pastors, mediating between the congregation and the ministerial staff. His focus is always toward positive change and perspective.

The discipline has provided a means for the congregation to make their feelings known to the leaders of CUMC; Jim provides an open, respectful, eager dimension to this process. Jim will continue as Lay Leader in 2018. He plans to go to Sunday School classes and introduce both himself and his role to those who might not be aware. Jim interacts with committee chairpersons, the staff and the pastors - if you feel a need to make yourself heard, visiting with him is a pleasant, effective way to do just that -  take advantage of it!
by Ellen Thorne Skrak
I was asked to write about stewardship, defined as “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” Our church is careful and responsible in managing the funds entrusted to our care. Most of our money is invested in the Texas Methodist Foundation’s (TMF) Balanced Portfolio. TMF is a Texas non-profit corporation which was formed in 1938. In April 2014, TMF joined with the New Mexico Conference Methodist Foundation and now serves United Methodist Churches and related institutions in six conferences in Texas and New Mexico. The Book of Discipline contemplates that churches will avoid investments which are likely to support racial discrimination, violation of human rights, sweatshop or forced labor, gambling, production of nuclear armaments, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or pornography. TMF has a policy regarding socially responsible investing which seeks to avoid direct investments in these areas. 
TMF uses Wespath Investment Management as its investment advisor. Wespath is the investment management division of the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of the United Methodist Church, which was founded in 1908. Wespath assisted with the development of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment; it is deeply committed to socially responsible investing. It manages some $20 billion in assets.  
TMF does not receive fees or commissions, but it does receive expense reimbursements intended to cover its direct costs of administration and its indirect overhead costs. Wespath receives management and other fees. 
TMF and Wespath investments are not risk-free. They are not FDIC insured. There is always a risk of adverse changes in national or global markets. The investments are largely unsecured. There is no minimum interest rate or rate of return. That said, we have done very well with our investments in the TMF Balanced Portfolio, which is a moderately conservative portfolio. The portfolio has five components:  

1. Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (40%)
This fund is comprised of a diversity of U.S. stocks – 40% large cap, 32% mid-cap, 14% small cap, 8% private equity and private real estate – and 5% unassigned/cash. Some thirty asset managers are used. Among the largest holdings are Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, PepsiCo, Home Depot, United Health Group, General Electric, and JP Morgan Chase.  

2. Wespath International Equity Fund (25%)
This fund is composed of a diversity of foreign stocks – large cap (39%), mid-cap (30%), small cap (28%) – and 3% equitized cash. Fifteen asset managers are used. Twenty-nine percent of the stocks are European; 29% are from emerging markets, 14% are from Japan, and 12% are from the United Kingdom. The top holdings include Samsung, Prudential, and Nestle. 

3. Wespath Fixed Income Funds (18%)
This fund is composed of a diversity of fixed income instruments – 25% U.S. corporate bonds, 4% non-corporate bonds, 13% U.S. Treasury bonds, 11% non-U.S. government bonds, etc. There are ten asset managers for this fund.  

4. Wespath Inflation Protection Fund (7%)
This fund holds a combination of U.S. and foreign fixed income securities. It also invests in commodity futures contracts and holds senior secured loans. There are eight investment managers for this fund.  

5. TMF Methodist Loan Portfolio (10%)
The Methodist Loan Fund invests in loans made to United Methodist churches and organizations in the annual conferences of Texas and New Mexico. More than 98% of the loans are backed by real estate liens.  

Our church is blessed to have an abundance of assets, which are being well managed by TMF.  

The SPRC is routinely responsible for the care and support of the clergy and staff entrusted to the church ... the function of its stewardship. The SPRC's resource responsibility includes assisting these persons to achieve their personal and professional goals and the goals of Central as well. In addition, the committee reviews and approves all job descriptions, policies and procedures related to church employees. The committee is also responsible for the appropriate stewardship of the church's budgetary resources by recommending clergy and staff salaries based on job description and job performance.
The CUMC Board of Trustees provides stewardship by overseeing, maintaining and supervising church property, equipment and investments. As part of this stewardship the Trustees conduct annual inventories of all real property and equipment; ensures that funds of the congregation are invested properly; maintains the church's facilities in a safe, secure and welcoming manner that is accessible to persons with disabilities; executes contracts; develops guidelines for receiving and managing investments given to the church; conducts energy audits and assessments; and maintains adequate insurance coverage.

To belong to our congregation is to be a steward. Some may say that 'stewardship' is just a polite way of referring to financial giving to the church. But it is far more than that. When we take our membership vows, we pledge to "faithfully participate in the church's ministries by my prayers, my presence, my gifts, my service and my witness." The foundation of stewardship is from Psalm 24:1; "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it."

Out of gratitude for God's gifts to us, we are called to share with others. 
We do nothing to earn the hours, days, weeks of our lives; time is a gift of God. As Christian stewards we try to manage time wisely and in a balanced way. We give our time gladly to family and friends, to strangers, to the community, the church and ourselves.  
We've each received from God distinctive gifts and talents. As stewards, we acknowledge the gifts we have without apology. We develop them further, practicing new skills and putting our talents to work in ministry.
WE may think that our financial resources are our own. But the time, the energy, the good health and employment opportunities behind our dollars are all gifts from God. We are the stewards of our financial resources; God is the owner. So questions about what we earn, how we earn it, how we save, spend and give it away, are all questions of Christian stewardship.

The committees of Central are intentional about their individual applications of stewardship.
They have each been entrusted with responsibilities and carefully apply 
stewardship to all of their decisions.

In the Finance Committee, Stewardship is the object which is instigated by the result of gifts. It is the process to remind folks that our outreach and functioning of the church is all about their commitment and generosity. Stewardship is about our dedication to God our relationship to Jesus Christ, and the relationship we have with the church and its mission. It is our plan and vision for getting ahead.
Ken McVey

Through the office of Treasurer, Stewardship is implemented by the "careful and responsible...."
Our Church Family
Veterans Day is celebrated nationwide on November 11 as a celebration honoring America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice.
"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
Elmer Davis
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is 
not to utter words, but to live by them."
John Kennedy
"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. 
 When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain
"Courage is almost a contradiction in terms.  
It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die."
G.K. Chesterton
"In war, there are no unwounded soldiers."
Jose Narosky
Central is blessed to have among its congregation men and women who are living examples of these expressions of the willingness of some to put greater good above personal good. Please take the time to express your appreciation to them.
United States Army
Jim Sumner
George Faulhaber
BJ James
Tom Taylor
Richard Nelson

United States Coast Guard
Bill Ortman

United States Marine Corps
Roy Bedeaux
Brian Rutherford
United States Air Force
Byfield Gordon
Mel Legg
Angus Jordan
Ann Hickman
Marion Jordan
Jeanne Dailey
Rob Lasater

United States Navy
Roger Rasley
Art Hawkins
Roger Hatlestad
If we have inadvertently left off the name of anyone, we apologize. It was certainly not our intent.  Please let us know and we'll rectify the situation in our December newsletter.
There are many that primarily think in terms of stewardship as our financial giving. While that is certainly part of the equation for the Roberts' there is much more. Stewardship is also service, both within and beyond the four walls of the church. Service comes in many forms. It may offer us opportunities to be fed spiritually while supplying strength for the journey and the possibilities of where we might become involved in the mission and ministries of the organized church, our communities and beyond. 
The "Stewardship Opportunities" have always been endless at Central. However, we continue to struggle and seek out ways of being "good stewards" of not only our finances, but our time and energy. We are privileged to participate through the work of the Title 1 Weekend Snack Bags for high school aged youth, the outreach of UMCOR, the caring and concern of our Sunday School Class, the Thrift Shop, the Central United Methodist Foundation, United Methodist Women and Men, and a multitude of other activities and opportunities.
Stewardship for the Roberts hopefully will ultimately allow us to continue as multi-faceted contributing members of this community of faith, our families and our greater community.  

It's not possible to repay God for all the many blessings He has bestowed on us, but we can show considerable appreciation making a generous contribution to the Church Stewardship Campaign. Our time is another resource we willingly donate to Central's many worthwhile programs. It helps us to feel like Christ's feet on earth. What a privilege.

Christian stewardship expresses our obedience regarding the administration of everything God has placed under our control, which is all encompassing. Stewardship is the commitment of one's self and possessions to God's service, recognizing that we do not have the right of control over our property or ourselves.
I've been attending church and Sunday school from a very early age. I heard the word 'stewardship'' a lot but thought it just meant pledging and tithing. After I had my children I began teaching a children's' Sunday class and volunteering with children's church activities. Then came other opportunities of serving on various committees. Never thinking about stewardship, it was just something I wanted and needed to do.
Then a few years ago I started attending the Monday Night Bible class and I have come to know what the true meaning of stewardship is from studying the bible and our discussions.
It all began in Genesis. Then God created the earth. It is His, not ours. Then He created man; we are His, and we are to be stewards of all that He has created. Here is an opportunity for stewardship. I can be a good steward by taking care of the environment and all that He has put into it for me to enjoy.
To me, stewardship also means being part of a church community, enjoying the company of others, volunteering, helping others, using the talents God gave me, reading the bible and understanding what He wants and expects of me, following His commandments. I see stewardship as being a ministry in the sense that I am responsible to do what God wants and I'm accountable to Him. And yes, it does mean tithing and I need to do this in order for the church to survive and minister.
Informational Articles
Church of the Resurrection Leadership Institute
Every year the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection holds a leadership summit where, as their pastor says, “They open the hood of the church and allow folks to poke around and learn.” This year Pastors Scott and Kelly, along with Media Coordinator Jesus Valdez, attended the gathering. Pastor Kelly attended a number of workshops that deal with human resources in the church, Jesus learned about how Church of the Resurrection does communications, and Pastor Scott sat in on workshops related to various church ministries.
It is fair to say that the event sparked a lot of ideas and fresh thought. The job that these three have now is translating what they learned in Leawood, KS into ministry in Albuquerque, NM.
Coat Drive
For the last several years Central has collected winter coats that are distributed through our Helping Hands Ministry. Please find any extra coats that you may have and bring them to the church, and if you can afford to do so, grab a coat the next time you are out shopping. We can really use adult sizes at this time. We will have a blessing of the coats in worship near the end of November.
Central UMC Nativity Advent Calendar
Help us to prepare for the advent season this year!  Please bring your favorite Nativity set to the church on either Sunday, November 5th or the 12th to be photographed for a special Central UMC Nativity Advent Calendar. You can bring your Nativity set to the Welcome Desk before worship service (8:30am or 11:00am service) and can pick your set up following the worship service (9:30am or 12:00pm). The printed Nativity Advent Calendars will be ready on the first Sunday of Advent, December 3rd and will include a daily scripture reading and a photo of a CUMC member's Nativity set. Please contact Pastor Kelly with any questions: [email protected]
Coffee Ministry
December 11th-15th is Final's Week for the students, professors, and teachers with the University of New Mexico. Help us wish them a good week by volunteering with our Coffee Ministry. We will be handing out cups of coffee and offering a word of prayer and encouragement every day from 8am-10am in the parking lot. Please contact Pastor Kelly to sign up: [email protected]
CUMC Foundation:
Serving the Church and other Methodist Activities Through Our Gifts
What is the Foundation? The CUMC Foundation was established in the 1960’s for exclusively benevolent, religious, charitable, educational, eleemosynary (charity support), health, literary and scientific purposes. To achieve these purposes, the Foundation relies on its Board of Trustees and members. They provide the business and financial expertise to create a steady and growing stream of income to help finance the many programs and missions of Central and the denomination.

Over the years the Foundation has grown significantly in total assets to over $1.1M using a moderate investment policy, and in the variety of planned giving options offered through the Church.

Funds currently approved (partial listing) and held in the CUMC Foundation.
  • Undesignated Funds – for purposes not related to Church operations
  • Endowment for Church operations – a percentage of this fund distributed yearly for operations
  • Hand bell maintenance and purchase
  • Fenn Lecture Fund
  • Organ Fund
  • Property Fund
  • Reed Assistance Fund (Christian vocation scholarships)
  • Scholarship Fund (Christian vocation)

The CUMC Foundation has supported World Methodism in a small way in 2016 and 2017 by providing scholarships to Samantha Filer so that she can attend an ecumenical college with missionary class work for her in Africa.

Foundation Trustee Officers for 2017 are: George Connor (President), Angus Jordan (Vice President), Nancy Wood (Secretary & Membership), and Jerry Spurlin (Treasurer).
For more details on the Foundation, Foundation Funds, how gifts are made, how you can help, or how you can become a member.
Contact any of the members of the Foundation at 505-243-7834 or [email protected] .
The CUMC Thrift Shop Ministry
The CUMC Thrift Shop Ministry will be having the annual Collectible sale in the Gathering Area on Sunday, the 12th of November. (The Christmas Sale is being held downstairs, Room 101, and continue until December 17th during regular thrift shop hours.) There will be special one-of-a-kind Christmas and Holiday items available for your shopping. Also, a very favorite feature of this sale are the vintage and unusual jewelry items at very reasonable prices.

And, remind yourself that the funds generated by the Thrift Shop Ministry is put to good use for repairs and improvements to the church building and grounds.

The Thrift Shop welcomes your donations of no longer needed items and clothing any time of year, and any special items you may have to donate prior to the special sale.
Central's Boy Scout Troop 134 is looking for young men, ages 11-17, who are interested in outdoor adventure combined with learning life skills to join our troop. We invite you and your son(s) to come to our meeting to experience what we are all about. We meet right here at Central United Methodist Church every Monday evening from 7-8PM.
For more information contact Don Small, our Scoutmaster, or Jim Sumner.
Who Is?
The Barna Group ( is an organization that tracks the role of faith in America, developing one of the nations' most comprehensive databases of spiritual indicators. Among their findings:
  • less than 20% of Americans are in church weekly
  • more people are practicing their faith outside of the walls of the church
  • based on participation such as bible reading, prayer and church attendance, 48% of all American adults are post-Christian 
  • church attendance related to congregation size:
  • 46% attend a church of 100 or fewer attendees
  • 37% attend a midsize church of between 100-499 
  • 9% attend a church of between 500-999 
  • 8% attend a very large church of 1000 or more 
  • Americans give to churches more than any nonprofit organization
  • practicing Christians tend to be more generous overall than their secular counterpart;
  • 96% of practicing Christians give compared to 60% among non-believers

The above is a repeat of October's overall church membership information. The article about retired pastors attending Central continues this month.
Donna Jackson
When asked if she ever encountered resistance to being a woman in ministry, Donna Jackson recalls a time when she served two small ranching communities in New Mexico. In one of the churches there was a man who refused to look her in the eye; "Nothing personal, but it just doesn't feel right" he told her. At the same time, in the other community, there was a man who had had a horrific, long-lasting experience with 'skunks under his house' and was distraught at the lack of help from his church. After a sermon preached by Donna, he came through the greet line sobbing, saying, "You finally told me what I needed to hear. I'll never forget it." and subsequently became one of her biggest supporters. Donna comments that she really wishes she could remember what she said; "I'd say it all the time!" 

Central is privileged to count Donna as a member not only with her experience as a retired pastor but as the mother of our Executive Pastor, Kelly Brooks. She states that, "Central is now home to me." and credits several things for that feeling. Of course, the fact that her daughter is one of our pastors plays a large role. Added to that are several other important factors:
  • "I love our worship services. Scott's preaching combined with the perfect music create that perfect package of worship experience." I can feel Methodism's strong message of worshiping with both the heart and the head." 
  • "The small groups I've either visited or joined make me feel both welcome and cared for." 
  • "Central is the most well taken care of church I've ever been in. It's very obvious that great care is taken to honor God's house."
  • "I wake up on Sundays and look forward to going to church!"
  • "I so appreciate Central's involved laity with ministry outside the walls of the church. Lowell Elementary is a wonderful example of intentional mission work"

Donna's experience as Associate Pastor at First Methodist in downtown Albuquerque gives her experience with Central's lack of a 'neighborhood' to draw membership from. She credits a strong, vibrant, multifaceted, intergenerational Wednesday night program for increased member involvement at First; but states, "That was quite a while ago and things have changed since that time. Families have so many things pulling them in different directions; it's a problem for all churches. 'Feed my sheep' has to be both intentional and face to face to be effective." she emphatically states.

Donna is a delightful lady with a valuable experiential knowledge of 'doing church'. Central is fortunate that Kelly was sent to us - and brought her mother with her! If you haven't already, make sure you visit with Donna - you'll be blessed by the encounter!
John Kees
Many have been - and are - privileged to know John Kees as a preacher of the Word, a pastor who sits with an ill person or comforts a grieving family, a Sunday School teacher, a 'pray-er' of moving and blessed prayers in Sunday worship, a lecturer willing to share with the congregation his knowledge on such topics as Islam, a loyal helper at Lowell - a man of many gifts, all of which are undergirded by his obviously strong, enduring faith, as a true 'shepherd of the flock'.  

One could get a glimpse into the true character of John by a comment heard in the gathering area. Michelle walked up and, with a grin on her face, volunteered, "John is the one person who always helped me - always willing to take the time to answer a question or search for a solution to whatever issue I was dealing with." But that glimpse isn't nearly enough to begin to understand the privilege we at Central have that John chose this church to attend after his retirement. 

He has been in ministry from the post-war heyday of church when "everyone just went to church" to the present with its rise of the "nones". John reflects that, ''Though the basic needs of people haven't changed very much; they no longer look to the church as being necessary to fulfill spiritual needs." John identifies several of those basic human needs as being recognized as a person of value; meaningful, intentional, honest communication with others and the opportunity/challenge to live beyond self-preservation into a life of value to the world.  

In a church setting John sees communication as vital. In whatever way communication can be established it is of tremendous value. "It's not an either/or issue," he explains. All people - old and young, successful and not, busy and idle - need to be communicated with. This communication focus needs to be centered primarily on the question of 'What can we do to help you hear that God loves you?' and not to get people to come to church. If people feel valued, loved, recognized and needed, they will come to the place that makes them feel that way." John talks of an 'ancient Methodist tradition called Class Meetings.' These are small groups of congenial people meeting together to encourage and love each other. They are far, far deeper than the veneer that answers the question of how are you with, 'Fine. How are you?' no matter how rough the reality may be. These meetings address the question, 'How is it with your soul?'

John cautions that this deep reality of feeling and belonging must not lead congregations to just bask in the warmth of fellowship. The Spirit leads ever outward with the primary concern of partnership with Jesus in loving all people. He recognizes that self preservation is not evil in itself but necessary to ensure the church itself is cared for; "In order to minister, you have to be. The seeds of our failure are in our success; the seeds of our success are in our failure." Wise words from a wise man; a wise man whose wisdom is demonstrated in his admitted love of pastoral care - care that embodies 'the partnership with Jesus in the love of all people!'.
Sanford Coon
After retiring as United Methodist ordained elder - and not being one to sit and rest on his laurels - Sanford Coon entered the field of financial development with a special interest and background in work with congregations, judicatories and church groups. He directed capital campaigns and comprehensive stewardship programs. With his background in ministry and financial development, Sanford assumed the position of Executive Director of the New Mexico Conference Methodist Foundation. He remained in that position for 11 years. 
Sanford's philosophy of stewardship is based on the Christian heritage of scripture, tradition, reason and experience. He delights in the process of sharing and learning that brings about a new understanding of stewardship, a new spiritual depth and the new resources that enable churches to fulfill their mission.
(Taken from Horizons Stewardship website)
Did You Know?
The CUMC Archives needs your help.
We are working on updating the Church History, that was last updated in 1979. Please forward a short article of your good memories of events at our Church that happened after 1979.

Send your memories to:  [email protected]

The Archives reserves the right to edit any article submitted. Before publication [you would be asked to review any changes made]. We also may not be able to use all articles submitted.

If you have any interesting pictures of Church activities with the people identified, please drop them off at the Church office for the Archives.

Thanks in advance.
Rick Nelson, Archivist
Make your lunch or dinner today a vegetarian one. Meat production worldwide is a leading source of green house gas emissions and creates huge amounts of toxic waste. Today make your lunch or dinner meat free. Visit Vegetarian times for great meat free recipes.
September 27 Lowell Food Bank
  • Total Families– 79 (existing families 38, new families 41)
  • Total Adults – 162 (existing 73, new 89)
  • Total Children – 174 (existing 80, new 94)
  • Total Seniors 65 & older – 16 (existing 9, new 7)
October 25 Lowell Food Bank
  • Total Families -56 (15 new & 41 existing)
  • Total Adults: 104 (28 new & 76 existing)
  • Total Children: 124 (23 new & 101 existing)
  • Total Seniors 65 & older: 12 (2 new & 10 existing)
Watch For More Details...
  • In January, we will be having an all church retreat at Sacramento Methodist Assembly. This retreat is for all ages and will have corresponding curriculum. In some ways, this retreat is like a confirmation retreat, or maybe a confirmation refresher retreat. In addition to learning a lot about our church heritage there will be time for worship, enjoying camp, and having a great time in fellowship. The dates are January 12-15. CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION
  • During Lent of 2018 Central will offer a number of small group and Bible study opportunities to dig deeper into the life of John Wesley, The United Methodist Church, and our ministry. Each Sunday worship service will have something to do with Wesley as we journey through Lent to Easter.
  • Finally, in May, Central is embarking on a 10-day trip to England to experience the historic birthplace of John Wesley, and what would become the Methodist movement. This trip will be an exciting and faith-growing adventure. CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION
Generations Caring for the Earth Together is the theme of New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light (NMIPL). This fall gathering will be Saturday, November 4th, 2 - 5 p.m. at CUMC in the Life Center. Central United Methodist Church will receive a Seed award which is given to faith communities who have cared for creation and addressed climate change in the past year. In addition, Maurice Ikle, chairman of our Board of Trustees, will receive a Sprout award given to individuals who have done exceptional work in creation care activities. Music by Somos Los Otros.

For more information, please check with the front desk for event flyers.
Children/Youth Ministries
On-going Children’s & Youth Sunday School and other activities – for more information, call Pastor Kelly or Kathy at church office at 243-7834 or email: [email protected]  or [email protected].

Church 4 Kids – Church 4 Kids is a time during the 11:00 worship service designated for kids to hear the Gospel lesson in a different way. Kids of all ages are invited to join Pastor Kelly in the Chapel during the 11:00 service sermon time to listen, learn, and experience the Sunday Scripture lesson in an interactive way.

Children’s Sunday School
Music for Kids- 9:45 – 10:00AM
10:00 – 10:45AM, 4 years old - 11 year olds. Learning through games, crafts, music, and storytelling.
Youth’s Sunday School and Youth Group
We invite all students in 6-12 grade to join us as we gather together to connect with one another and grow in our faith through a wide variety of events and activities throughout the year.
9:45-10:45AM Mid High & Senior High
Youth group meets on Friday night.
Adult Ministries
On-going Sunday School Classes  
for more information contact Pastor Kelly

Leaders of Sunday school classes, please regularly provide any class or studies updates or special events/activities to include in this listing which will appear on a regular basis. Thanks! Pat Briggs – contact information is at the end of the newsletter.

If you are new to CUMC or have been coming a long time but don’t belong to a Sunday School class please know that you are invited and will be heartily welcomed to join any of these ongoing classes. This one intentional act will not only increase your feeling of belonging and community at CUMC but also enhance your Christian walk.
Arts, Literature, Faith (ALFIES)
Sunday at 9:45 in the Conference Room
Contact: Anne Downing; [email protected]
All interested adults are welcome. See our Open and Reconciling Statement below this month's program listings.

(11/5 & 12) Bart Erhman's Origins of the Trinity presented by Rex Allender
(11/19) Food Waste presented by Paula Hildebrandt
11/27 No Class
(12/3) Peace Corps in Indonesia presented by Rex Allender

We, the Alfies Community at Central United Methodist Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico, declare ourselves to be an Open, Affirming, and Reconciling Sunday School Class/Community. We are committed to living and actively promoting the United Methodist’s Credo: Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.

We commit to
.be Open and welcoming to all persons. Regardless of your age, race, education, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, family configuration, religious faith or non-faith, legal status, economic status, political persuasion, or physical or intellectual challenges, you will enrich the fabric of our community.
. affirm that all people are created in God’s image and that as beloved children of God, all are worthy of God’s love and grace.
.recognize our differences and do not seek to erase them. Rather we would use them as a source of strength as we journey together toward reconciliation through understanding, mutual respect, and love.
Sunday at 9:45 in Room 309
Contact: Bruce Underwood
Sunday at 9:45 in Room 312
Contact: Dodie Hawkins
Harmony Class is dedicated to spreading the love of Christ through study, service and support. Our class study is generally devoted to specific books of the Bible or Biblical ideas and concepts. Social events help solidify us as a Church family that offers love and support in good times and bad.
Sunday at 9:45 in Room 311
Contact: Bill Ortman
We are going to take on quite a challenge for our August lessons using a Cokesbury book by Dr. Roger E. Olson titled Counterfeit Christianity: The Persistence of Errors in the Church. Dr. Olson, a graduate of Rice University, has been Foy Valentine Professor of Christian Theology of Ethics at George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University since 1999.
His purpose in the book is to inform interested people about past and present Christian heresies and to help Christians recognize the false from the true. His focus is on describing heresies in their ancient and modern forms, why they are dangerous, and how to handle them.
After defining heresy and orthodoxy, Olson devotes five chapters to ancient heresies and their modern forms, including Gnosticism, Montanism, Marcionism, Adoptionism, Arianism, Nestorianism, Subordinationism, Modalism, Tritheism, Pelagianism, and Semi-Pelagianism. He then devotes a chapter each to three modern heresies: divine determinism, moralistic therapeutic deism, and the prosperity gospel. We'll focus primarily on those last three chapters. Please don't be alarmed or turned off by all the multi-syllable words. We'll try to make it easy and interesting, maybe even a little fun.
Pastor Led
Sunday at 9:45 in the Life Center
Contact: Pastor Scott
Study of the Parables
Class of Promise
Sunday at 9:45 in Room 304
Contact: Jim Hering at [email protected]
The original Class of Promise grew in size when the members of the class graciously absorbed the former Priorities Sunday School class into their fold. It was - and continues to be - a group of vibrant, interested Christian learners who benefit both from the topic being studied and the interaction of the class members. The class is taught by the members who cooperatively decide on the topics to be discussed. The class has just begun a study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. All are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings - we'll always find a chair for you around the table!
Sunday at 9:45 in Room 307
Contact: Angus Jordan or JoAnn Emerson
Providence Sunday School Class meets in room 307 and has various programs throughout the year. We use study books to assist us with our Bible Study lessons. We also have DVD Bible Studies. All of our members take an active part in our lessons. Our attendance varies in age from 60’s to 90+. Everyone is welcome to join our class! Our class monetarily supports: CUMC TV ministry, Lowell School Food Pantry, Project Share, Title 1 Homeless Youth Project, Lowell School Uniforms, CUMC Youth, and the Methodist Children’s Home.
On-going Bible Studies

Studying the Bible together in small groups is a valuable tool in an individual’s spiritual growth.

Friday Fellowship
Friday from 9:30am-11:30am in Room 311
Friday Bible Study Group is currently studying Daniel; Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy (workbook $20). The group will break for Thanksgiving, Nov. 24 then begin 3 session study Dec. 1-15 on The Purpose of Christmas by Rick Warren (hardcover book plus study guide $12.00). On Jan. 5 - Feb. 9, 2018 the group will return to studying Daniel, Part 2 for 6 sessions. Please join us for insightful fellowship in a small group setting.  
Contact: Joan Gustafson, 615-2853

WOW Women of the Word
Wednesday at 9:30am-11:30am in Room 311
WOW will begin an Advent study in November entitled: Underdogs and Outsiders – A Bible Study on the Untold Stories of Advent by Tom Fuerst.
Contact: Vera, 328-3516

Monday Night Bible Study
Monday at 6:30pm-8:00pm in Room 311
Class will reconvene for 2017-2018 on Monday night September 11. We involve ourselves in an intense, deep study of God's word - and all who are searching for that are welcome to join us.
Contact: George or Donna Faulhaber, 918-4533 or 353-1197
Service Ministries
“SERVE calls us to action. A reading of the Gospels clearly shows that Jesus put his faith into action. At Central we believe that each person is called to serve others. There are multiple ministries at Central that allow for this to happen and range from homeless ministries to homebound communion to cleaning the sanctuary.” From the CUMC Vision Pathway.
On-going Service Ministries  
for more information, call church office at 243-7834 or contact below

Helping Hands  
For more information: call 249-9117
Helping Hands is a ministry whose mission is to assist people who walk in, seeking help, to meet their immediate short term needs.
Lowell Food Bank / Lowell Elementary
For more information: call church office at 243-7834
  • Mobile Food Pantry held monthly, volunteers set up at the school and distribute food to families provided by Road Runner Foods
  • School Uniform Drive – Partnering with the Assistance League of Albuquerque’s Operation School Bell to provide school uniforms for students at Lowell Elementary.
  • Mighty Milers running program
For more information: call 299-6154 or visit
  • Saranam empowers families to end their homelessness and poverty through housing, education, and supportive communities.
Stephens Ministry      
Contact: [email protected] (confidential)
or Pastor Kelly Brooks at [email protected]
  • Stephens Ministry is the one-to-one lay caring ministry that takes place in congregations that use the Stephen Series system. Stephen Ministry congregations equip and empower lay caregivers – called Stephen Ministers – to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.
Thrift Shop
For more information: call church office at 243-7834
  • The Thrift Shop proceeds from items sold are used to support the Church and its ministries. Hours are: Sunday Noon – 1:00pm, Thursday Noon – 3:00pm, and Friday 9:00am - Noon
What Can You Do?
(World needs can be over-whelming but local needs are more do-able!)
If you want to notify the congregation of needed items, please contact the Communications Team to put the notification in the monthly newsletter.

  • Adult Coats Needed for Individuals on the Street – Helping Hands Ministry
It is that time of the year to check your closet and donate coats that can help the homeless stay warm this fall and winter. Please bring them to the Church office. They are hoping for a good selection through the end of November!
  • Volunteers Needed for Helping Hands Street Ministry
Are you looking for a ministry opportunity that will touch your heart and soul? If so, this is the ministry for you. Once a week for two hours you can show God’s love to individuals fighting for existence on a daily basis. This program has provided our friends with a safe zone in God’s house for over a decade. Join a great team of folks today.
Contact Cynthia Kaiser @ (505) 249-9117
  • Volunteers Needed for CUMC Newsletter Team
Do you like to write, photography, talk to individuals in the congregation, research topics? We would love for you to think about joining the Communications Team! Contact Pat Briggs at [email protected] or 268-1009 (Briggs family). We meet once a month to plan for the upcoming monthly edition then independently (or pair with a team member) follow up on articles.
Communications Team Information
Deadline for the December edition is Tuesday November 14, 2017 .
Any questions, please ask the Communications Team

Visit the Welcome Desk in the gathering area for: answers to your questions from a member of the governance team, printed copies of the newsletter (also, in the Narthex), and other written information. Classes and ministries consider placing informational flyers for a study or event at the desk. Connect cards are available at the desk and in the pews to update your contact information for the church and so we can email the newsletter to you.

Phone #: (505) 268-1009 [Briggs Family]

Co-Chairs: Chris Briggs & Pat Briggs

Current Team Members:
Donna Faulhaber, Barbara Fuller, Jesus Valdez,
Rev. Scott Sharp, Rev. Kelly Brooks