August 5, 2017

Dear Middle School Families,
We are ready to have the children back. We love summer as much as anyone else, but as the school year approaches, we are energized by the excitement that teaching and learning generates. The summer has been quiet and productive. Work has been done around campus to refurbish spaces and get ready for the community to become active again.
The Columbus Academy community -- parents, students, faculty and staff -- we are all responsible for this year's success. We all know something that the others don't, so we have to communicate with each other to provide the best experience for the children that we can. Communication builds our community. In the Middle School, the advisory is the hub. Everyone is accessible. Everyone is committed. Everyone shares thoughts. We are a team.
Student schedules and advisory assignments will be available in My BackPack on Tuesday, August 15. We have worked hard to meet the academic and social needs of the students as we developed the schedule and advisory pairings. There are many considerations to our decision-making. We have little flexibility to make changes, and we reserve that flexibility for students whom we have mistakenly placed in classes that they were not intended to be in.
More Practical Matters
School Day Start and End Times: there is a slight change from previous end times. This year, students will begin their first class at 8:05 a.m. -- same as before -- but the end of their school day comes at 3:20 p.m.
Carpool: there are clearly identified areas for dropoff and pickup. Please do not drop your children off anywhere else. We do not want children walking between or in front of traffic. At the start of the year, carpool may not always go smoothly but should improve dramatically after the first week if everyone follows the same rules.
School Pictures: students will have their school pictures taken on the first day of school, which for the Middle School is August 21. They will be in dress code. All orders will be taken online at Columbus Academy's picture day ID is ZR437132Q0. Questions may be directed to 866-535-3646 or
Eclipse: at around 2:30 p.m. on August 21, the moon will be covering almost 90% of the sun as viewed from Central Ohio (watch this video for more details). The middle school community will be viewing the eclipse through eyewear specially made for the purpose of looking at the eclipse. We will discuss the dangers of not protecting your eyes, even for a moment, in an assembly that morning. The students' advisors will be monitoring them throughout the experience. If you do not want your child to participate in the viewing, please let the advisor or middle school office know.
Athletics: interscholastic sports are for Grades 7-8. The Ohio High School Athletic Association does not allow sixth-graders to participate in officially sanctioned sports (see PACA Youth Sports Program information below for parent-run athletic opportunities for sixth-graders).
Practice Start Dates for Middle School (Grades 7-8) Sports
Parents Association of Columbus Academy (PACA) Youth Sports Program
This program is for young Vikings who are interested in joining a team prior to seventh grade. More information will be coming out about the opportunities. In the meantime, contact Jane Yakam at with questions.
Upcoming Events
August 21: First Day of School (organizing, orienting and kicking off the year), Picture Day and Solar Eclipse
August 22: Meetings, introductions, sorting and celebrating the start of the school year
August 23: First letter day ("A" classes meet) and the regular class schedule begins
September 4: Labor Day -- No School
September 6: Back-to-School Parent Evening
September 8: Eighth Grade Trip to Summit Vision (team-building activities)
September 11-13: Sixth Grade Trip to Camp Willson
September 27: Make-Up Picture Day (for absences and retakes)
September 28-29: Middle School Parent Conferences -- No Middle School Classes
October 2: Fall Holiday -- No School
October 16-19: Eighth Grade Trip to Washington, D.C.
October 17-19: Seventh Grade Trip to Hueston Woods
October 20: End of the First Academic Quarter
See you soon,

Bob McGrath 
Interim Head of Middle School