August 15, 2017

Dear Middle School Families,
Classes begins next week. Like the end of the year, it is time for goodbyes and hellos. Children mature over the summer, and they mature during this transition time between the ending of summer and the start of the school year. Because life continues to roll along, the children have to pause, look back at the summer that is passing and then forward to the very different kinds of effort that a school year takes. This time in the present -- between things -- is fairly rare, but it is a time (whether they are aware of it or not) when they have a clear look at themselves and think about who they are becoming.
The student's reflection is the foundation for the new school year. Because school is a place of self-discovery, of discovery of the world that their classmates live in and discovery of the world outside of the school, they need to have these transition times to prepare themselves for the start of a significant personal challenge.
Students have a long, constructive effort ahead. They will be changed by it and, when the next transition comes, will once again have a new look at themselves and think differently about who they are becoming.
Parent Back-to-School Night: September 6, 7:00 p.m., Dining Hall
Our parent-student-teacher partnership depends on strong communication. Meeting the teachers and hearing about the programs, inside and outside the classroom, makes you a partner in your child's conversation. Because you have met the teachers, what the students share will be more personal to you and make more sense. It will also make you more comfortable getting in touch with a teacher when you need to. More specific information about Back-to-School Night will be coming later.
Parent Conferences: September 28-29, Middle School Classrooms
Conferences are a time to speak to your child's teachers about your child. You can meet with each teacher you choose for 10 minutes. You can schedule several teachers, if you are interested. A month into school, the teachers will know your child well and be able to share their insights. More information about Parent Conferences will be coming later, including how to register online.
Please note the following upcoming events/dates:
August 21: Classes Begin & School Pictures for MS and US
September 4: Labor Day -- No School
September 6: MS Back-to-School Night
September 8: Eighth Grade Summit Vision Field Trip
September 11-13: Sixth Grade Trip to Camp Willson
September 27: Make-Up Pictures
September 28-29: MS Conferences -- No School for MS
October 2: Fall Holiday -- No School
October 16-19: Eighth Grade Trip to Washington, D.C.
October 17-19: Seventh Grade Trip to Hueston Woods
October 20: MS End of First Academic Quarter
October 31: Halloween -- Family Night (details to come)
See you soon,

Bob McGrath 
Interim Head of Middle School