During the 2016/2017 school year, a professional research firm will evaluate HSFPP's impact and processes. The study will analyze how the program is implemented and examine changes in teen behavior, knowledge, and attitudes related to personal finance as a result of participating in the HSFPP. 

In preparation for the study, NEFE is now seeking instructors who are willing and able to participate in the portion of the study that involves classroom observations and interviews.

New on the HSFPP Blog

Flipping the Conversation: Giving Teens the Initiative

Parents are encouraged to talk to their children about money, but teens don't have to wait for someone else to start the conversation. HSFPP's "Taking it Home" activities give students the tools to initiate the discussion. 

4 Activities to Help Seniors Prepare for Their Next Steps

Seniors may experience a significant financial windfall as scholarship monies start coming in and graduation cash gifts add up. Four simple activities can help them have realistic expectations of their coming financial needs, whether or not they will attend college.


Students should create a plan for how they will pay for every educational expense. Before they can do that, students need to research any spending restrictions or tax-treatment rules for each of their education funding streams, and the consequences of using those funds to purchase nonqualified expenses.


America's largest, most diverse and most ed ucated generation is challenging traditional milestones (such as marriage) and shifting cultural norms around work, transportation, travel, technology and entertainment.

Millennials are highly financially engaged; however, most of them have not had any training on how to make the complex personal finance decisions facing them now and in the future.
Other NEFE Educator Resources
CashCourse® - online materials for college students
Financial Workshop Kits - resources for adult financial educators
Evaluation Toolkit® - databank of questions to measure impact
On Your Own - young adult blog about financial lessons learned
Spendster - confessions of bad spending habits
Smart About Money - consumer finance tips and tools
High School Financial Planning Program | [email protected] |  www.hsfpp.org
The High School Financial Planning Program (HSFPP) is the flagship program of the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE®). NEFE is the leading private nonprofit, noncommercial foundation dedicated to inspiring empowered financial decision-making for individuals and families through every stage of life.

Learn more about the complete suite of NEFE's free consumer and educator resources at  www.nefe.org .
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