September 2018
Divine Energy Healer Newsletter
In This Issue
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The tumultuous energies of the summer months are thankfully behind us and it's full steam ahead as we head into September. 

Eclipses and retrogrades definitely serve a purpose so that we can get guidance, do an energetic clear out and ultimately lighten up to move forward. The summer may have been a frustrating time when you didn't see progress, but you should start to see some results in the coming months. 

The tumultuous energy could have resulted in some changes to your abundance and money situation. I've included some guidance on this below. We have a new moon coming up this weekend, so work with this energy to heal or improve your money and abundance situation. 
Here are a few key dates coming up that you need to be aware of: 

Full Moon -  Tuesday September 25 - Release Negativity 
New Moon  -   
Sunday September 9 
Plan & Manifest!
Autumn Equinox - Sunday September 23
*Saturn in Capricorn - until March 20, 2020

Manifesting and Managing Abundance
Money and abundance are an energy as much as anything else in your life, and you will find that both ebb and flow and fluctuate over time. We all go through periods where we don't have enough, and that's simply the nature of the way money and abundance energy work. 

As the energy of this summer was tumultuous and distracting, you may have found that you took your eye off the ball in terms of your finances, or possibly had some unexpected extra bills, or maybe you took some unpaid time off. If you are experiencing some repercussions from the energy from the summer, fear not, I have listed some of my top tips below: 

1.Recognise that the lack that you may be experiencing now is a result of old energy or previous conditions. It's like a hangover from the tumultuous energy of this summer. The energy has stabilised now, so it's a great time to get back on track with manifesting and managing abundance. The new moon this weekend will really help to get you back on track. If you are interested in learning more about this, HayHouse Radio have a weekly show on The Law of Attraction. This is definitely worth tuning in to for some guidance on manifestation. 
2. Gratitude is a top tip for managing and attracting abundance. Being grateful for what you already have attracts more of the same to you. This is the same if you constantly complain and worry about lack, you will attract more lack rather than abundance. In order to attract abundance you need to get into the energy of it, and really believe that it is coming your way. Gratitude is the easiest way to do this. 
3. Do the work. Not all problems have a spiritual solution. The actual solution is usually a combination of energetic work but also practical everyday things. It's important to keep an eye on your finances and your expenditure. Budget and make adjustments where necessary. It's surprising how many people neglect to do this. 
4. Clear the clutter, donate and tithe. Clutter blocks the energetic flow, so make sure that you clear all of the excess whether it's physical stuff, mess or simply emotional junk that is holding you back. Donating and giving to those less fortunate than yourself opens up the flow of abundance. Giving your home a good clean can also help to move the energy forward. It's also important to look at the clutter in your schedule so that you can manage your time better and more productively. 
5. Meditate and tune in. Abundance comes in many forms, and ideas that come through in meditation are often a key way to increase your abundance. You may have an idea for a new income stream, where to get a new job, or what items you could sell to reduce your debt. It's important to be in a relaxed and receptive state for this guidance to come through. Worrying about lack can block the flow of ideas that could come through during meditation. 

I'm doing a daily oracle card reading, so keep an eye on Twitter for some daily guidance. @DivineEnergy

To book a healing session or a reading click here. You can also simply email: [email protected] for further information. 

Divine Energy Healer

Love & Light,

Divine Energy Healer
Copyright Jennifer Lynn, All Rights Reserved