The Landscape Conservation Bulletin
A bi-monthly publication of the Network   for 
Landscape Conservation
March 2018
Dear Network Friends and Partners,

I am pleased to announce that the Network for Landscape Conservation has just launched a new and improved website at: .

Through updated text and diverse photographs, we have worked to better capture the essence of landscape conservation, the broad diversity of landscapes, issues, and people involved, as well as your challenges, successes, and other stories on the land.

As always, we look for your help. We would like to expand the resources section and our library of photographs, and we would like to weave your overall feedback into additional improvements. We would also like your help introducing others to the website and Bulletin. Please be in touch! 

Many thanks to the generous organizations who have already provided feedback and gorgeous new photography. Together, we will continue to move the needle on conservation at the necessary landscape scale.
Emily M. Bateson
Network Coordinator
In This Issue
Canada: $1.3 Billion for Conservation
Landscapes and Economies
Urban Landscape Conservation
Perspectives: We succeed together
Additional Landscape Conservation News
Upcoming Events
Webinars & Additional Resources
Heading photo: Monument Valley, Utah. Credit: Slava Keyzman on Unsplash
Featured News
Canada commits $1.3 billion to conservation
The Trudeau Administration's Budget 2018 outlines a $1.3 billion commitment to conservation over the next five years, in order to protect the country's ecosystems, landscapes, and biodiversity. Specifically, the funding is intended to help Canada meet its target of protecting 17 percent of land and 10 percent of oceans by 2020, and outlines a new model for collaborative conservation efforts bringing together Indigenous, provincial and territorial government partners. 
Featured News
Healthy landscapes supporting communities and rural economies - a growing trend
There is a growing body of analysis and action on landscape conservation as a positive component of community and economic development, especially in rural America. Large portions of the country are dealing with issues around the out-migration of people and jobs. Increasingly, such areas are recognizing that natural resources can be a significant asset, and are harnessing investments in conservation and stewardship of natural resources as essential for community and economic vitality. A recent blogpost from the Northern Forest Center's Executive Director Rob Riley underscores this overall theme. Among other projects, the Northern Forest Center is a partner in Local Wood Works, which was the feature of a recent Portland Press Herald article. This multi-stakeholder collaboration in Maine is working to support the long-term conservation of forests and forest-based economies by connecting consumers to locally sourced wood. Elsewhere, a Forbes article highlights the connection between thriving landscapes and rural economies, showcasing how cattle ranchers in Idaho and California are partnering with state and federal agencies to ensure wildlife habitat and the ranching way of life remain viable. In coastal Washington, The Nature Conservancy is in the midst of a watershed-wide forest restoration effort on Ellsworth Creek, an experiment in restoring the complexity of old growth forests while supporting the livelihoods of the local communities. Finally, the Bureau of Economic Analysis' recently released preliminary report (as mandated by a 2016 law) suggests that the outdoor recreation economy accounts for over 2 percent of the entire United States GDP, or more than $373 billion. This is a only a snapshot of the burgeoning attention focused on the significant importance of healthy landscapes and the associated natural resource-based economies for long-term community health and vitality.
Featured News
Systems-level perspectives bringing land conservancies into cities, and building bridges across the urban-rural divide
A hallmark of the landscape conservation approach is recognizing the interconnectedness of landscapes as well as the interconnectedness of those landscapes to the people who live in them. An increasing amount of work is happening in the urban arena, as can be seen in the work of Metropolitan Greenspace Alliance members and beyond. A recent CityLab article highlights efforts by previously rural-focused land conservancies to work in urban areas, driven by the recognition that dynamics in the urban environment (including inequality, rising rents, and the outflow of residents to the surround exurban and/or rural areas) impact the entire regional landscape and ecological systems. The efforts highlighted are working to address inequality and serve underserved populations, whereas much urban conservation work historically has aimed to build parks and reclaim green space in urban environments. Another CityLab article addresses the complexities of restoring the Los Angeles River in downtown L.A - and the potential for such projects to confront 'green gentrification' and unintended consequences that exacerbate inequity. And an Outside Online article highlights a new report on the associated issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion, and to what extent the conservation community has made progress in this pivotal area.
Perspectives: Landscape Conservation in Action
We succeed together: Reflections on decades of learning in landscape conservation
This past December, Michael Whitfield retired from his position as Executive Director of the Heart of the Rockies Initiative to pursue other opportunities, including a return to fieldwork and research that has long been a passion. At this juncture in his career, we asked Michael to reflect on his many decades of work, what his experiences have taught him about conservation, and where he sees the future of landscape conservation.
A holistic approach: stakeholders from across perspectives working together for the future of the landscape they call home
Michael writes powerfully about the holistic approach that he has come to embrace through his career, one that recognizes that landscape conservation must be fundamentally grounded both in appreciation for the needs of wild nature and natural systems and in respect for the individual dignity of people in all sectors. Michael shares insights drawn from his experiences working to partner in and facilitate collaborative projects in the American west, but his thoughts on the centrality of trust and respect across all stakeholders and perspectives as a foundation for success transcend any geography.
A direct and compelling headline
Additional Landscape Conservation News
Partners for Conservation releases "Perspectives on Collaborative Conservation," a report that evaluates lessons learned from the Greater Sage-Grouse collaboration.

Collaborative conservation playing a role in ensuring civility in politically charged context: a news feature in Nature highlights a program in the Middle East using birds of prey in place of pesticides and inspiring cross-border collaboration. 

Department of Interior Secretary Zinke signs order to improve habitat quality and protect winter range and migration corridors for big-game animals. 
Read the DOI press release and a New York Times Op-Ed column

New York Times article highlights threats to wildlife migration pathways and global patterns of decline in animal migrations.

High Country News article highlights the Borderlands landscape of southern Arizona-northern Sonora, Mexico as an area of that thrives on connections (of both people and nature) - and questions what it would mean to sever those with a border wall.

Mongabay article highlights the concern Mexican conservationists and scientists are voicing around the potential for a U.S.-Mexico border wall to threaten connectivity and imperil borderland ecosystems and wildlife. 

U.S. Congress passes Disaster Appropriation that includes substantial funding for coastal resilience studies in the Southeast from the Carolinas to Alabama - including an evaluation the future of the southeast coast and how it can adapt to climate change and rising seas. 

Ensia article highlights the new U.S. Farm Bill currently being drafted, and the conservation impact of a potential native-plant standard. 

The Climate Resilience Fund announces Capacity Building Grant recipients, with three projects receiving funding to expand delivery of climate services to build climate resilience in their respective geographies.

Land Trust Alliance article highlights the powerful role that conservation organizations can play within communities when disaster strikes - and underscores the capacity that such organizations have for bringing people together and framing conversations about the future.  

Blogpost highlights The Conservation Fund's Conservation Loan Program, and reflects on its 25-year history of creating "community wealth."

The new Appalachian Trail Landscape Partnership receives major grant to work with communities to protect the lands, waters, and unique cultural features of the landscapes surrounding the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. 
Read about the grant and learn more about the Partnership in this video

Conservation Corridor highlights new research that assesses the connectivity of protected areas across the globe. 

Article in Nature highlights that animals significantly reduce mobility in landscapes used intensively by humans. 

Mongabay article highlights new research in Nature that describes the critical importance of intact forests for mitigating climate change, maintaining water supplies, safeguarding biodiversity and even protecting human health.

Denver Post article highlights the reduction in wildlife-vehicle collisions in Colorado as animals increasingly use the state's wildlife bridges and underpasses. 

Blogpost: what can complexity science and "civity" reveal about working on complex environmental issues that span jurisdictions and disciplines.

The newly signed spending bill includes a major wildfire overhaul, creating a dedicated wildfire disaster fund to prevent "fire burrowing."

Outside Online article highlights research on the 'North American Model of Wildlife Conservation,' and the degree to which the science-based management tenant of the model is upheld in practice. 
A direct and compelling headline
Upcoming Conferences & Opportunities

The journal Land is currently accepting submissions for a special issue on "Biodiversity and Protected Areas." Submissions deadline is June 30, 2018; more information .

The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and partners are currently accepting nominations for the 2018 Climate Adaptation Leadership Award. Nominations must be submitted by April 13, 2018; more information .

Funding opportunity: the WCS Climate Adaptation Fund is accepting pre-proposals for projects through April 6, 2018.

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is currently accepting proposals for several funding programs:

* * *

New Paltz, NY

Shepherdstown, WV

Burlington, VT

Burlington, VT

Warrick, Rhode Island

St. Petersburg, Florida. 

Fort Collins, CO

Monterey, CA

September 12-14, 2018 -- Global Climate Action Summit
San Francisco, CA

Amherst, MA

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Webinars & Additional Resources

A Society for Conservation GIS webinar
April 12, 2018

A Connected Conservation webinar
April 18, 2018

A Society for Conservation GIS webinar
April 26, 2018

A Connected Conservation webinar
May 16, 2018

A Connected Conservation webinar
June 13, 2018

A Connected Conservation webinar
July 10, 2018

A weekly podcast that explores the challenges presented by adapting to climate change and the approaches the field's best minds believe are already working.

Recordings of past webinars and the full upcoming 2018 schedule of the Connected Conservation webinar series are available on the NLC website.

Recording: Transforming Conservation through Technology , a Chesapeake Conservancy webinar.

The Network for Landscape Conservation is the community of practice for practitioners advancing collaborative, cross-boundary conservation as an essential approach to protect nature, culture, and community in the 21st Century.

Contact  Emily Bateson , Network Coordinator, for more information. 

Contributions of news, upcoming events, and resources for future Bulletins are welcomed. We welcome too inquires for future "Perspectives: Landscapes Conservation in Action" stories; please be in touch if you are interested in sharing stories and insights from your work.
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