November 2, 2016 Newsletter

Congratulations to our newest Marines, 1st Battalion, Delta Company from San Diego and 2nd Battalion, Hotel Company and 4th Battalion, November Company from Parris Island, for graduating this Friday, November 4. A big Ooh-Rah goes out to you all!   

We would also like to congratulate 2nd Battalion, Hotel Company from San Diego and 3rd Battalion, Mike Company from Parris Island, who will be graduating next Wednesday, November 9. 

For those of you who are just beginning your journey, we would like to welcome you and extend our congratulations! You're on a new journey to becoming a Marine Parent. The pride is indescribable, but you may feel you are in an unfamiliar world with a whirlwind of emotions and never-ending questions.

The Chain of Command

Knowing, understanding, and following the chain of command in the military is crucial. The chain of command is the system that controls the happenings, tasks, and logistics of the military. The chain of command is also the tasking authority for subordinates. The chain of command is what gives warriors structure and discipline when engaging in conflict. It is imperative to the success of our military that the chain of command exercises the correct leadership and appropriate discipline in order to ensure success.

*Image info: (USMC photo by Cpl. Walter D. Marino II.).
USMC Challenge Coins 

Among the Marine Corps' many traditions is the carrying of the challenge coin, rooted in history dating back to World War I.

Today, service members possess many medallions, or challenge coins, bearing their organization's insignia. These coins are often presented by high-ranking officers for a job well done, which is a great honor. They are also sometimes traded between men and women in a unit.

Mail and Packages During Bootamp

Though your recruit may move from one location to another during boot camp, you will always use the same mailing address for him or her (see the text box below for exceptions).

The first letter you receive from your recruit will be a form letter. This letter should arrive in your mail box in approximately 10-14 days after they leave. The form letter should include your recruit's mailing address. 

USMC photo by Corporal David Bessey, 2014.
Training Phase I:  Combat Conditioning

The Combat Conditioning program for recruits at the Marine Corps Recruit Depots serves as an introduction to strenuous activity for many recruits. Recruits will conduct Combat Conditioning exercises almost every other day during recruit training.

USMC photo by Private First Class Vanessa Austin.

Training Phase II: Complete Care During Boot Camp

Recruits in Marine Corps boot camp receive the best training possible and are very well cared for throughout the course of their thirteen weeks on the Recruit Depot.

From injury prevention and dental treatment to recruit pay and the Thrift Savings Plan, every base is covered, including Religious Ministries.

USMC photo by Corporal Jennifer Schubert.
Training Phase III Prac App Test & Written Testing

Recruits will spend many hours inside the classroom preparing for a final practical application test, as well as a final written academic test. These tests cover a variety of topics covered during their 13-week long training.

USMC photo by Sgt. Jennifer Schubert.
Motivational Run & Family Day

Family Day begins with a motivational run referred to as the “MOTO Run.”

All graduating recruits run a 4-mile course which passes by all four training battalions, plus Support Battalion. At each battalion, selected recruits ring each of the Battalion Bells as the rest of the Company runs by singing cadence, loudly signaling successful completion of Recruit Training.

As recruits run to the cadence of their Drill Instructors, parents, family members and friends line the streets and cheer as they try to find the face of their loved one among the crowd of new Marines.

USMC photo by Sgt. Benjamin E. Woodle. October, 1, 2015. MCRD San Diego.