Aug. 25,

No. 55

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Supporting the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
More military...
We realize this has been a military-heavy month in terms of reading selections, but sometimes that's just how events unfold. Last issue focused on the PLA (whom, incidentally, you can thank if you are reading this in blue-sky Beijing), and this week we turn our attention to the United States.
Also, make sure to check out the great job opps at the end!

Weekly Readings

Last Thursday, the Pentagon released a report on the U.S. maritime security strategy for the Asia-Pacific. The report offers thorough coverage of what is occurring in the South and East China Seas, including why and how the United States is engaged in the region. Whatever one thinks of U.S. policy, the report offers a comprehensive and clear description of policy. Responses are just starting to filter in from Chinese sources, but more are likely to follo w as people have time to digest what the strategy says. Despite the focus on China in the Congressional request, the Pentagon provided relatively fair coverage of who was doing what in the region.

Social Media Watch

The top post on Weibo for the past seven days is an August 13 People's Daily homage to six Tianjin firefighters who "sacrificed their lives" battling the blaze ignited by a chemical explosion. (There are currently 114 confirmed deaths, including 53 firefighters.) The comment thread is full of crying emoji. "I don't want to say anything about the glory of dying for the country, says @my-answer_is-you. "No one is born to be sacrificed." Many commenters are calling for a thorough investigation into the disaster. "Their death isn't their glory, it's the government's shame!" writes @之乎者也的. Follow the thread at .

俗语 in Xi Jinping's  Speeches
十年树木 百年树人
shí nián shù mù, bǎi nián shù rén

Meaning: it takes 10 years to grow a tree, but 100 years to grow a person 

Xi Jinping gave a speech in Beijing today to the 中国关心下一代工作委员会 (yup, we had to  look it up too).  Well, actually he had his speech read by Liu Qibao, but still not bad for some 退休的老同志. He used this saying to explain that it takes a generation to build talent and that the future belongs to the next generation, but the old generation still has a responsibility to guide the younger.


Documentary of the Week

The explosion at Tianjin's port literally rocked the city, causing tremors between two and three points on the Richter scale felt as far away as Beijing. The combination of political power linked to environmental disaster and hazardous chemicals make this a big story, despite the official propaganda apparatus' efforts to control it. This week's videos update the situation (~7 minutes) and discuss the political consequences of the explosion. They  are accompanied by a penetrating analysis of how the Chinese media is reporting the story despite the center's efforts to shape the coverage.
Jobs of the Week

Did you ever want to work for a billionaire? How about a Chinese  university? Or a well-respected U.S. educational company? All those dreams can come true by getting involved with the Schwarzman Scholars Program (半开玩笑嘛!). CET, of whose programs many of you are alumnae, is helping recruit key personnel for the Schwarzman College at Tsinghua. Check them out here: 
And, word to the wise, mention that you are an AMS member!
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