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Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Apples:  Red delicious (peaking 80/88ct) are steady on all sizes, despite limited availability of smaller fruit. Granny-smiths (peaking 72-88ct) and golden delicious (peaking 72-88ct) remain extremely short out of Washington with storage supplies quickly diminishing and strong demand; both markets are active. Galas (peaking 72-88ct) are steady up to 125ct and smaller due to limitations. Fuji (peaking 64-88ct) remain active on all sizes, especially on 113ct and smaller. Smaller fruit limitation likely to last through August. The quality for all varieties has been good.

Pears:  D'anjou pears (peaking 80/90ct) are steady on all sizes, though smaller sizes remain limited. Chilean and Argentinian Packhams (peaking 70-120ct) and Boscs (peaking 100ct and larger) are steady on all sizes. Quality remains good for all varieties.
Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market remains steady with good quality being seen from all regions. Central Mexico is in full production and should remain strong through July. CA production remains strong with favorable weather conditions.  WA has wrapped up and Baja is winding down. 

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market is fairly steady with adequate supplies to meet strong demand. Supplies of 48ct remain the most readily available out of CA. Mexican volumes are expected to taper off now that roughly 25% of its crop has ended production. Quality remains excellent out of both regions.

Quality: Fair
Supply: Short
Market continues to adjust and is fairly inconsistent as supplies vary from supplier to supplier. Quality is fair to good with occasional hollow core being reported.
Quality: Good
Supply: Short
Market remains somewhat unsettled primarily due to inconsistent planting and weather conditions further impacting supplies. Quality has improved.
Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market is steady. Supplies are lighter as expected given that offshore melons have ceased. Quality remains excellent out of the desert. 

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market is unchanged. Quality remains good.
Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market continues to ease as demand softens. Production out of Salinas and Santa Maria has picked up considerably, with favorable weather conditions seen. Quality is good with larger sizing being more readily available. 

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate

Market steady. While Nogales, AZ continues to ship lighter supplies, Baja has picked up substantially (peaking super select). Excellent color, quality and condition is being seen across all grades and sizes. 

Quality: Good
Supply: Short

Market remains somewhat active as supplies remain tight.  Nogales has finished and Coachella production continues to be limited. Quality remains good.

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate

Green: Market is steady. Mexico is finishing up while Coachella Valley ramps up and San Joaquin Valley gears up to begin production in July. Quality is very nice with ample supply. 

Red: Market is steady. Some Mexican growers are expected to finish within the next couple weeks. Domestic volume is picking up. San Joaquin Valley is gearing up to begin production in July. Quality remains excellent.

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market is active with extremely tight supplies. The desert is struggling as Mexican supplies are likely to finish within the next week or so. Relief is not expected until San Joaquin region begins in July. Quality remains good.

Quality: Good
Supply: Short

Market remains unsettled. Quality is improving, but defects such as fringe and wind burn, insect pressure and weak tip remain an issue. 

Leaf Lettuce
Quality: Fair
Supply: Moderate

The market is flat on romaine and all leaf items. Good availability expected on green and red leaf as well as butter. Common defects include light fringe burn, pink ribbing and slight insect damage. 

Quality: Good
Supply: Short

Market is active with demand exceeds supplies on an sizes and grades of fruit. The Ventura crop is in full production, but relief is not expected to be seen until Chilean product begins to arrive in late June.
Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market is steady. Fruit continues to peak on smaller sizes 230ct and 250ct. New crop limes are smaller in size and due to the lack of rain and hot temperatures; this will likely remain the case for several more weeks. Quality remains excellent. 

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market is unchanged with lighter demand being seen. Southern CA is winding down they transition to Central CA. New Mexico is now at full production. Quality is good.

Quality: Good
Supply: Short
Market is somewhat active. Valencia harvest is in full swing with sizing and availability remaining an issue (88ct and 113-138ct having least availability). Quality is good.  

Peppers (Colored)
Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market is steady. Nogales is done. Coachella is shipping good quality and condition. Quality remains good.

Peppers (Green)
Quality: Good
Supply: Short
Market is fairly steady. Bakersfield's production has yet to fully pick up while Coachella wraps up. Quality remains good.

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market is steady with good supplies being seen from the tropics. Quality is good with average Brix levels greater than or equal to 14.
Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate

Market is mostly unchanged except for Burbanks which continue to be mostly smaller within a strong market. CA has started red, white and Yukons in a limited capacity. Yams are in good supply. 

Quality: Fair
Supply: Short
Market remains active. Sonora has finished production on yellow and Italian squash. While zucchini quality has improved slightly, yellow squash remains very limited with fair to poor quality being reported. Inconsistent weather continues to hamper CA crops. Southern CA has a limited supply of hard squash. 

Quality: Fair
Supply: Moderate

Market is steady. Quality has declined as warmer temperatures and rain affect Salinas and Watsonville growers. Most prevalent defects include white shoulders, insect damage and bruising.  

Quality: Fair
Supply: Short
Roma demand exceeding supply as volume from Mexico declines. Quality remains good. Rounds, cherries and grapes are steady with fair to good quality.