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Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Apples:  Demand is exceeding supplies of granny smiths and galas (smaller sizes having the least availability). Golden delicious are also extremely short as some shippers have already finished for the season. Red delicious remain steady, though demand will increase dramatically as schools begin to reopen.  

Pears: Market is steady overall. Bartletts (peaking 100-120ct) and red pears (peaking 50ct) have started out of Stockton. D'anjou pears (peaking 80/90ct) are steady on all sizes. Washington D'anjou's are expected to last through July. Both Argentinian and Chilean Boscs are steady, but supplies are tightening as most shippers begin wrapping up their inventory. The quality has been good for all varieties.
Quality: Good
Supply: Short
Market is active as Peruvian supplies remain light (new field production not expected for another 2 weeks). Meanwhile, supplies remain steady out of Central Mexican. XL and Jumbo very tight. Quality is good overall.

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market is leveling as Mexico begins to harvest its new crop, however, with CA production declining, expect an upward trend once Mexico is left as the primary source for the remainder of the summer. Quality remains good. 

Quality: Fair
Supply: Short
Market is active a availability tightens and quality declines out of CA due to heat. Rains in Mexico have also impacted production. Insect damage and brown bead are the primary concerns. 
Quality: Fair
Supply: Short
Market is somewhat active as demand increases alongside already tightening supplies. Quality is fair to good. 
Quality: Good
Supply: Short
Market remains fairly steady. Quality is mixed due to high temperatures, but remains good overall.

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market is unchanged. Quality remains good though heat is likely to slow growth.
Quality: Fair
Supply: Short
Market remains active. Light supplies and inconsistent sizing continue to fuel the celery market out of CA. Quality continues to be fair.

Quality: Fair
Supply: Short

Market is leveling now that western fields begin to harvest. Quality remains fair with scarring being the most commonly reported defect. 

Quality: Good
Supply: Short

Market remains volatile as supplies continue to be limited. Quality continues to improve, as should supplies as we move into August. 

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate

Market is unchanged. Harvest crews can only work a half day at a time due to high temps. Quality looks very good for red seedless, but they are running small. Some ambering is likely to occur if the high temps continue.

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market is fairly steady as supplies increase. Quality remains excellent.

Quality: Fair
Supply: Short

Market remains active with a wide range of weights being seen. Mildew, insect damage, pale coloring and tip burn are the most commonly reported defects.

Leaf Lettuce
Quality: Fair
Supply: Moderate

Romaine market remains unsettled. Green leaf, red leaf and spring mix are steady. Quality is fair overall with the exception of spring mix which is good overall. Insect damage, seeder and burn are among the most commonly reported defects.

Quality: Good
Supply: Short

Market remains active, though supplies are finally coming out of storage with adequate numbers of smaller fruit being seen. There have been reports of clear rot, but overall quality is good. 
Quality: Fair
Supply: Moderate
Market remains active with weather having impacted quality and availability. Quality is fair to good.

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
The market is steady. WA is expected to begin its new crop within the next 2-3 weeks. Quality remains good.

Quality: Good
Supply: Short
Market remains active as demand exceeds supplies on all sizes and grades. Packing is being moderated in the hopes of allowing crops to last through September. Quality remains good overall with some re-greening being reported.

Quality: Fair
Supply: Short
Market remains active. CA green bells are tighter due to warm temperatures. Colored bell supplies have also been affected by the high temperatures quality. Quality is fair to good.

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate
Market is unchanged. Quality is good with average Brix levels greater than or equal to 14.
Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate

Markets are steady with moderate demand being seen on most sizes. 2016/2017 potato storage season is expected to conclude within the next couple of weeks. 
Quality remains good.

Quality: Fair
Supply: Short
Market is fairly steady overall. Yellow Squash and Italian Squash are being harvested in Santa Maria and Fresno with good Supply on medium followed by fancy and xfancy being seen. Acorn and Spaghetti are very limited. Quality remains mixed.

Quality: Good
Supply: Moderate

Market is steady as supplies improve. Quality is good overall with nice texture and color.  Harvesting during rain has lead to some bruising being reported.

Quality: Fair
Supply: Short
Market is active. Extreme heat has led to bloom drop in CA and production in Mexico has slowed due to rain. Supplies of grape, cherry, roma and round tomatoes are all tightening. Quality remains fair to good.