Marriage in Christ News
June 2017


The great feast of Pentecost marks the end of the Easter season and the return to ordinary time. It is also near the beginning of “wedding season,” which lasts through the beautiful days of fall. As I write this, I am reminded of a particularly beautiful line from the nuptial blessing I heard recently at a Catholic wedding. The priest extended his hands over the couple and said,

“[Father,] graciously stretch out your right hand over these your servants, we pray and pour into their hearts the power of the Holy Spirit. . .That they may share with one another the gifts of your love and, by being for each other a sign of your presence, become one heart and mind.”

Adella and I will celebrate our 43rd anniversary this summer. Since we have been involved in the Marriage in Christ seminars, we have prayed, nearly every day for the last seven years the simple prayer of unity, “God make our hearts one.” That prayer, along with a deeper awareness of and cooperation with the Holy Spirit has been transformative for us. By that I mean, I am beginning to understand the depth and power of the nuptial blessing.

I asked myself the question, how is she a sign of God’s presence for me? I made a list. I saw God: 

  • in the tender way she washed my fingers after hand surgery
  • in her great love, patience and joy as she planned for and then cared for our grandchildren when we had them for the weekend
  • in her ceaseless care for our children, even now that they are adults
  • in her tireless care for her friends
  • in her great compassion for a sister with special needs
  • in the way she prays for our unity each day
  • in the fact that she goes to sleep with me and wakes up at my side every day. 

Her friendship, her love, her service, her joy, her patience, and her kindness are the Lord’s too.

Pray for each of the young couples who are beginning this wonderful adventure during this “wedding season.” Consider giving them a gift of attending a MIC seminar. It will help them establish good habits and develop relationships with other couples and the Holy Spirit. They shouldn’t wait to experience their own Pentecost lived out in extraordinary power, in ordinary married life in Christ.

Bill Wacker

MIC Couple Featured in the Word Among Us!
The Word Among Us, a Catholic publication that reaches thousands of readers nationally and internationally, featured Marriage in Christ in their Lenten issue! Bob and Christine Brickweg tell the story of the fruit that has come of their participation in the Marriage in Christ outreach. This has brought MIC to a wider audience, and readers of the article have contacted us to learn more about bringing MIC to their locations - from Mexico to Australia!

100 Seminars and counting!
We've reached a significant milestone! One hundred seminars have been launched in North America since the beginning of the Marriage in Christ outreach in 2011! Nearly 1000 couples have attended the five week seminar to date.

MIC seminars are added to the calendar regularly. Check the  website often to find one near you!

Tools for Friendship
Kevin and Anna-Lisa Rodriguez have hosted three seminars in their hometown of Kingston, Jamaica. They describe the impact of the seminar on their marriage.

Anna-Lisa: At the time that Kevin and I signed up to host and attend our first MIC Seminar, we thought things were going fairly well in our marriage. We were working through the challenges that life brings with raising children, jobs or lack thereof, and a seemingly decreasing ability to spend quality time with each other. Then right away that first week of the seminar we started experiencing some good things...

New Video Highlight: God's Wedding Present
Share this video link with friends and family so they, too, can see how the Holy Spirit can transform marriages!


Give the gift of the seminar!
Wedding season is here! Give the gift of the MIC seminar to the special newlywed couple in your life. Slip a $85 check into the card you give them and let them know where they can attend the seminar. Find the seminar listing here.
Strengthen your marriage, change the world!