Ohio Deferred Compensation's employer-focused newsletter "In the Know" provides recipients with the latest news and developments in retirement saving.

Your Monthly News & Updates
The latest news and developments from Ohio  Deferred Compensation for May 2017.

Ohio Business Gateway Registration Wizard

At Ohio DC, we've been working closely with the Ohio Business Gateway to make improvements to their system, with the goal of making your business processes easier and faster. One of the ways that Ohio Business Gateway will be able to accomplish this is by simplifying the transaction registration process through wizard-type functionality. Learn more about the wizard here.
Read the April 2017 Rewards Newsletter
We try to make sure our participants are kept up-to-date on all the latest news from the retirement and savings industries. That doesn't just include current employees, but also those who have already retired. If you'd like to see the information we're providing to participants who've recently entered retirement or are about to, check out the Rewards newsletter  here.
Deferred Compensation Terms

Separate Account  - P rivately managed investment account that uses pooled money to buy individual assets. It is similar to a mutual fund. However, in a retirement-plan context, while a mutual fund is available to the general public, a separate account is available only to participants of the plan that sponsors it.

Visit our participant website to learn other definitions. 

Share Deferred Compensation-related Articles with Your Employees 

Ohio DC can provide monthly articles on retirement issues for your newsletter or Intranet. This month's article on the employer website is  Working Beyond Retirement.

Download articles on healthcare in retirement, what is deferred compensation, fees, and more.  Learn more.

If you received this email you are on the list for future employer communications. If this was forwarded to you, you can join our list by  contacting us.

Message from the Executive Director: Keith Overly

Ohio Business Gateway Modernization Update

As many of you already know, the Ohio Business Gateway is going through a major modernization project. The initial design and build portion of that project is nearing completion and a significant testing phase is beginning.

To make sure that all the users of the Ohio Business Gateway will have a great experience when the updated system goes live, their Service Partners will be conducting extensive testing. For more information about the testing process you can watch a quick Youtube video produced by the Ohio Business Gateway team here.

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