Dear friends,
Many, many thanks to all who came to the Capitol for Homelessness and Housing Advocacy Days! With your help, we raised our voices to preserve state investments to end homelessness. We reviewed important accomplishments, and made sure that legislators understand there is much work still to be done. We thank you! And we ask that you stay with us, ready to advocate as needed, until we reach a final budget.
At the same time, we hope you are registered to join us at CCEH’s 16
Annual Training Institute, May 17, at the Hartford Convention Center. This is a special day where we share lessons learned, exchange ideas, and network with friend and colleagues working together to end homelessness.
Looking forward to seeing you soon! And meantime, thank you – as always – for all you do, every day, to help those most in need.
Lisa Tepper Bates
Executive Director
2018 Annual Training Institute
Uniting Communities to End Homelessness
May 17, 2018
at the Hartford Convention Center
May has arrived and we are looking
forward to the
Annual Training Institute
(ATI) on the 17th. Presenters from Connecticut and many coming in from other states, are excited to share their best practices.
Dennis Culhane, PhD, Director of Research for the National Center on Homelessness among Veterans at the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, our keynote speaker, will share lessons learned through work to end veteran homelessness that can benefit all populations. Tammy M. Sneed, the Director of Gender Responsive Adolescent Services for the Department of Children and Families, Division of Adolescent and Juvenile Justice Services, will kick off our day as morning speaker, sharing thoughts about how we can combat human trafficking, an issue of particular concern for youth homelessness.
2018 Homelessness & Housing Advocacy Days
at the Legislative Office Building
The 5th Annual Homelessness and Housing Advocacy Days, coordinated by the Coalition to End Homelessness and the Partnership for Strong Communities, was a huge success! Over 120 homeless service providers and client advocates from across the state joined us at the legislative office building to meet with their legislators. This year, providers not only met with legislators in groups, but also one-on-one and at the Capitol while the House of Representatives and Senate were in session.
Together, we reached more than 125 legislators and aides to make our case for preserving funding for housing services and programs. Please be on the lookout for future advocacy alerts and requests to reach out to legislators!
Thank you for your continued support, and all your efforts and advocacy towards ending homelessness in Connecticut!
Join the Youth Engagement Team Initiatives'
Spring Focus on Education!
The Youth Engagement Team Initiatives (YETIs)
across the state
are focusing on school eng
agement for their meetings in May and June. The YETIs are groups of providers, youth, child welfare, and other stakeholders working to improve awareness and functioning of the system of services to address homelessness for youth and young adults. In addition to highlighting the importance of planning for the upcoming school year, these meetings will help YETIs and schools collaboratively develop engagement strategies and community-based service provisions for their most vulnerable youth.
If you are a school partner or have local connections to school districts in your area, please share your contact with
Carl Asikainen so he and the local YETI can build a relationship with that district.
Sharing Connecticut Innovation
National Human Services Data Consortium
asked CCEH’s Director of HMIS and Strategic Analysis, Brian Roccapriore, to present on behalf of CT at the NHSDC spring conference in Pittsburgh, PA. The session focused on creative and innovative ways to leverage and customize data solutions to meet community needs in delivering the coordinated entry core requirements including access points, referral mechanisms, assessments, prioritized by-name lists, and performance evaluation. Brian shared the details regarding Connecticut’s first-in-the-nation system to serve domestic violence survivors in our Coordinated Entry System, developed by CCEH and the CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence, with support from the Department of Housing. The presentation generated significant interest from other communities struggling with how to best ensure equitable access to homeless response system resources for domestic violence survivors.
Become a CCEH Member Today!
Do you want to show your commitment to ending homelessness in Connecticut? You can join our growing roster of
CCEH Members.
Membership is open to individuals, community providers, faith-based organizations, and businesses who share the goal of ending homelessness. Your $225 annual membership entitles your organization to discounts on CCEH trainings; individuals can become members by setting up a recurring contribution of $20 per month.
"We learned that, compared to heterosexual and nontransgender youth, LGBTQ youth are disproportionately represented among the nearly 4.2 million youth and young adults in America who experienced some form of homelessness during a 12-month period. They also face a higher risk of early death and other adversities."
You can read more about this important issue in the recently published brief entitled "
Missed Opportunities: LGBTQ Youth Homelessness"
from Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago. This brief is the second in their
series on understanding and addressing youth homelessness in America.
Fun Fact: Matthew Morton from Chapin Hall will be attending our Annual Training Institute to share more data on youth homelessness.
Upcoming Trainings and Recorded Webinars
Recently Recorded Webinars:
For more information and to learn about all the resources