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2013 Annual Meeting Reminds Us of How Far We've Come


As approximately 250 delegates, alternate delegates and interested adult members gathered at either WITF studio in Harrisburg or at satellite GSHPA offices throughout the council, they were reminded of the progress our council has made since our founding in 2007. Complete with a council update from President/CEO Jane Ransom, an inspiring keynote by special guest Leslie Stiles and closing remarks from past Board Chair Kate Crowley, the event served as a wonderful opportunity to remind our membership of the great progress we have made together. In addition to the updates and insights, the meeting included updates on our council's financial state, the approval of some recommended by-law changes and the induction of four new board officers - Board Chair Carolyn Warman, Board Vice Chair Karen Snider, Board Secretary Laura Muia and Board Treasurer Dolly Lalvani. To review an online copy of the 2011-2012 annual report that was also shared with the attendees, please click here.


To view more photos from the 2013 Annual Meeting click here.  


Archery & Lifeguarding Courses Offered for Volunteers   

Beginning this May, GSHPA volunteers will be able to earn Archery and Lifeguard certifications right at our camps. Offered at significantly discounted rates, participants will receive certifications that can be used to enhance the already amazing Girl Scout experience they are able to offer for girls within their troops, their service units, their regions and our council. For more information, please check out the descriptions below or contact our Outdoor Program team.


Lifeguard Certification Course


Receive a 2-year American Red Cross Lifeguard certification which includes certification in lifeguarding, CPR, first aid and blood-borne pathogens by completing this 5-day course. Participants must be able to swim freestyle and the breaststroke for 300 yards consecutively, retrieve a brick from 9 ft. and swim on your back. Each day will include time in the pool and classroom. There will also be a written and practical exam. Attendance is required at all five days. Participants should bring a bagged lunch. Cost for this course is $60 per person.


June 29 - July 3 from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. at Camp Louise in Shickshinny, PA (Columbia County)*



July 20 - 24 from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. at Camp Furnace Hills in Denver, PA (Lancaster County)*



Archery Certification Course


Receive a 3-year Level 1 USA Archery Instructor certification by participating in this one day course. The course will include the safety guidelines associated with archery and how to teach the basics to beginners. Participants will receive a Level 1 Instructor's book and a certification card. All participants should bring a bagged lunch and a water bottle along. Bows and arm guards will be available at camp. This course will meet the certification requirements listed under the Archery Safety Check Points.The cost to attend the training is $25 per person.


Sunday, May 19 from 11:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. at Camp Small Valley in Halifax, PA (Dauphin County)*



Sunday, June 23 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at Camp Small Valley in Halifax, PA (Dauphin County)*


 Click here to register.


Sunday, September 14 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at Camp Louise in Shickshinny, PA (Columbia County)*


Click here to register. 


Summer Camp is Right Around the Corner


Now that the cookie numbers are in and their product sales dough is on its way, please encourage girls (and parents) who are interested in attending summer camp at Camp Small Valley to sign up as soon as possible - space is limited and going fast! With something to offer for every girl, Traditional camp gives girls entering grades 2 - 10 the opportunity to try a variety of activities with a Girl Scout camp experience that's second to none! Throw in an hour of horseback riding lessons and she's all set.

For those older girls in grades 7 - 12 who want more of an active challenge, please encourage them to check-out the Adventure Bound themed camp experiences that involve either a combination of canoeing and biking at the Spokes & Splash program, or high ropes, canoeing and hiking at the Boats & Boots. And last but not least, there's Ranch camp for those horse enthusiasts. Check out their full descriptions by clicking here.

Olympic-themed Healthy Promise Event is Huge Success

Over 450 girls and their families gathered in Wilkes Barre on Sunday, April 21 for the official kick-off to our council's year-long challenge to accumulate 1,000,000 activity miles. With inspiring words and insight from 2-time Olympic medalist Jessica Mendoza, girls learned about the value of goal-setting and wanting to be the best from someone who landed a place on both the 2004 and 2008 U.S. Olympic softball team while overcoming her own quirkiness as a child.

Following Medoza's keynote, all attendees walked the ceremonial first mile of our council-wide challenge as either Team Daisy, Team Brownie, Team Junior, Team Cadette or Team Senior & Ambassador, which brought us 999,999,547 miles closer to our goal! To find out how you and/or your troop can be a part of this challenge and start tracking your activity miles or minutes each month, please click here. 

To view more photos from the Healthy Promise Million Mile Walk
Family Event click here.  

Volunteer Recognition Luncheon Praises  Accomplishments of Many

Being a Girl Scout volunteer requires dedication, commitment, creativity, patience, energy, enthusiasm and deep belief in the impact Girl Scouts can have on girls. These qualities were evident on Saturday, April 27 at the Holiday Inn in Harrisburg, where 78 volunteers and/or service units were recognized for demonstrating outstanding leadership, devotion and much more. As the MC for the event, Eulah "Cookie" Grugan praised all for the recipients' hard work and dedication to working with girls and positively influencing their lives.  


Click here for a complete listing of the recognition recipients and an overview of their accomplishments.


Don't Forget about GSHPA's Early Bird Re-Registration Campaign


Please continue to encourage any current girl or adult members to

re-register online between April 10 and June 30, 2013 for the 2013-2014 Girl Scout year to be to receive a 20% off coupon towards any GSHPA online purchase totaling $25* or more between August 1 - December 18, 2013. The 20% off coupon will be sent out in July.     


Beginning the process is easy, just go to and click on the "Re-Register" button at the top the page (below the main photo) and the instructions will guide the user through the next steps. This is too sweet a deal to miss out on!  


*Please note that the $25 total is pre-tax and pre-shipping fees.


And, believe it or not, the online process is simple. Check out the videos below to see just what we mean:


Click here to view the user demo.



In This Issue
2013 Annual Meeting Reminds Us of How Far We've Come
Archery & Lifeguarding Courses Offered for Volunteers
Summer Camp is Right Around the Corner
Olympic-themed Healthy Promise Event is Huge Success
Volunteer Recognition Luncheon Praises Accomplishments of Many
Don't Forget about GSHPA's Early Bird Re-Registration Campaign
Welcome New GSHPA Board Chair

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Welcome New GSHPA Board Chair 
Carolyn Warman may be new to the Board Chair role, but she's no stranger to Girl Scouts! Having been involved as a girl - even having earned her First Class Award (now the Gold Award) - and later having served as a troop cookie mom while her daughter was involved, she is well-versed in the wonderful impact that Girl
Scouts has and is a true example of what we stand for. 

Carolyn holds a B.A. degree from Gettysburg College and has completed courses at Harvard Business School and BoardSource. She is currently the Executive Director of Leadership York in York, PA. In addition to her professional experience working with nonprofits, Carolyn has also served on several nonprofit boards including the York Rotary Club, York Nonprofit Management Development Center, York Suburban Communities That Care, Junior League of York, Child Abuse Council of York County and St. John's Episcopal Church.


A GSHPA board member since May 2007, Carolyn has served as Board Development Committee Chair, Diversity Task Group Chair, Executive Compensation Task Group Chair and Board Vice Chair. Carolyn is very well versed in the past and current state of our council and will help continue to lead us to a great future in her new role. Welcome Carolyn!

Save the Date!

May 17 - 19 - aMAZE weekend for Cadettes at Camp Small Valley

May 19 - Archery Instructor Certification Course at Camp Small Valley


May 31 - Family Partnership ends  

June 7 - 9
- Volunteer Training Weekend at Camp Golden Pond

June 14 - 16 - Volunteer Training Weekend at Camp Louise

June 22 - Girl Scout Gold Award Event at Founders Hall, Milton Hershey School, Hershey

June 23 - Archery Instructor Certification Course at Camp Small Valley


June 29 - July 3 - Lifeguard Certification Course at Camp Louise


June 30 - Early Bird Online Re-registration incentive deadline

July 20 - 24 - Lifeguard Certification Course at Camp Furnace Hills


July 31 - Troop & Service Unit Financial Reports Due

August 3 - Volunteer Kick-Off Events (more info in June issue)


August 10 - Volunteer Kick-Off Events (more info in June issue)


September 14 - Archery Instructor Certification Course  

2012 - 2013 Delegates


Click here for the most up-to-date list of 2012-2013 Service Unit Delegates.  


Service Unit Delegates serve as the voice of their service unit's girl and adult members and can influence council-wide governance decisions by sharing their insights with GSHPA's Board of Directors. Don't see anyone listed for your service unit? Please contact your Membership Associate to see how you can become a Delegate.


Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania | 350 Hale Avenue | Harrisburg, PA 17104 | | 1.800.692.7816