Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight
Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight

News Release
Feb 18, 2017
Thank you Dr. Harold Pierre for Hosting Today's Meeting...

Note from Jackie Wright:

Anytime Mayor Willie Brown is on the scene of a community event take note.  It is something you need to pay attention to as this Living Legend & Icon has fought and won many political &  policy battles.

Elders bring out the young Joshua's so they have an idea of the land they are inheriting with all the good, bad, ugly and unspeakable.  Get them off the phones, pull out those ear buds, and put down the game controls.  Fit for the battle, they will not be, if paying attention is a deficiency.

You'll recall Mayor Brown with key former City leadership Louise Renne had to step in to keep investors including LISC, a group that " helps neighbors build communities" from selling undercover with little notice the Frederick Douglass Haynes Gardens Apartments ( Click here for Background).

You'll recall that LISC sponsored with the City of San Francisco a document, Broad Street Neighborhood Profile, that picked on the 13 Black churches along the Broad Street corridor saying they impeded economic growth, yet made no such comparison about the 9 empty storefronts in the neighborhood.  Why
Greater Grace headed by Rev D.M. Phillips & First Lady Kim Phillips is down the street from the home where 100-year old Iris Canada was evicted.
weren't the nine empty storefronts a problem.  So what was the goal of making such a declaration?   When you deem something valueless, it becomes easy to attack and get rid of it.  That seemingly innocuous document is equivalent to the first match thrown at a church burning.

Dr. Amos Brown, President of the NAACP and leader of the church responsible for building the Frederick Douglass Haynes Gardens Apartments appealed to the community to save affordable housing.

Black churches have built black communities.  Black churches have  built homes for its members, built universities, built centers for job training and employment opportunities and much more.  So for LISC to be involved in the attempted sell of the church built "Frederick  Douglass Haynes Apartments," and to find the statement about Black churches on its website that question the motives of the church, its overdue time to question LISC.  They have yet to return my calls, emails or letters to meet with community leaders.

From Black Churches To Homes...

On KGO Radio, Iris Merriouns Namesake for 100 Year Old Iris Canada Evicted and Locked Out of Her Home of over 50 Years...

Iris Merriouns speaks with media on behalf of aunt in April 2016 after court proceedings.
Days after losing a battle that has your frail elderly relative virtually out on the streets, can't Imagine the emotional control it takes to deal with the pressure of a live-talk show radio interview under the circumstances of having defended for two years your mother's aunt after your mother's death.

On Friday, February 10th, bottom line, Iris Canada had no home of her own to go to, after paying monthly rent without missing a beat since 1965.  After paying for a Life Estate (it wasn't given to her as accounts have indicated in the past and that point was not brought out in the interview), Ms. Canada is now locked away from the address that gives her access to San Francisco based medical services and according to Iris Merriouns she has not been allowed to go in the home and get the medications her aunt needs now.  Listen to Brian Copeland's interview of Iris Merriouns. "The devils in the details"...and I add "the devil's in the actions"... The fact that the family was blindsided with court proceedings and Merriouns says the documents for condo-conversion had "alternative facts" stating Iris Canada lived in Texas among other inaccurate things,  I could see why their attorney counseled them not to sign papers that would leave Canada unprotected.

Where is the San Francisco Mayor's initiatives to stop the out-migration of African Americans in this and other unnoticed cases?  What is or has been done other than produce rhetoric about African Americans leaving San Francisco?  Why couldn't parties have been brought together to create a new document ensuring Ms. Canada's protection and allowing Owen's to have the signature he wants for condo-conversion?
Peter Owens and Carolyn Radisch spoke on Brian Copeland's Show, on Thursday, February 16, 2017.      

Related Story/

Sheriff Hennessy takes the heat as SF loses its black history

Did the NAACP Write You?


One hundred years ago, blackface and other offensive media representations of African Americans were not only common, but celebrated. Few cultural moments encapsulate this more fully than D.W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Nation" (1915), a notoriously Ku Klux Klan-friendly reimagining of history.

"Birth of a Movement," a new film now streaming on PBS, tells the story of William Monroe Trotter, an African-American newspaper editor and activist, who, along with the then newly-formed NAACP, waged a battle against the film. Together, we unleashed a conflict that still rages today about race relations, representation, and the power of Hollywood.

Narrated by Danny Glover and featuring interviews from Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Spike Lee, "Birth of a Movement" captures the backdrop to this clash between human rights, freedom of speech, and a changing media landscape....." etc. etc.  (Airs March 5 on PBS)

MY RESPONSE BACK TO THE NAACP...Hey why aren't you tying in the current "Birth of a Nation" by Nate Parker who was obviously attacked by breaking the ranks of share cropping mentality from only being an actor to move over to where the bigger dollars are?  There are too many cases of Blacks moving forward who are attacked when they stand up to dare to do something different. 

Stand behind those under attack. Would be great if someone started a movement to buy DVD's of Parker's film just to shutdown the media attack.  The attack was on more than just Parker.  A lot of great opportunities for Blacks felt the hit when his past was brought up.  Why didn't we know about his past before?  He has been in a lot of high visibility roles.  But when he took on the role of owner... the dogs were let loose.

NATE PARKER to MEL GIBSON HOLLYWOOD'S SLIDING SCALE OF JUSTICE by Jake Cole, Associated Press.. posted Friday, 2/17/17 

The San Francisco Chapter of the National Coalition of
100 Black Women Hit The Airwaves for
"Golden Girls Hats & Gloves 'Bridging the Generations' Tea..."

See KPIX Reporter Christin Ayers Host "Black Renaissance"
 Interview with NCBW SF
 at 11 a.m. Sunday, February 19 on CW Bay Area

Dr. Hickman started the week off with Comcast Newsmakers
President of the National Coaltion of 100 Black Women on Comcast Newsmakers with host Aubry Aquino.

Dr. Maxine Hickman, President of NCBW SF seen on monitors in the control room of Comcast Newsmakers. Thanks, Scott Adams for making it happen.

Special Thank you to KPIX/CW Bay Area President & General Manager, Bruno Cohen for inviting National Coalition of 100 Black Women to be on an upcoming public affairs show! Pictured, last minute stand-in for Dr. Maxine Hickman, Jackie Wright, Community Relations Chair of NCBWSF with Black Renaissance Host, KPIX Reporter Christin Ayers, Kumi Rauf, CEO of Traveling Black and I Love Being Black, with KPIX Producer Jan Mabry, producer of "Black Renaissance" and "Bay Sunday." (Did I mention I met Kumi for the first time in Durban while I was a delegate for the historic CA Trade Mission to Durban, South Africa organized by Vee Govender of Durban and Roland Washington of San Francisco.  It was the Durban/Essence Magazine Festival.  Second time I saw Kumi was at the taping.  He obviously hangs out at the right places...He spoke about getting tickets to Europe and beyond for as little as $200. Check out the show on Sunday, February 19 at 11 a.m. on CW Bay Area) Not pictured is Al Letson of Reveal News, who had to dash out to rehearse for his play "Summer in Sanctuary." Check him out on the first segment of tomorrow's show. Riveting!  Set your DVRs, "Church Ladies" for a revealing show!  BLACK RENAISSANCE--Like Them! BR! 

Notice the New Look of BR! New's happening tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.

TV Director Carla Duke shares a moment with former KPIX/CW Bay Area TV colleague Jackie Wright, former Executive Director for Black Renaissance and Bay Area Focus with Susan Sikora back in the day.

At KBLX Studios in San Francisco, Sterling James,  The interview & Selfie Queen with Dr. Maxine Hickman, Jackie Wright, Fabulous Nikki Thomas, EmCee of the 12th Annual Golden Girls Hats and Gloves Tea, 
March 4, 2017.

Let the Fun Begin! "It's Golden Girls Time, Again! A multicultural Party with a Purpose of advocacy for women of color in the areas of education, economic development and health! Listen Out for more interviews on Comcast & KPIX, and hopefully others like the one with KBLX's Sterling James about "Bridging the Generations" Golden Girls Hats and Gloves Tea with Nikki Thomas in the House!  
Thanks Ridwana Bentley for reaching out to consummate broadcaster, and community service giant Gerry Dove to arrange the interview with KBLX...visit for a lot of great community news.)
Don't forget to attend the Saks Fifth Avenue Spring Beauty Rituals going on now...
Contact SF NCBW member Jennifer Jones! 

Jennifer Jones
CHANEL Business Manager
Saks Fifth Avenue
San Francisco
415.438.5365 Store
925.212.8399 Direct

JOIN US for a Black History Day in the life...
Friday, February 24, 2017
9:30am - 5pm
* Guest Speaker: Michael S. Oden, ma,
Author/Behavior specialist consultant     10am - 11:30am
Southeast Community Facility
(Alex Pitcher Room)
1800 Oakdale Ave
Contact:     Tonie Brock 415 368 3353

Coming Soon News of Kelly Armstrong's
Bayview Hunter's Point's Y "Primed & Prepped" Iron Chef Challenge...

Kelly Armstrong as "Cutie Pie" Speaks with KTVU Reporter at Last Year's Event. It's a must see and must taste event!
Details Coming Soon!