September 6, 2018  |  Issue 20  |  Volume 3

Unique Programs
Amerigroup's Practice Consultants Program

Amerigroup works daily with its care providers to help improve the health and wellness of the members they serve.
One way Amerigroup is helping its care providers stay up-to-date on all of their patients' healthcare needs, is through its Practice Consultants program.
Practice Consultants are Registered Nurses who work with Amerigroup. They go into Iowa communities and work directly with doctor's offices to promote best practices and identify care that patients may need but are not getting. By visiting each provider at least four times per year - and regularly staying in touch via phone and email - Practice Consultants provide a welcome extra set of eyes to doctor's offices across Iowa.
Using data analytics, Practice Consultants can notify a doctor's office of a patient overdue for a visit so that the care provider can remind them to come in. Practice Consultants can also help offices work to overcome any barriers patients may have to receiving care, such as no longer having transportation to get to a medical appointment.
Practice Consultants use medical and billing records to ensure providers are using the standards and best practices - as set by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - to provide the best quality care to their patients. This can include everything from which immunizations should be delivered, to how many visits children should have before they reach 18 months of age, to ensuring body mass index is measured at every annual physical.

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Iowa Medicaid Contacts
Iowa Medicaid Provider Services
IA Health Link Member Services

IA Health Link Provider Services

Dental Wellness Plan Member Services

Dental Wellness Plan Provider Services


Informational Letters
Informational letters are posted through the Iowa Medicaid Portal Application (IMPA) system and are available on the DHS website  here These letters communicate important policies and procedures for providers and their administrative staff. 

Iowa Medicaid Enterprise | [email protected] |
100 Army Post Rd., Des Moines, IA 50315