Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time
Saturday, November 4, 2017
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Prayer Practice for the Week
Make Time
Make time. This exploration of Jesus will only be as meaningful as you make it. So make the time. Make the time to read the material. Make the time to do the activities. And, make time for silence, for uninterrupted, unfilled space. Thomas Keating reminds us: “Silence is God’s first language; everything else is a poor translation.” Set yourself a goal of 5 minutes each day to sit and listen. Use an egg timer or try
Daily Devotion

Scripture of the Day
For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. ( 1 Corinthians 1:18)

That Jesus died on a cross was not then a badge of honor. Rather, it was a shameful and undignified end. Not only was it horrifically painful for Jesus, but the cross represented a scandalous breach from the established order of the day. According to any good logic it makes no sense. The means don’t justify the end; the price far outweighs the value. It undercut Jesus’ credibility. Or should have. His obedience to love made the cross is perfectly rational. His rejection of violence and his ban on retaliation made the illogical logical. His obedience to his own laws of love cemented his teaching in the hearts of his students. And in the hearts of their students. And in the heart of me. 

Jesus, I have been forged in the fire of logic. I have been taught to balance the pros and cons, to measure the risks against the rewards. Wipe away these calculations and exchange them with love. Sweep away old formulas that I may be guided by compassion. Exchange the rule of law with the covenant of love. Amen.
Spiritual Exercise

 Borg acknowledges the deflating impact of a “first theological conundrum.” (6) What was yours? He describes “precritical naivete” — an unquestioning innocence. His conflicts were not resolved, so much as overtaken by what Abraham Heschel called “radical amazement.” (14) Take a moment today to let yourself be amazed by God. Go outside and take a picture of God. Email it to Greg.
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