Shabby Painted
Wood Signs
Friday & Saturday
January 25 & 26, 2013
We are so excited to
offer these charming
sign painting classes.
The talented Rita Reade
The Vintage Marketplace in Fallbrook, California
will teach you how to create your own sweet sign for your home.
Rita will provide all the materials needed for this class. After registering all you need to do is just show up and enjoy.
Class Fee 75.00
limited to 12 people per class
To add to the fun, Rita will have several raffles through out the classes. Maybe you will be one of her lucky winners!
Three classes times are offered.
Please be sure you are registering for the class you intend to register for.
Friday's classes offer a choice of
"Welcome" or "Blissful".
Saturday's class will be "DREAM Big"
follow the links for registration: