Weekly Newsletter of Memorial Lutheran Church                                 Houston, Texas
Memorial Messenger
8 June 2018
Summer Sunday School Sign-Up
In order to keep summer Sunday school open, we are in need of your help. Two teachers per class are needed in order to fill our spots. Please consider co-teaching a class or two. We still have a few openings in July and August!

Click here to see the schedule and sign-up to help!
From the Pastor
Not Unforgiven, but Forgiven! 
Recent ly , some people are accusing Christians by saying that Christianity is a kind of insanity.  Well, the accusation is not new.  In our gospel text, some people were saying that Jesus was out of his mind. 

Our Lutheran Confessions correctly state that God is indivisible with infinite power. Although blasphemy is a characteristic of the devil, it can neither divide nor defeat God. In His infinite wisdom, actually, God divided Satan and man and created enmity between them so that man continues to remain in the realm of forgiveness. Let's get the equation correct. If God withholds His forgiveness for breaking even a single commandment, we all will be doomed. But He doesn't. Even the second commandment. When Jesus died on the cross, He divided and destroyed the strong-house of Satan and removed sin. Now, the portion of the devil is eternal sin and condemnation. The portion of a Christian is forgiveness, life, and salvation. Amen.
Sunday's Scripture Readings & Hymns
Hymns: LSB  462, 668, 656, 561, 692
What's New Telugu?
We are currently experiencing exciting times in mission at Memorial! I envision a very productive ten years by reaching out to more Telugu people in our community. In the last few years, Telugu Ministry reached significant milestones in gathering and establishing a Confessional Lutheran Telugu community, educated with sound Christian doctrine. We have baptized a total of 31 people.  I want to commend you for joyfully embracing this culturally diverse group and contributing to the needs of the ministry. Telugu people feel very blessed to be part of this congregation and are grateful for your kindness and generosity. However, we need to continue to nurture and grow. Our current financial need for Telugu ministry is $20,171. There has been a generous gift of matching funds in the amount of $20,000 to be released as donations come in. I humbly request you to, not only to contribute to this mission generously, but also to be an active part of this ministry. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Your servant in Christ,
Missionary at Memorial
If you have suggestions about things that you'd like to see in the Memorial Messenger, please let the office staff know. We would love to hear from you.

Rev. Dr. Scott R. Murray
Senior Pastor
Memorial Lutheran Church and School
In This Issue
Let Us Pray
For Michael Koutsodontis as he continues treatment

For LouAnn Webber as she continues treatment

For those families affected by the floods from Hurricane Harvey
VBS Info
MLS will hold Vacation Bible School the week of 23-27 July 2018. We hope to see your children there!

Register your children Online now to get ahead of the curve.

Volunteers are needed for VBS from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM Monday through Friday. Volunteers may register here .
Memorial Lutheran Church | [email protected] | http://www.mlchouston.org | http://www.memoriallutheranschool.org
5800 Westheimer Rd.
Houston, TX 77057