Weekly Newsletter of Memorial Lutheran Church                                 Houston, Texas
Memorial Messenger
15 August 2014
Adult Instruction Begins THIS Sunday!
Pastor Murray will be teaching a new Adult Instruction Class beginning 17 August from 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM in the church library.  If you are interested, please contact Pastor Murray at [email protected].
From the Pastor
In this Sunday's Epistle reading, St. Paul takes up the question of whether God's bringing of the Gentiles into the Kingdom constituted a rejection of the Jewish people.   This may seem like a silly question, but we have to understand that prior to the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the miracles of Pentecost, many thought the Jewish people were the exclusive recipients of God's gifts.   With the sharing of the divine gifts (salvation among others) with the Gentiles, some believed this meant God had turned his back on the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Has God rejected the Jewish people?  The answer is: NO!  God has not.  In bringing the Gentiles into the Kingdom, we do not see a diminishing of God's kingdom, but its expansion.  We do not see an abandoning of the divine plan, but its fulfillment with both Jew and Gentile receiving all of the benefits won for us by Christ!  

Who's New

Elizabeth Duncan "Edie" Odom was born 16 March 2014 to the Odom family. She was baptized 11 May 2014 here at MLC. Edie comes from a long line of MLC Lutherans. Her parents, David and Rachel, her brothers, Emmet and Albert, her grandparents, Albert and Debbie Allen, her uncle Stuart Allen, and her cousin Lindsey Duncan are all current MLC members. Mr. and Mrs. Allen were married here and Edie's mother, and uncles were also baptized here at MLC. Edie is a very sweet, laid-back baby.  She loves to be entertained by her older brothers and is enjoying sharing little bits of summer peaches with them.

Welcome to MLC, Edie!


Sunday's Scripture Lessons

Isaiah 56:1, 6-8                                       

Romans 11:1-2a, 13-15, 28-32
Replacement of Paraments
We are seeking to replace all of our paraments starting with our Advent Paraments this fall. Our paraments are around 40-50 years old and are starting to show their age. In particular, our Advent paraments are currently blue and we are replacing them with the more traditional violet paraments. We hope to order the Advent paraments by the end of September 2014 as they require about 8 weeks to be made and Advent will be here before we know it. Our goal is $8,000 to replace the full Advent set of chasuble, stoles, altar paraments, the veil, the burse, and 2 banners. If you can help with reaching our goal, please write your checks to MLC with the memo line "Advent Paraments" or if you have any questions, please contact Martha Fredenburg at: 


If you have suggestions about things that you'd like to see in the Memorial Messenger, please let the office staff know. We would love to hear from you.

Rev. Dr. Scott R. Murray
Senior Pastor
Memorial Lutheran Church and School
In This Issue
Let Us Pray
For Luke George, who is going through therapy for Leukemia
For Bud Obert, that he would be blessed by God with strength and confidence
For the family of Violet Linn, who was called to our heavenly home

Mark Your Calendars!

Christian Education Night

Returns Wednesdays

10 September - 19 November


5:15 Dinner

6:00 Classes


If you would like to help provide a meal, please contact Wayne in the church office 713 782 6079.

Memorial Lutheran Church | [email protected] | http://www.mlchouston.org | http://www.memoriallutheranschool.org
5800 Westheimer Rd.
Houston, TX 77057

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