Lisa Zimmerman
Lisa Zimmerman | Soul Level Solutions 
Week of Sept 1, 2017

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Mercury 3
A Note From Lisa
There is so much going on. Hurricane
Harvey and it's effects have caused a pattern interrupt and has redirected attention in a positive way, but at such a cost of human lives and loss. 

Like 9/11, a tragedy that affects so many awakens humanity. If only we could be this caring without such a painful wake up call. 

People matter. We could stop being so busy and make time for more connection.

On that note, my  life has shifted since the Solar Eclipse and Saturn Direct last week. 

Suddenly, I have a social life in Boulder and I'm meeting new people. I'm not  sure how this happened; it must be planetary because I definitely wasn't trying. I call it realignment and grace.

Blessings from the past week: The  Rocky Mt. Astrologers  picnic on Saturday, an elegant brunch at the home of special friends here on Sunday, with new acquaintances who I so enjoyed. 

On Wed, lunch with longtime pal and business coach, Christine Kane in Denver. A 20 year bond of sisterhood. As much as we grow and change, we also stay the same. I love that. 

And the finale. Yesterday I met my nephew Jonathan (my brother's first born) yesterday with his wife and 2 year old son. He's 45 and the last time I saw him he was 13. He was in Atlanta for 30 years and I was in NYC for 35 years. Now we live 20 minutes apart! Amazing how he and I are alike and simpatico. Comforting; feels like home. Life is magical.  You never know what's going to happen next or how things will turn out. 

I have family in Colorado now! Look at us. We belong  together.


If you feel the call to grow, please follow that impulse. If something's ending or  not working, it's a path to find the truth of Who You Are; buried treasure! 

The treasure is the real YOU; a version of You that has yet to be revealed, waiting to be discovered. That's what I can help you with. 

The Awakened Life Retreat is a space where you'll find clarity, accelerate openings and receive care, while expanding your intuitive gifts (yes, you have them). The result is life-changing. I call it Awakening.   ♥︎

Reach out for more info if you want to explore. 


Is it time for your astrology update?

We're in a time of major change and possibilities. If you want your personal map, your astrology chart will show you what's happening so you can make sense of your experience.  This is a path of empowerment.

An  Astrology Reading  is the perfect way to get clarity about what's happening for you and what's possible for you in the next 6-8 months.

Whether you're new to Astrology or you've had many readings before, I can offer you a fresh view that's different from what you've heard before - that will allow you to move forward with confidence. That's always my intention.

Sending you love and wishing you many blessings.  

People Are Saying...
I spent 3 days with Lisa at the Awakened Life Retreat this year.  I  expected some shifts, some transformations, some aha's. 

What I did not expect and what I DID receive from this experience so abundantly was the manner in which Lisa listens and sees with her Heart.  

She was able to tap into a block I had, that was so a part of me, so long ingrained in my being that I could not have possibly discerned it on my own.  

She helped me to see the existence of this and helped me to see the possibilities of living beyond this, of living without this false wall of protection I had so solidly built over my 60 + years.  

She also had me (and all of us) live, breathe, give and accept such an enormous experience of absolute Love, it was shattering of old unworthiness thoughts and ideas.

Lisa created an utterly safe sanctuary to become vulnerable, to be open to exploring what I do, what I can start to do, that supports my growth and expansion; as well as old, no-longer-useful patterns of thought and belief I continue to hang onto, and to recognize my value, my gifts and move forward with joy in a purposeful, abundant, loving manner.

Wendy Harbath
Denver, CO

Lisa Recommends...

From the moment you arrive in charming Niwot, you can feel the sacred ground of the Native American ancestors who first settled here, as your transformation begins...

Enjoy the release of old scripts and stories with reverence, care, support and sharing with other soul seekers who "get" you, as you instantly feel lighter and freer than you have in years, if ever! Invisible chains can come off in no time...

This intimate 2½ day retreat in Niwot, CO will allow you to discover a new personal expression of your Self (even more Authentic!). You will be showered with support and space to share your truth like never before, by others who are right there with you, doing the same. The freedom is extraordinary.

Breaking through old structures and allowing what wants to emerge from you is the call. Sounds simple, but it is life-changing! And it can be easy.

Come into an exquisite, nurturing space and release old identities that no longer fit like the South Node in astrology, the old way of being that you're really good at, but is no longer working for you.

It's a beautiful experience of opening and transforming. 

"Some of the ghosts that had haunted me for decades were finally disempowered and released.  Personally, not only was my heart lighter, but I actually lost - and continue to lose weight." ~ M.A. 

"I wanted especially to say thank you for opening the door so I could get a glimpse of what can be ahead. I'm excited and hopeful and extremely grateful." 
~ B.R. 

The Feature Article
Mercury Direct - Sept 5, 2017
Full Moon in Pisces -  Sept 6, 2017
12:03am PDT ~ 3:03am EDT

Happy September. This week involves energetic shifts that can easily activate edgy or button-pushing (confusing) interactions, so I suggest you tread lightly and be gentle in your dealings. Planets are changing signs and the Moon will become Full, which always heightens emotions (to add to the fun!).

Unexpected events can activate deep issues, bringing them up for your awareness. You have a choice - y ou can either resist them or use them to find a new way of operating that is more honoring and empowering (for you and others). 

A challenge can be a Sacred Turning Point, should you choose to embrace the opportunity for your growth.

Here's the lineup:

Sun, Sept 3: Mercury-Mars conjunction @ 28º Leo (Eclipse degree)
Tue, Sept 5: Mars in Virgo
Tue, Sept 5: Mercury Direct @ 28º Leo (Eclipse degree)
Wed, Sept 6: Full Moon in Pisces @ 14º Pisces 

Mercury (communication, info) in loud and proud Leo, turns Direct on Tues, and is already slowing for the turnaround. You can feel its impact by the connection to Mars (warrior), exact on Sept 3. This means words can become weapons, so hold your tongue in the heat of anger this week and don't dial pain. Speak up or pitch your agenda, but do it respectfully.

The Mercury-Mars conjunction falls exactly at 28º Leo, the Solar Eclipse degree, so watch for some BIG new info to come out, illuminating a past event. Probably something in world news. 

What is your Solar Eclipse story? See if any new info shows up for you this week.

Also, if you're triggered there's a way to use anger as a tool for discovery.  Anger is a path to discern a need that is crying for attention, buried beneath the fire. It's a cover - and vulnerability is required to feel the truth of what hurts underneath. It's worth it to find your hidden needs so you can get them met (file this under "Acts of Self-love"). Getting your needs met is the antidote for anger.

We've been conditioned by the energy of Mercury-Mars for a while now, as verbal attacks are the norm with a President who models this form of communication regularly. It's astounding, but true.  However, that doesn't mean you should do it or that it's an effective method for building connections to advance your cause, help others or make a better world.

If you think others are doing things TO you, the invitation is to check your perception and interpretation of events to explore and find another more empowering viewpoint. Finding your part in upsets and challenges requires you put on your Big Girl/Boy panties, but this is the path of evolution, peace and compassion. 

Mars (action) shifts from CEO Leo into detail-oriented, analytical Virgo along with the Sun on Tuesday, inviting you to get busy and take practical actions to support your efforts.  

The Full Moon in Pisces occurs early Wed morning in the U.S. This is an ultra-sensitive Moon with deep feelings of connection to All That Is, dreams, empathy and compassion especially for those with less power. 

The 48 hours prior to the Full Moon emotions run high and reactions can be overblown.  Our skin is thin. Our feelings are right on the surface. Use this sensitive awareness for mindfulness, meditation, spiritual pursuits, time in nature, listening to music or making art, doing yoga, playing with babies, animals. Something soft. Nurturing. Nourishing. Soothing.  

Pisces rules the collective unconscious, and according to sound healer and channel, Tom Kenyon, humanity is at a choice point regarding what it will experience as a collective reality. The reality that will prevail is being anchored through choices we are now making, both as individuals and as a collective. 

Choose consciously, with love, compassion and care - for yourself and for all Beings who share our planet.

Namaste friends. We're on a mission...

© 2017 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved. 
To use any or all of this newsletter, include this exactly:   

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach, and Retreat Leader who supports seekers in discovering who they came here to be, how to transcend obstacles and align with their Higher Self to create an abundant, meaningful life. It is a joyful journey!
About Lisa
Lisa Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Transformational Coach who sources teachings and guidance from her 25-year healing journey and various cutting edge trainings along the way.

She's  a deep communicator who loves the intimacy of working with people one-on-one to help them see who they came here to be, their Higher Truth and what's actually possible for them in this lifetime - and show them how to get there.

She is an Interfaith Minister ordained by One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in NYC, a Neurofeedback trainer and studied Business Coaching and Energy Healing with some of the great teachers and masters. 

Her training is vast, yet her heart is always her guide.

She leads the Awakened Life Retreat throughout the year in Niwot, CO. 
Lisa Zimmerman
Boulder, CO
o: (646) 484-9084