A Message from Executive Director Travis Brown
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Some of you may have heard this news already, but I wanted to take this opportunity to notify everyone. I will be leaving The District at the end of the month. I won't be going far, though. I will be moving just down the block to Rokusek Design and assuming the role of Director of Business Development. 

I cannot thank you enough for the amazing support and assistance that you have provided to me over the past five years. From the first day on the job you have made me feel welcome. It has been an absolute honor to work along side you to strengthen and grow our District. 

The District is a special place and being the Executive Director is an experience I have treasured. While leaving is a difficult decision, this was something that was a great opportunity for myself and my family. 

Our Board of Directors is an amazing group of dedicated and talented individuals and they have made me a better director. I know The District is in good hands with their leadership. They have already begun putting together a hiring committee and will be accepting resumes and screening candidates in the coming weeks. 

I would ask that you be patient as we work through this transitional period. Sandra and Vickie will still be in the office from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday to Friday to assist you or direct you to the appropriate contact. 

Again, from the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you for this opportunity. It has been a privilige that I will cherish. I look forward to continuing to work with you in the future, and to watching The District continue to thrive and succeed. 

Very Sincerely, 

Travis M. Brown