Dear all, as all of you may have heard and for those of you that have not, there is a situation in Miami Beach, Florida where a huge "managed" colony of 100 + cats are being displaced of of perhaps the only home they have ever known, because the city decided to tear down their "home: and habitat to build a boardwalk.
As we speak construction is taking place and all vegetation which provides shelter for them from the elements is being bulldozed.
We have been in talks with the city and all we have received has been a bunch of good future plans for the Miami Beach colonies, but nothing, zero solutions and little to effort to remedy the destruction going on now.
What the city is hoping for is that while the construction is going on, that these cats will move into nearby dunes or other colonies nearby.
Sadly this construction is going to take months, per what the city said 5 to 6 months, that will mean a year.
If the construction was a matter of a few weeks, yes most likely they will return to what they know!
But these cats aren't coming back to this location ever given the lenght of time this construction is going to take.
Cats are creatures of habit, they do not like change and they stick to what they know and what is safe, with this happening, they are terrorized, they are running all over the place scare to death, they are confused, the feeders cannot feed them in that location right now, the entire area has been blocked.
And news flash for the city that they hope the cats go into nearby dunes, the nearby dunes house other colonies, feral conlonies do not allow new cats into their colony unless one in the colony dies.
To integrate new cats into a colony it has to been done slowly for the transition to be a success. In this case if new cats start invading other colonies, this yet will create a new sort of problem and not to mention distress to the animals being displaced and to those colonies already in place.
They will fight to the dead, be injured, lost and even killed.

When i wrote to the city the given possible solutions where:
1- To stop the construction for the moment until a solution was put in place.
2- To put in place a cat fence perimeter where the colony could be cointained in a nearby location.
3- To plant, plants and trees of their choice as the ones that they did not want were teared down.

As i said above it all feel on deaf ears and all they came back with was future plans. As of yesterday they bulldozing keep on going.

And as we speak I jsut received a very disturbing tweet screen shot that one of the commissioners Tweeted saying that all the cats are being relocated.
This is the worse of my fears as if they are working with animal control in relocate these cats these poor animals are going to end up who knows where are animal control just picks them up and relocates to other colonies and some farms in the streets of Miami. That is their idea of no kill.

So with all of the above said we need a village to put a stop to this construction now and all this none sense of the cats now being relocated.
Please take the time to write to the city regardless of your location and ask for the construction to be stopped immediately and to find a solution that makes sense, so the cats can stay in their "home" and for their habitat to be re-builded.

Here are the e mail addresses for the city to write to:
Remember 2 things to ask (be nice) for construction to stop and to find a solution so the cats to stay where they are.

Thank you for your support and for speaking out for these little ones that have nobody.

Also please make and effort to contact the media via their web Channel 7, channel 6, channel 10, channel 4, The Miami Herald, these alternate media outlets too:
Miami New Times:



Channel 7 News


Other media:

Bellow you will find a link of an interview with one of the feeders Ellen Dominguez as well as pictures of what is going on so you all have an idea:
Interview link:


All this vegetation and trees is being destroyed and this is their "home"!

Look at the look on this cats face, he can't believe his eyes!

Old guy most likely has been there his whole life

One of the commissioners this morning Tweeted this. But they are not saying who is relocating them aor where to, if Animals Services got involved then these cats are really doomed because their notion of no kill is relocating them to other colonies in diferent areas of Miami.

All of this being destroyed, gone.

Thank you again for speaking up and for your caring and for speaking up for these animals.

Celene Albano, CEO  

Miami Beach, FL. 33141 
Tax ID #: 42-169-3737