from "Daphoneguy"
News and
Views regarding the NEC DSX Phone System and the Telecom
Wenesday November 24,
Volume III Number 15
Know? |
System Software Version 3.2 is an important new release that
features three major VoIP enhancements: Peer-to-Peer
communication between IP extensions, NAT Traversal with
Any Router, and Improved ATA and SIP
SLT Support.
System Software Version 3.2 also provides the new IntraMail Message
Review feature, enhanced Cascading Message
Notification with IntraMail Pro, and improved
maintenance functions when used with System Administrator 3.1 or
keysets, ATAs, and SIP SLTs connected to another SIP device in
the same
office do not
use VoIP Gateway circuits. They communicate p2p instead. This means
you can have 32 SIP devices in an office talking to each other and
never use up a VoIP License.
VoIP License is still required, however, when a SIP device
- On
an outside call.
- Participating
in a Conference.
- Using
Room Monitor.
- Using
an IntraMail mailbox or leaving a message.
- Calling
a SIP device in another office. For example, if an on-premise IP
keyset calls an IP keyset in a remote office, each IP phone
requires a VoIP License.
default, Peer-to-Peer is enabled for all IP extensions. The system
will automatically switch VoIP gateways in and out as required by
the call state.
that some 3rd party ATAs and SIP SLTs may not support p2p in the
remote office. However, the Cisco PAP2T and SPA8000 do support p2p in the
remote office.
Traversal With Any Router for DSX IP Keysets
Traversal is available with any router without programming. You no
longer have to limit your remote offices to the two LinkSys routers
we previously recommended. To set up NAT Traversal:
- On
the phone system router, forward UDP ports 5060 (SIP) and 1024-1088
(RTP) to the DSX system IP address.
- On
the DSX IP Keysets, use IP Keyset firmware or higher.
ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter) and SIP SLT
improvements have been made to the DSX integration with third-party
ATAs and SLTs. In general, ATAs and SIP SLTs work the same as local
analog single line sets.

DSX Dealer Forum would be the best place to get additional
information regarding this application of linking NEC DSX Systems
together as you can correspond with dealers that have actually
implemented this application. I pulled the following information
off of our Dealer Forum pertaining to this application:
Hello, I have a DSX 80 in Atlanta and a
DSX 160 in New Jersey... We have 2 cortelco ATA's at both locations
going from co lines back into VoIP cards. When user presses the
appropriate button to pick up on a CO line it connects to 401-404
intercom at remote site, then they can dial an extension. Works
great for inter-office intercom. The question I have is if you are
basically picking up extension 401 for instance from a single line
telephone, even though it is back thru the DSX handset, why can I
not dial a 9 to pickup an outside line from my remote site. Would
be useful if they needed to call a customer in that area and save
long distance fees. Thanks hopefully I explained that right. We
have version 3 software at both sites.
Direct Line Access, just press the CO Line key on the local DSX
that is connected to your Cortelco - this will pull Intercom dial
tone from the remote DSX. Then dial 101 to get the remote DSX CO
dial tone on Line 1, (or dial 102 to get CO dial tone on CO Line 2,
etc.), then dial the phone number of the person you are trying to
way that ATA's make calls is that they accumulate all of the digits
first, and then send out a single call setup ("Invite") message.
Typically this requires dialing of a "#" to indicate that all
digits have been
dialed. Once the "Invite" is sent to the
DSX, the digits are then processed. CO Calls can be dialed with
"101 xxx xxx xxxx #" (where xxx xxx xxxx is a 10digit local
number), or they can be dialed as "101 #" (or "9 #") followed by
"xxx xxx xxxx" however in this case, the local number is now being
dialed through to the DSX using the dialing protocol specified in
the ATA configuration. In this case you should hear dial tone from
the CO after the "#". Generally the best option for dialing is to
use "SIP Info", however RFC 2833 is supported for DTMF Relay.
Please also make sure that you are using the latest system software
(v3.20) as many ATA improvements have been
Seminars |
As a reminder, all of our
scheduled WebEx seminars are now posted on a calendar located on
our NEC DSX support website.That's right - the DSX team got
together and we're organizing our WebEx seminars in order to give
you, the dealer, greater opportunity to learn more about the DSX.
You can access the calendar by going to www.necdsx.com , roll over the
"Training" tab and click on "Live WebEx Events"; a calendar will
then pop up with links to the different WebEx Training events - OR,
you can just follow this link directly to the calendar: http://www.necdsx.com/blog/index.php
We have recently added a new topic to our WebEx series;
DSX Residential
Here are the topics covered in our WebEx series:
DSX V3 Technical Overview - designed for
the prospective or new reseller to learn the DSX product from
"Square 1".
DSX Residential Applications - designed
for the experienced reseller in order to learn the details about
the features and applications of the NEC DSX specific to the
Residential Market.
DSX VoIP - designed for the
experienced reseller to learn the detail about IP and what they
need to know in order to successfully implement VoIP on the NEC
DSX Version 3 Programming - designed to
help everybody of all experience levels to learn how to program the
basic features and applications for an NEC DSX system.
DSX Applications - In this presentation
we will take a look at different Vertical Markets and the NEC DSX
features that lend themselves well to a particular vertical
NEC Financial Services - In this
presentation, our representatives from NEC Financial Services will
go over the advataged of offering leasing to your customers.
These WebEx seminars are great for both the experienced DSX
Reseller as well as those dealers that may be new to the world of
the NEC DSX.
Leasing |
Don't Be Afraid of the Leasing
Over the last couple of years, I have heard the
same refrain from the dealers out in the field. They tell me
"Daphoneguy, we've got plenty of quotes out there it's just that
are customers just aren't willing to buy yet" My response to that
is actually they are willing to buy or else they would not be
talking to you; instead, my feeling is that your customers are
unwilling to spend. They're afraid, they're afraid that if they
spend $5000.00 for a phone system today, they will not be able to
get those funds if the need the $5000.00 for the business tomorrow.
However, even though they are unwilling to write that check for
$5000.00 for the new NEC DSX Phone System; thaey are willing to
write a $150.00 check per month for the NeC DSX Pgone System. If
you are not including leasing information with each proposal that
you do, you are doing yourself a disservice. Please fell free to
contact one of our leasing consultants at NEC Financial Services
and open up a leasing account today. You can even do it on line by
visiting www.neclease.com
I'm A Twit(terer)
still trying to become a better Twit(terer) and do a better job at
Tweeting. If you would like to follow me on twitter, I'm at www.twitter.com/daphoneguynec.
be on the look out as there is a way that I can post my newsletters
on my Twitter page so I'll be getting that together in the very
near future.
NEC DSX Resellers,
I know; I've been a very baaaaddd boy! I cannot believe it has been
about 4 months since I've pumped out one of these little
newsletters for you folks. Many of you have been asking "Whassup?"
and my only excuse is that I got distracted with other "issues"
during the late summer and fall time; mainly trying to generate
business ( a challenge many of you can identify with). Also, truth
be told, I was also suffering from a serious case of "writers
block"; I mean you know how hard it is to write about a phone
system (even a great one like the NEC DSX) and still keep it
sounding fresh? Luckily, I've worked my way through some of those
issues and I am attempting to get back into form to start churning
these babies out on a more regular basis. I thought what better
time than Thanksgiving week to try to get back in the swing of
things...OK full disclosure here; by choosing this week I have the
opportunity to reuse my annual Thanksgiving thoughts with you all.
So there's a big chunk of writing I don't need to worry about. But
also, I had some information pertaining to the DSX that I felt
needed to get out to the field.
the last few months, I've fielded a number of inquiries regarding
the NEC DSX and SIP Trunking; I can tell you that we are getting
ready to launch a limited and local field trial on the SIP Trunking
Application for the NEC DSX. Now, we do have a time frame
established for when we would like to see this application be
available for general release; but given NEC's track record for
hitting release deadlines, I hesitate to share any specific timing
for the release with you.
my conversations with many of you, I have discovered that the
primary reason you all view having SIP Trunking available on the
NEC DSX would be for the ability to link systems together. And I'm
like, heck, we can kind of do that now; so this week's issue of my
Ramblings I will cover a couple of the ways that you
can link NEC DSX systems together; that is until we have the SIP
Trunking capabilities ready for the NEC DSX. In the mean time,
please feel free to contact me with any thoughts that you may have
regarding how you would view having SIP Trunking on the NEC DSX and
how you would utilize the application out in the field.
promised; it's time to share my annual Thanksgiving thoughts with
you all. So let the "Shmaltz" and the "Smarm"
Thoughts on Giving Thanks
we move into this special time of year it is becoming increasingly
difficult to maintain focus on the true meaning of the season. If
we listen to the "news media" there is nothing but gloom and doom
that awaits us, our economy is in "peril" and life as we know it is
going to get "uncomfortable" for us - at least according to the
"news media". I for one have had enough! I've had enough of the
negative assault on my senses; instead, this self-confessed
"news-junkie" has turned off the cable news channels and started
focusing on the positives that are all around me (us). You know
what I discovered? We still have plenty to be thankful
I'm thankful for Mrs. Daphoneguy, L'il Daphonegal, and Daphoneteens
as they are my rocks, my foundation, and what keeps me grounded
when the stuff starts hittin' the fan. I am thankful that I get to
earn my living in what is still the greatest country on the planet.
I am thankful for the opportunity that NEC has given to me.
Finally, I'm thankful for you - the dealer; for when the smoke
clears, and we sift through all of the negativity that awaits
everyday - we are still keeping our head above water when it comes
to the NEC DSX in 2010. That's right, even in this "challenging"
economy, you dealers are still finding business for us and for that
I am eternally thankful to you - the dealers who have supported my
efforts this year.
as we sit down to our Holiday meals this week it is my sincere hope
that we all take a collective deep breath, appreciate and be
thankful for what we do have, that we help somebody who doesn't
have as much to be thankful for, that we realize that things really
aren't as bad as they may appear and may the only television we
ingest this weekend involve really large men in funny uniforms
chasing an oblong ball.
wish everybody a Happy, Healthy, and Safe Thanksgiving, enjoy the
holiday weekend and I look forward to kickin' it with everybody in
Linking DSX Systems Together
DSX Systems via T1 PCB & Tie Lines
lines directly link a local DSX-80/160 telephone system with one or
more remote DSX-80/160 systems. The link is independent of the
Telco's switched network. When a local system user seizes a tie
line, they hear Intercom dial tone from t
he remote
system. The user can then use many of the features normally
available to the remote system's single line telephones,
Dialing Intercom extensions in the remote system.
Using the remote system's lines for outgoing calls.
Accessing System Speed Dial numbers in the remote
Using the remote system's Paging.
Lines require a T1 PCB and Tie Line service from the
DSX Systems with 3rd Part VoIP Gateway
are several manufacturers out there that offer VoIP gateway devices
for legacy phone systems. These devices usually integrate via
analog ports on the system and allow for intercom calling between
systems as well as transferring calls from one system to another.
This is not networking systems as each system would
need to have their own incoming CO Lines and if necessary, their
own IntraMail; but it is a good way to link DSX systems together. A
couple of cautionary areas when utilizing this application
1. Tech
Support - Any time you introduce a 3rd party device to
any system you run the risk of "finger pointing' during any tech
support issues.
2. Increases
overall cost of the system
feel free to contact me for further information on utilizing this
w/ SIP
Analog Terminal Adapter (ATA)
� Connect
Multiple Systems
o Share
Local Dial Tone
o Single
Line Devices
VoIP Ports
o Maximum
of 16 IP Stations & VoIP Devices Allowed
80/DSX 160
o Maximum
of 32 IP Station & VoIP Devices
� Configuration
does not support remote system:
o Message

As always, your
feedback is important, encouraged, read, and passed along; so keep
those cards, letters, faxes, phone calls, A,B,C,D,and E-Mails
coming and I thank you for your continued support of the NEC DSX
Michael T.
Midwest Account Manager
NEC Corporation of America
Technology Group
Mobile: (630)873-9625
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