Jan. 6,

No. 67

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Supporting the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
It is going to be a big year for AMS, so stay tuned for new developments. Things will probably take longer than we hope, but we are working on a brand new website to showcase our shiny new stuff. 忍耐等待... Also, make sure to check out the job opportunities at the end of this newsletter. 
Weekly Readings

In case the military reforms Xi Jinping announced in November sounded too optimistic, the first round of changes began last week. The Second Artillery Force is now the PLA Rocket Force, and the name changes joins what are likely to be broader organizational changes. At least two of the "Four General Departments" have elements being integrated into the new Strategic Support Department. More reforms are coming, and new personnel assignments are being ann ounced. The Central Military Commission also released an opinion on the course of military reform.

俗语 in Xi Jinping's  Speeches

lù lì tóng xīn 

Meaning: unite in a concerted effort

In his New Year's Eve greeting, Xi Jinping gave a year-in-review speech, touting the major accomplishments and noting some of the tragedies. It is a short, crisp speech and worth a read and/or listen. This chengyu is typically  同心 勠力, but here he has reversed it.

Original:  全面建成小康社会,13亿人要携手前进。让几千万农村贫困人口生活好起来,是我心中的牵挂。我们吹响了打赢扶贫攻坚战的号角,全党全国要勠力同心,着力补齐这块短板,确保农村所有贫困人口如期摆脱贫困。对所有困难群众,我们都要关爱,让他们从内心感受到温暖。

Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2015-12/31/c_1117643074.htm
Documentary of the Week

We know it is your first week back at work, brains are moving slowly, and you still hold aspirations of productivity, so this week we are just giving you the short video of Xi's New Year speech.

  Job of the Week

Two great job opps this week:

The United States Information Technology Office (USITO) is looking for a new MD based in Beijing.  The USITO Managing Director is the chief representative of USITO, the leading voice of the global ICT industry in China. In addition to managing the USITO operation in China, the Managing Director works closely with the USITO Board of Directors and the USITO parent associations to develop and implement policy advocacy strategies on behalf of USITO members and the U.S. information communications technology (ICT) sector in China. 

The Environmental Investigation Agency is looking for a  China Trade and Policy Analyst for their Forestry Campaign.  EIA's Forest Campaign documents and exposes illegal logging and associated trade and supports civil society organizations engaged in forest governance reform around the world. EIA uses evidence obtained from investigations of illegal timber trade flows to push for meaningful policy reform to stem the demand and funding for these illegal activities.

Support the American Mandarin Society!

If you appreciate the effort we put into organizing Chinese-language policy events, providing robust language and policy resources on our website, and the kind of content you see in this newsletter, please consider supporting us with a tax-deductible contribution--every bit helps!
The American Mandarin Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.