Mill Falls News
March 17, 2017
Upcoming Events
Spirit Week!

2017/18 Lottery

LetGo Your Mind

Girls on the Run

Chess Club

Girls on the Run

Pizza Friday!

LetGo Your Mind

Girls on the Run

Girls on the Run

Pizza Friday!

Please click here for our online Google calendar.

Fun Sky Zone gathering on Early Release Day this week. Thanks to Swati for helping to organize that! 

We gratefully acknowledge the ongoing contributions from the following corporate partners: 





 Winter, again?!

So let's just hope that snow days and delays are now a thing of the 2016/17 School Year past! Mother Nature certainly tested our focus and concentration this week, but luckily the snow didn't get in the way of Grandparents & Special Friends Day! We were thrilled to welcome over 90 guests to our school. Please enjoy some pictures from the day down below. 

Did you ever wonder what our classroom animals do on the weekends? During the last bit of clean up, a member of the Union Leader Team snapped this picture to the right. If you look carefully, you will spot the cricket hanging out on the lizard, Ginger, in the Glacier Classroom!

Special thanks to MFCS Parent, Jen Dacato, for masterminding and running our Spring Book Fair. And thanks, too, to the many parents who volunteered during the Fair! It was beautifully themed and designed. Hopefully, despite our crazy weather schedule this week, families were able to enjoy the Fair.

We also wanted to send a HUGE thank you to all the parents who provided such a lovely lunch and snack bar for staff on Conference Day. Conference Days are long, but the sandwiches and the extra yummy snacks you shared helped to keep everyone in great shape during the afternoon! Thanks, too, to our fabulous teaching staff who brought great focus and attention to the progress reports and to Conference Day. 

Looking forward to  2017 Lottery Day on Monday . We had 258 children enrolled in our Lottery this year. Wow! Special thanks to Susanne for doing an amazing job this Lottery Season!

Finally, please be sure to help sell the MFCS Annual Fundraising Calenda r Raffle. Packets were sent home with the students before February Vacation. For more information, see the box below. Remember sales can be made by cash, check, or on line at Paypal.   By working together we hope to reach (or maybe even exceed) the $10,000 set by Calendar Coordinator Lisa.

Thank you!
 2017 Spirit Week! 

Everyone is super excited about the upcoming 
Ms. Allison collaborated with the teachers to put together a GREAT week! Student-made posters have been hung up around school. 
Here's a handy reference: 

Monday, March 20th: MULTIPLICITY MONDAY!
Get as many people to wear a matching outfit as possible! 

Tuesday, March 21st: TIME TRAVEL TUESDAY!
Dress like you're from another time period: past, present or future!

Wednesday, March 22nd: WHEN I GROW UP WEDNESDAY
Dress up for your dream job or your future career!

Thursday, March 23rd: SPORTS TEAM THURSDAY
Support your favorite teams in jerseys, hats, and uniforms!

Friday, March 24: FREAKY FRIDAY
The students dress as teachers, and the teachers dress as students!

Annual Calendar Raffle...
There is power in numbers! 
We have 168 students,
so if everyone were to sell 10 calendars, 
we will exceed our $10,000 goal!

About the 2017 Fundraiser:
  • The 2017 Mill Falls Calendar Raffle features many different prizes from local businesses.
  • Calendars can be purchased from February 24th - March 24th for $10 each.
  • Calendars may be purchased on line, by cash or by check.
  • A winner will be chosen each day in the month of April.  
  • We hope you will encourage your buyers to buy more than one! It will increase their chances of winning! 
  • We have a special recognition prize for the student who sells the most calendars!
This important school fundraiser is a fun and engaging way to 
help raise money for our school, share wonderful raffle prizes with 
friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues and talk with people about 
our public Montessori school. Questions? Please contact Calendar Coordinator, Liza Zonfrillo. Thank you!!!
 Attn 3-6th Grade Families! 

Smarter Balanced Assessments Coming Up

As noted last week, we are preparing for our upcoming annual standardized testing period for our current 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders. The Smarter Balanced Assessment (aka SBAC) will begin on April 3rd.

Thank you!
 Brain Busters!

March 17th Brain Busters:

Challenge #1: It's NOT 99!
What is the largest number you can get from using just two digits?
( hint: it's not 99)?
Winner:  No winner...tricky question!

Challenge #2: How Old is Wendy?  Wendy was 7-years-old when Tim turne d 2. Tim turned 1 0 years old today. How old is Wendy?
Winner: Prashna/Everglade/5th
 Pi Day Challenge

We celebrated Pi Day a day late due to our snow day on March 14th, but it was still a great challenge!

The Upper Elementary students challenged themselves by trying to memorize and recite as many digits as possible in the number Pi. 

The final round came down to 4 students. Here are the results:
            • Prashant 22 diigits
            • Harriet14 digits
            • Brady14 digits
            • Abbey11 digits
Congratulations to everyone who participated and a special shout out to our top 4 finishers and to Ms. Colleen for constructing the challenge
 Food Drive...for our New Food Pantry!

The MFCS Community has responded with tremendous generosity to our ongoing food drive. Your  donations directly to support members of
our school community! We will be collecting donations for the rest of the school year.

Thank you!
2017 Grandparents & Special Friends Day

A Wonderful Grandparents & Special Friends Day!
Thanks to all who joined us and to those who helped offer a warm welcome 
to our guests with breakfast donations and your time!


In between Snow Days, Delays and Conferences, a lot of great work was accomplished.  To the right, our Lower Elementary friends in the Glacier Room used materials to explore congruent and parallel lines. 
Below, our Upper Elementary friends in the Olympic Room were challenged to measure complementary and supplementary angles,
and find the sum of the interior.