February 26, 2017
9:00 am-12:00 pm
Thirteen Projects- Celebrating Rabbi Schwab's
 13 years at Beth El
9:15-9:45    Breakfast

9:45-10:30  Presentations by Terry Grossberg and other Beth El Social Action Stars with a keynote address by Rabbi Schwab

10:30-12:00 Participation in one of thirteen projects:  
Bring your dog to Brentwood  Rehabilitation and  Health Center

Bring joy to the residents of Brentwood by bringing your dog to visit and cuddle with residents. 
Brown Bags for Second Baptist Church

The Second Baptist Church in Evanston runs a twice weekly soup kitchen and provides lunches to the homeless. 
Packers for the Northern Illinois Food Bank

Northern Illinois Food Bank provides food through a network of food pantries, soup kitchen, shelters, youth and senior centers to assist hungry neighbors.
Project Linus

Project Linus provides a sence of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized or in need by donating  blankets to children 
SOS - Survival on the Streets Care packages for the homeless

Survival kits for the homeless 
US  Troop Support Initiative

Packages to our brave service men and women currently serving in the U.S. military
Welcome Home-Refugee Support with HIAS

Volunteers participating in the Welcome Home - Refugee Support with HIAS will prepare for the arrival of two sisters, refugees from Congo who are set to arrive in Chicago in March. 
Books and Bookmarks
Families Helping Families Chicagoland is collecting NEW books for students in need  in Waukegan and USED books for readers aged birth-6 th grade. 

Genizah Clean Up

Did you ever wonder what happens to sacred texts that are damaged and no longer in use?  Deep in the Beth El basement are hundreds of storage boxes filled with worn siddurim and other important ritual materials that are awaiting burial in a Jewish cemetery. Volunteers with strong arms and a car are needed to help clear boxes from the Beth El Genizah and bring them Shalom Memorial Funeral Home for traditional Jewish burial.  This will be an educational program to learn about an obscure but timeless Jewish ritual and perform a big mitzvah for our congregation. 

   NO registration required FOR:    
Men's Club Blood Drive
Girls Love Mail
Cans  for Moraine Township Food Pantry
Letters to Lone Soldiers in Israel

Questions, contact:
Jackie Kott Wolle [email protected]
or Ana Igornov [email protected]