February 1,  2016 

 News and events from The Actor Factory, a training center in Norman, OK focusing on the art of on-camera acting.  For more information, call 405.701.1673 or visit

Marketing & Branding 
The Actor This Saturday
With Chicago Casting Director Sarah Clark

Chicago Casting Director Sarah Clark will offer a Factory Forum titled "Marketing & Branding The Actor" this Saturday, February 6, at The Actor Factory from 10:00 am - 12:30 pm. The Forum is vital for anyone ready to turn pro in their acting career.  

Clark is in town to present audition workshops for kids and adults, and offered the Forum in her spare time.

Clark  will lead a discussion on the business side of marketing and branding the actor. The importance of marketing materials like business cards, postcards, websites, demos, etc., and how to effectively brand your acting career in the marketplace.

Clark is a former Casting Associate at Freihofer Casting, who moved to Chicago to take a position as a producer at a busy advertising agency/production house. That experience taught her many key marketing and advertising tricks of the trade, including the importance of consistent product branding. While there, she also earned an Emmy nomination for a commercial she wrote, cast and produced. 

She left the production house to return to her first love, casting, and last year opened Compass Casting in Chicago.  She has worked the casting of over a dozen feature films as well as hundreds of commercials. She has auditioned hundreds, if not thousands, of actors, and she sees the common mistakes actors make in their marketing materials.

The Forum will be chock-full of helpful information for actors at any level, and there will be plenty of time for Q&A.  Get headshot and resume evaluation, as well as brand-defining help from an industry pro.

Seating is limited and available to actors aged 16+.  Cost for the Forum is $25.  To reserve your seat, click the button on the left or call The Factory at 405.701.1673.

FRACKERS  Non-Union Feature Film - Dallas

Feature Film
A Laughing Dragon Entertainment, LLC production
Executive Producer: Bennett Litwin
Producers: Chelsea Boatman, Adam Litwin
Writers: Bennett Litwin and Adam Litwin
Director: Jeffrey Nicholson
Casting Assistants: Tiffany Feese, Chantel Johnson, Leah Philpott
Casting Director: Chris Freihofer, CSA
Location: Dallas, TX
Interview Dates: TBD (Auditions in Norman, OK & Dallas, TX)
Callback Dates: TBD 
Shoot/Start Date: April, 2016
Pay Rate: $200/day       Local Hire (travel and housing will not be paid)


STORYLINE: A SciFi comedy in the vein of BEST IN SHOW. An uptight junior high science teacher has a heart attack and ends up at an otherworldly summer camp where he must learn to reconnect with others and dance to save the world.


[SOPHIA]Female, 25-36, any ethnicity. Other-worldly beautiful. Sophia was an alien warrior whose soul now embodies a beautiful human costume. In her past life, she conquered and lived for material gain. Her job now, as head counselor at a soul fracking station, is to assist recently deceased human souls in their growth as artists to enhance their energy. Strong dancer a plus.

[JULES]Female, 21-30. Asian or Caucasian. Edgy, former pageant girl, now a promiscuous drug user. She is smart, but yet has low self esteem.

[KAMAAL]Male, 25-40. Middle-Eastern. A quirky tech loner, one of 18 kids, no friends, socially inept.

[ATHENA]Female, 24-36. African American. She is an alien in human form. Tall, looks great in leotard. She is a strong, yet gentle soul. Yoga teacher or dancer a plus.

[TONY]Male, 22-34, Caucasian. thick NY accent, He is a dim thief with a thick NY accent. His mother left him as a tot. He is lonely, illiterate and has rough social skills.

[BLAKE]Male, 25-45, any ethnicity. Athletic/ Muscular. A Julliard grad who loves song and dance, he is now a "B" movie action star with a take-charge attitude. Now trapped in this netherworld with aliens and losers.

[SEYMOUR]Male, 75-85. Caucasian. He is a likable old man; an architect who finally starts painting in the afterlife. Comic relief.

[HOST]Female, 18-28. Any ethnicity. Great hosting skills. A tall, exotic beauty in a swimsuit who welcomes the humans. A parody, played directly to camera.

[GLINT]Male, 25-40. Any ethnicity. A villain. Big ego, handsome, good dancer, ambitious to climb up the ladder at the Universal Counsel.

[GRANDPA]Male, 65-75. Caucasian. The kindly departed grandfather of our lead.

[GRANDMA]Female, 65-75. Caucasian. The departed grandmother of our lead.

[UNIVERSAL COUNCIL](3 members) - 18-65 any ethnicity. Great voices, attractive and/or distinctive looking. Wise, Aliens.

Failure to follow the instructions will likely result in your submission being lost, mis-filed or accidentally deleted.
If you have an Oklahoma or Texas talent agent, please make them aware of your interest in this project and have them submit you via Breakdown Services.
-Email headshot and either an acting resume or a listing of all acting experience, plus all contact information to the email address below.
- Include all contact information including NAME, PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL ADDRESS, and City/State of Residence.
-Make the subject heading of your email FRACKERS - (Name of Role) - (Name of PReferred audition city - OKC or Dallas).  No other subject headings will be seen.  (Example:  FRACKERS- Sophia - Dallas)
-Send the email to (If you do not send to the email address listed, your submission WILL NOT BE SEEN)
-If you are selected to audition for the project you, will be notified by email.  Check emails regularly and allow the email address in your address book.
-Submissions must be received ASAP.

Young Performer Audition Classes Begin Next Week 

KIDS READING SCRIPTSIs your child great on set but struggles with the audition? Or does your child have stage audition experience but needs to improve their technique for film and commercial auditions?

Young Performer Audition for Camera, classes for actors aged 8-11 and 12-15 will begin a 7-week session on Thursday nights beginning February 11.  

The class is taught by Leah N.H. Philpott, a professional actor as well as an assistant at Freihofer Casting.  

Philpott has appeared in the TV series "Kids In The Hall: Death Comes to Town" with the legendary Canadian sketch comedy group Kids In The Hall. Other appearances include the films A DARK TRUTH and the recent GREAT PLAINS, starring Tara Buck and Beth Grant.  Philpott's many casting assistant credits include TE ATA, THE VEIL, MONDAY AT 11:01 AM, LIGHT FROM THE DARKROOM and the recent Shia Lebeouf film AMERICAN HONEY, written and directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Andrew Arnold.
Leah N.H. Philpott

"The audition is a different animal," said Factory director Chris Freihofer. "It is the time the actor feels out of sorts, uncomfortable and on display, We become different versions of ourselves.  Our audition classes at The Factory teach the actor to relax, trust their instincts, make sure their own personality is brought to the classroom, and above all to have fun.  Nobody wants to hire an uptight actor."

Each week, Philpott will give exercises in mock auditions using scripts from commercials, film and television. Kids will be filmed in an audition scenario each week, and will be provided coaching and feedback.  All on-camera work and coaching will be loaded onto a secure website for parents to view, giving them the ability to track their child's progress each week.

Class is held for ages 8-11 from 6:00-7:15 pm and for ages 12-15 from 7:30-9:00 pm for 7 weeks. Seating is limited to only 10 students per class, allowing plenty of individual attention.

Cost for the 7-week class is $175.  

To enroll, click the button on the right.  To enroll by phone or for any questions, call The Factory at 405.701.1673.

Extras Needed Wednesday for 
Osage Casino Commercial  - Tulsa 

Extras are needed for the TV commercial for Osage Casino this Wednesday in Tulsa, OK.

Extras will be needed from approximately 8:00 am until 1:00 pm.  Pay will be $175.  Travel an accommodations will not be paid.

The commercial is looking for men and women aged 25-50. Any ethnicity is fine.  

Failure to follow the instructions will likely result in your submission being lost, mis-filed or accidentally deleted.
I f you have an Oklahoma or Texas talent agent, please make them aware of your interest in this project and have them submit you via Breakdown Services.
-Email a recent photo plus all contact information to the email address below.
- Include all contact information including NAME, PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL ADDRESS, and City/State of Residence.
- CHANGE THE NAME of your photo file to YOUR NAME.  Example:  JohnSmith.jpg
-Make the subject heading of your email OSAGE EXTRAS  No other subject headings will be seen.  
-Send the email to (If you do not send to the email address listed, your submission WILL NOT BE SEEN)
-If you are selected to appear in the project you, will be notified by email.  Check emails regularly and allow the email address in your address book.
-Submissions must be received ASAP.

Celebrating On-Camera Achievements of Actor Factory Students & Faculty

Former Factory student and now L.A. resident Ahmad Dugas booked his first co-starring role for television last week. Ahmad will play a role on a pilot for FXX Network. Ahamad is unable to give us any details, due to an NDA, but he is excited to shoot the pilot in the coming weeks. Ahmad was a regular face at The Factory for a couple years, taking nearly everything we offered, and traveling from Tulsa to do so. He relocated to Los Angeles and has worked in several commercials, but this is his first TV role.  Ahmad is repped in California by Midwest Talent Management.

Current Actor Factory student Jace Greenwood booked the principal role of the waiter in the commercial for TSET - "Pouring On The Pounds".  Filming is today in Oklahoma City.  Jace recently took the Show & Business workshop with Ricki Maslar and Robert Haas, and he is currently enrolled in Audition for Film & Television.  He will be in a workshop this weekend with Chicago Casting Director Sarah Clark.  He is repped by Switzer Talent.

Do you have a booking or an achievement worthy of Applause? Send it to the Memo with the subject heading APPLAUSE. Be sure to include the job, your agent (if you have one) your headshot, and the Actor Factory classes you have taken along the way. (Sorry, but Applause is only for current or former Actor Factory students)

MOVIE MAGIC  Wins Best Comedy Short at TrailDance 

Factory instructor Chris Oz McIntosh and MOVIE MAGIC star Rayden Alexander show off the award Saturday night at the 
TrailDance Film Festival.
The short film MOVIE MAGIC was honored with the Best Comedy Short award at the TrailDance Film Festival Saturday night in Duncan, OK.  The film is written and directed by Actor Factory Young Performer instructor Chris Oz McIntosh.

McIntosh team-teaches Young Performer Acting for Camera at The Factory with co-instructor Alex Preble.

MOVIE MAGIC is the magical story of a middle school-aged film buff who solicits the help of his Fairy Godfather to take the prettiest girl in school to a dance.

The 14-minute film stars Actor Factory Young Performers Rayden Alexander and Camille Columbus, along with Factory student Krista Forster as the mom, and Factory instructor Darryl Cox as the Fairy Godfather.  Dallas actor Samuel Moran rounds out the cast.

MOVE MAGIC has screened recently at the Red Dirt Film Festival, the Los Angeles International Children's Film Festival and the USA Film Festival KidFest.

It will be screened on Valentine's Day at The Actor Factory, preceding the main features as part of The Factory Film Club.

The Factory Foreman answers your industry-related questions

What does "local hire" mean? - David D., Midwest City, OK

Second time I've been asked this week, David.  Thanks for asking.

"Local Hire" just means the production isn't going to pay your expenses to travel in. If you don't live local to where the project is filming, you will need to get yourself to the location and put yourself up. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to be local to be hired.  But before you submit to a local hire role, really consider if the project is worth it.  And if the role has multiple days on the project, are those days consecutive or will it require multiple round trips to the shoot location?  Just a few things to consider.

CHRIS SINGLE Chris Freihofer is an actor and Casting Director.  He has appeared in feature films and network television since 1996 and has cast over 50 motion pictures and hundreds of commercials since 2004.  He is a member of SAG-AFTRA and Oklahoma's only member of the Casting Society of America. He is also the Director and Founder of The Actor Factory.
Have a question for The Foreman?  Send it to FOREMAN at and you may see your question in print.  Be sure to include your name, city and state.

Below is the enrollment status for classes and workshops beginning soon at The Actor Factory in Norman, OK. For questions, or to enroll by phone, call 405.701.1673.  To enroll online by credit card, click the icon below.  For more information on these classes, click the title of the class or workshop.


Spring Session of classes will announce soon.


AUDITION FOR CAMERA - with Leah Philpott - 7-Week Class, Thursdays, beginning February 11. 12-Seat Limit.  $175   
Ages 8-11 - 6:00 - 7:15 pm - 5  SEATS LEFT
Ages 12-15 - 7:30 - 9:00 pm - 6 SEATS LEFT


Ages 8-15  Saturday, February 6  2:00-6:00p - 10-student limit   $95 - 4 Seats Left
Adults 16+ - Sunday, February 7, 9:00am-5:00 pm - 10 Student Limit - SOLD OUT
Adults 16+ - Monday, February 8, 9:00am-5:00 pm - 10-Student Limit - 2 Seats Left

Saturday, February 6  10:00 am - 12:30 pm.  35- Student Limit - JUST ANNOUNCED

Class enrollment is instant and credit cards are charged once enrollment is confirmed, provided there is space in the class.  Credit cards are not charged for slots on the wait list.  
Refunds, minus a cancellation fee of $35 are available if the start of the class is beyond 7 days.  If cancellation is requested within 7 days, The Actor Factory will make every effort to fill the slot from a wait list, if there is one.  If no replacement can be found, no refunds will be given.
Some workshops, classes and camps may have different cancellation policies.  Please check the event listing on the website for specific policies.
The ending dates of the classes are approximate.  Since Actor Factory instructors are working professionals, classes may be postponed when a professional conflict arrises.  In that event, a week will be added to the end of the session.  In the event of severe or extreme weather, The Actor Factory will make a determination if class can safely be held.  If conditions require postponement, a week will be added to the end of the session.
*Advanced classes have enrollment requirements. Check each class' requirements before enrolling. If you feel you meet the requirements, enroll by joining the wait list of that class. Once approved by the instructor and Actor Factory staff, you will be contacted for payment information. Enrolling in an advanced class or workshop without meeting the qualifications will be subject to a $25 non-refundable service charge.