Seth Kahan on Leadership // Monday Morning Mojo
Destined to be Together
Worphanage picturee never know our destiny until we can look back with 20-20 hindsight and see the long and winding road to this place and time.  It's hard to tell whom we are going to end up with, in so many ways.

When my daughter was in the Welfare Home for Children in New Delhi, she was among over 40 children who had been thrown together from a variety of difficult circumstances.  There was one girl who probably seemed like one among many. She was destined to stand out as time rolled forward. Here the two of them are at the orphanage. My daughter is the one in the blue.

It would turn out that the two of them would both make the journey back to the eastern seaboard of the United States within a year of each other. After a little bit of moving around, they now live about 5 minutes apart.

Ruchi sleepingThis next shot is the two of them sleeping in my daughter's bed during a recent stay-over. Who could have guessed at the time that they would stay in touch through such a dramatic shift in circumstances? Now they have the opportunity to share memories that few others can claim. As they grow older they will be able to talk about all their transition entails.

We never know whom we are going to share life's journey with. I remember once getting into an elevator in an old building in downtown Washington, DC, mindless of the strangers I shared the space with. Then our elevator stopped between floors and there we sat for an hour or so while we worked our way out. Eventually we pried the door open and hopped to safety. By that time we had gotten to know each other much better and a welcome sense of relief was a joy to share. Strangers can become friends very quickly when destiny takes us down an unplanned road.

A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it..
- Jean de La Fontaine
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