Seth Kahan on Leadership // Monday Morning Mojo
Blast from the Past
One of the great perks of my work is that I get to travel quite a bit to fun places. Currently I am in French Lick (one has to wonder if they would give it the same name today), Indiana, about 2 1/2 hours south of Indianapolis. On my way down I drove through Bloomington and visited Indiana University, my alma mater.
IU observatoryThe house I lived in while attending the mathematics program is still there, as is Bloomingfoods (the food co-op) and Dunn Meadow, the location of my first experimental theater performance ever. As I was walking on campus I went through the woods that surround the observatory.

I recall late one night during my college days a buddy and I thought it would be great to break into the observatory and take a look at the stars.  We headed over to the woods where it was situated, and climbed up the side using the drain pipe as a ladder.

We were about half way up when a security guard walked by. We froze. He came right up underneath us and looked up to where we were hanging off the side of the building. There was a long moment of silence.

"You boys lock up when you're through," he said.

I couldn't believe my ears. My friend, above me on the pipe, dangled his car keys shaking them loudly. "Yes sir! We'll be sure to do that!" Then we went on up and into the observatory where we fumbled around and had a great time.

Sometimes life hands you a gift when it seems like you don't deserve it. My college days were filled with a lot of adventures that probably shouldn't be printed and circulated, but I survived them all nonetheless.

This clearly was not a noble moment, but it forms a small section in the story of my life that I continue to draw on for inspiration and laughs. Share a special memory this week with someone you work with. A blast from the past can add some welcome energy to today.

Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.
- Rosa Parks
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