Moonscapes: Email Newsletter #8 of  The Moon Society

  April 2011

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Proud, yet Humble Beginnings

   Proud Beginnings 

Museum-worthy Leavings From the Soviet and American Moon Programs

The 1st Lunar Settlement may still be a dream but its Museum is already under construction, as are the first Lunar National Monuments.


Not counting crashed items, there are already some 22 man-made objects on the Moon, from Soviet Lunas and Lunakhods to American Surveyors, Apollo lander descent stages, and Apollo moon rovers, plus sundry scientific instruments and paraphernalia left behind by returning Apollo Astronauts. All of these artifacts were delivered between 1966 and 1978. That's "prehistoric" times to today's younger generations.

From Trash to Treasure

Some look on these "leavings" as trash, defacing the Moon. But they represent some of our highest technological achievements and are of enormous value. Some of these may be left in place, the area containing them behind preserved as Scientific, Cultural, and Historic Lunar "National" Monuments. 

Some of these items will one day be proudly showcased in frontier Museums in Lunar Settlements yet to be built: Luna City? Selenopolis? Let's leave the naming of future settlements to the brave and hardy pioneers who build them. They represent the first humble beginnings of mankind's efforts to add the Moon to the Greater Human Domain, as Earth's 8th, offshore continent.

More: "Footsteps on the Moon & Other "Leavings" pp. 32-33, MMM-India Quarterly #10

Could Some Lunar Lava Tubes be Hiding Treasures?


Only exploration will answer this question. We can but speculate. Could some of the Moon's lava tubes hold water-ice? Could some contain industrially valuable volcanic gases? We go into the pros and cons.

Tube Loot

More: "Speculation: Could some Lunar Lava Tubes be hiding Valuable Resources?"

MMM-India Quarterly #10 pp. 34-36

Where would you put the Capital City of the Moon? And why? What should you name it? And why?

Capital City


That's what Luke Kursar (Perth, Australia) and Peter Kokh (Milwaukee, WI) were asking each other, when they decided to open this discussion to our readers.

Help them write this article for an upcoming issue of Moon Miners' Manifesto.

It's simple: send an email to with "Capital City Luna" in the subject line. We'll post your suggestions and give you credit for them, then Luke and Peter will each toss in their own 2 cents worth.

ISDC 2011

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Feature Video: The Lunar Greenhouse

Moonbeams Fiction Publication Gets an Upgrade


Fiction Writer



Moonbeams, the Moon Society's electronic Science Fiction journal, launched in November 2008, and with 7 issues under its belt, is "moving on up." Moonbeams is "a short story journal focused on stories about the Moon and High Frontier." Issues come out when the editor, Chuck Lesher, receives enough content.

Now, Writers Cramp Publishing will pay $10 for each short story published in Moonbeams. This is a modest amount, but appropriate given the present free circulation. Authors will have the option of donating their $10 to the Moon Society.



Moon Society Publications and Free Downloads  Frontlines: President's monthly report: click on the image link below the Moon Society announcements list on our Homepage


Chapter Events:

Moon Miners Manifesto India Quarterly: MMM India

Moonbeams Science Fiction:

MMM Classics:

MMM Theme Issues:



Contact Us - questions about logins, updating your contact information, provide input on projects, website, other - Chapter Events -questions about chapters and outposts - article submissions, letters to the editor of Moon Miners Manifesto - article/story submissions to Moonbeams (science fiction short stories) - article submissions to MMM-India Quarterly - letters to the editor of Moonscapes - Moon Society India - MMM-India Quarterly Editorial Staff


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