Hey Gang,
I just wanted to keep you in the loop as to what's happening.
IDW is going to a historic third print of My Little Pony #1!!
A couple shipping updates:
IDW's My Little Pony #2 Delayed due to Dock Strike
Click here to read the official story. #2 is now on schedule for 1/2/2013
I'm better prepared now & will ship faster.
MY LITTLE PONY FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC #3 estimated ship: 1/16/2013
MY LITTLE PONY FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC #4 estimated ship: 2/20/2013
MY LITTLE PONY MICRO SERIES #1 (OF 6) TWILIGHT SPARKLE estimated ship: 2/27/2013
When you get your book post a picture on my facebook
or tweet at me on Twitter @larryscomics
#bronies #pegasisters #comicmarket
Bronies & Pegasisters are some of the nicest fans we have ever had in the shop.
Click here to order
I'm going to try to keep you guys up to date.
Thanks for being my customer!