Success in South Carolina
May 2018
April saw important victories for those working to combat increasing levels of anti-Semitism. In what is being hailed as a "historic action," South Carolina's state senate has adopted a definition of anti-Semitism for use by South Carolina public universities. Inspired by this success, other states, such as Georgia, may soon follow suit. In addition, the Brandeis Center teamed up with StandWithUs to send a message to the New York University administration following a boycott of NYU's pro-Israel clubs. Also, several colleges saw success in the fight against anti-Semitism, such as the University of California--Santa Barbara's student government passing a resolution condemning anti-Semitism. All this and more is covered in the May  edition of the Brandeis Brief.  As always, we thank you for your tax-deductible  donations  and acknowledge that without you our work could not be done.

S.C. 1st To Define Anti-Semitism Laws
Heritage Florida

South Carolina became the first state to define anti-Semitism in law. This bill, which passed the State House of Representatives in March in a 116-2 vote, was overwhelmingly approved by the State Senate in a 37-4 vote. South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster has expressed support for the bill and is expected to sign it into law. 

Our View: Follow South Carolina
Atlanta Jewish Times
After South Carolina's landmark bill defining anti-Semitism passed the State Senate, several other states could perhaps follow suit. Georgia, which has already enacted anti-BDS legislation, might be the next state to codify an anti-Semitism definition into law, as observers and commentators are urging "candidates for the Georgia General Assembly to pledge support similar legislation next year if they are elected."

In a letter sent to NYU President Andrew Hamilton, representatives from the Louis D. Brandeis Center and StandWithUs denounced a recent pledge signed by cultural and political groups at NYU, which committed to boycotting "NYU's pro-Israel clubs, Realize Israel and TorchPAC, by not sponsoring events with them." 

Kantor Center Reports Spike in U.S. Anti-Semitism
Edward Kunz, Brandeis Blog

The Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry released its 2017 "Anti-Semitism Worldwide" analysis, which noted a dramatic upswing in anti-Semitism within the United States. This annual analysis, to which the Louis D. Brandeis Center contributed, seeks to chronicle the various trends and movements through which anti-Semitism manifests itself. 

Barnard Students Pass BDS, Administration Rejects It
Edward Kunz, Brandeis Blog
The Student Government Association of Barnard College passed a BDS referendum to divest from Israel, with 64 percent of students voting in favor of the measure. The BDS referendum was then, officially, rejected by Barnard' s administration, with Barnard President asserting that the referendum does not meet Barnard's standards for discussion by the Board of Trustees. 

Santa Barbara Student Senate Condemns Anti-Semitism
Jacob May, Brandeis Blog

The Associated Students Senate at University of California--Santa Barbara unanimously passed a resolution condemning both anti-Semitism and hate speech. Passed on Yom HaShoah, which is the Holocaust Remembrance Day, this resolution affirms the Senate "will strive to be allies of the Jewish community." 

Challenge Anti-Semitism
Anti-Semitism is once again showing itself and must be confronted head-on and stamped out wherever it is found. Discrimination against any individuals and groups goes against the values of science, human decency and this journal. Sunlight remains the best disinfectant, and one of the places where the infection of anti-Semitism still thrives is on some university campuses.

Across Europe, Jewish Safety Fears Grow
Nina Siegal, US News and  World  Report
Violence against Jewish people is rising across Europe. Speaking on the murder of an 85-year old Jewish grandmother and Holocaust survivor, Dr. Kantor, the President of the European Jewish Congress, stated, "This murder should not just appall us, it should serve as a final wake-up call that more must be done not just to protect Jewish communities and institutions, but also all individuals at risk."

Confirm Kenneth Marcus To The Department of Education
Jackson Richman, Washington Examiner
For months, Louis D. Brandeis Center President Kenneth Marcus' nomination to lead the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights has been stalled amid staunch Democratic opposition. A steadfast advocate of free speech and civil rights for all, Mr. Marcus has received the support of over 60 Jewish, Christian, education, and civil rights organizations. 

Death of Mel Gordon
Joel Siegal, of Siegal Richardson LLC and member of LDB's Legal Advisory Board
Mel Gordon, the famed Berkeley theater professor, passed away earlier this month. While his obituary highlighted his passion and curiosity, it neglected to mention Professor Gordon's significance in helping to protect the rights of students on campus who have brought Title VI claims against the University. Professor Gordon was not an advocate for Israel nor for Jewish students, but was rather an advocate for safe campuses free from bullying or hostility.

In This Issue:
Support LDB
Louis Brandeis Photo
The Louis D. Brandeis Center is a nonprofit organization supported by individuals, groups and foundations that share our concern about Jewish college students.  Contributions are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  To support our efforts to combat campus anti-Semitism, please contact us at
12-11-29 Standing KLM photo
Kenneth L. Marcus

Can We Help You? 

The Louis D. Brandeis Center stands ready if we can help you to combat anti-Semitism in higher education.  Please contact us if you are a student or professor who needs our help.  We are also available to provide technical assistance to university administrators who are interested in achieving legal compliance and best practices for eliminating campus anti-Semitism.
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