May 21st, 2017

Not many people have been through a renovation project without a little anxiety and a disruption to peace.
The truth is, most of us live our lives with a low grade anxiety bubbling just below the surface. For some of us, it's family. For others, it's the current state of our country or because our world seems so out of control. Or for some, it's anxiety that comes from the bad choices we seem to make day in and day out. Others have anxiety from some kind of past tragedy, struggle, loss or conflict that you replay in your mind over and over and over. It's exhausting. Trying to keep up. Trying to keep the pieces together. We believe God desires to renovate this part of our lives and give us peace. That sounds inviting doesn't it? That sounds refreshing....That sounds right.
Come hear how God wants to renovate our lives with Senior Pastor, Jeff Kersey in the Sanctuary and Pastor Trevor Miller in the Auditorium.

VBS 2017 - Maker Fun Factory
Maker Fun Factory VBS registration is open for participants and volunteers! We currently have 1050 children registered. We need many more volunteers to come alongside these children and show them that God made them for a purpose. Sign up today at  for the best week of the year: June 11-16. Please stop by one of the VBS volunteer tables outside the Worship spaces to have your questions answered or sign up if you do not have access to a computer.

Next Step
From June 4 until August 5, Mt. Horeb will host teams of students from all across the country who will come here, stay in our church building, and go out each day to serve in under-resourced communities in Lexington. There are   several opportunities for us to serve with them: adopt a Next Step Staffer for the summer, provide breakfast for the Next Step Staff on Sunday mornings, or help with construction projects on the worksites. To sign up, please email Brittany at  

Student Ministry
There is an upcoming event that we have planned for our middle and high school boys and their fathers on May 26th! If a dad is not able to attend for whatever reason, that is perfectly okay. We would still love for a male spiritual leader and influence to attend with your student. This could be a grandfather, uncle, or other male guardian. We are excited about this event that is called  LEGACY: Passing Faith from one Generation to the Next.

Our central aim and purpose for LEGACY is to create an atmosphere and space for these men to connect with their son's relationally and spiritually. We are planning for this to happen through dinner together, a time of fellowship around a bonfire, a few teaching times, and a handwritten letter for each student from their dad. We, as a student ministry staff, believe that God has given you as parents the wonderful role of leading your student into a deeper relationship with Jesus and we are excited about creating a time together to help facilitate that growth. This event is an expression of our overall hope and vision as a student ministry: to help you, as parents, mold and shape your boys into Godly men who are deeply devoted and committed to Jesus. 
When : Friday,  May 26, 2017 from 6:30-9:00pm
Where : 8221 Monticello Road,  Columbia, SC 29203
Cost : $20.00 per family    
Register online at
Contact Trevor with questions.