August 11th, 2017
David's life isn't an ideal life but an actual life. We don't honor David for his morality but for his humility. In the midst of failure, he was willing to repent and restore his relationship with God. Don't let your failure define or defeat into the future He has for you.
Senior Pastor, Jeff Kersey will be preaching in the Sanctuary and Pastor Nick Cunningham will be preaching in the Auditorium. See you at one of our 5 services!

School Supply Drive

This weekend, you will have the chance to participate in a mission project to provide school supplies for children in our local community who have a need. Collection dates will be now through August 20th. Pick up a list of items needed at the main entrances in the East and West buildings.Bring your filled bags back to the church and place in the collection barrels located in both buildings.

Business Leaders Network

Join us for our first Mt. Horeb Business Leaders Network luncheon. We will enjoy food, fellowship and a great speaker. Read more about Jay Meyer below and click here to register and save your spot.

After college, Jay played an integral role in transitioning a tiny corner drugstore into a nationally respected institutional pharmacy that provided pharmaceutical services to over 10,000 nursing home residents in the Midwest. Jay was a founding member and President of NetRX, a co-op buying group for independent pharmacies, and co-founded and served as President of Senior Care Pharmacy Alliance, a national organization representing independent nursing home pharmacies in state and federal affairs. 
After selling his business, Jay now focuses on providing leadership coaching, strategic planning and culture building services to profit and nonprofit organization through the US. Jay serves as a facilitator for Aileron, a Dayton, Ohio entrepreneur business center founded by former IAMS owner, Clay Mathile.
A big part of Jay's story is his walk with Jesus, and his recovery. This year Jay celebrates 30 years in recovery and is the founder of The Next Step Recovery Celebration, a weekly worship service geared towards recovery. Jay is an active member of the Dayton, Ohio faith community and models the life of a disciple by living out and believing "you can't keep what you have unless you give it away."
Jay is the author of two books and is fueled by a desire to help others.

Concerts At Mt. Horeb Kickoff

On Wednesday, August 16th from 6:30 to 7:30 PM, everyone is invited to a special presentation to kickoff the Concerts at Mt. Horeb series for 2017-2018. This will be an opportunity to learn more about the vision of this exciting outreach ministry of our church and become a part of Friends of Music.  Refreshments will be provided in the cafĂ© prior to the presentation in the Student Room. 

Better Together

Life is better together and the full life of God meets us in a unique way. If you've been looking to get in a small group, then go ahead and make plans to attend one of the three One Life class options. One Life is a class that puts you  with other people who are looking for a small group and helps get your shared life started off on the right foot. This Fall, we will be offering a Couples One Life class on Wednesday nights starting September 6th from 6:15-7:30 in the Chapel. One Life Women's and One Life Men's small groups will begin on Tuesday, September 12th. You will need to purchase a copy of the One book, which you can get at the Guest Services area. If you would like more information or you have some questions, email: [email protected]

Marriage Conference

Great marriages don't just happen; they require intentional effort. Every marriage needs periodic tune ups and getting away as a couple for a marriage retreat is one of the very best ways to do this. Marriage retreats can help to improve even the best marriage and can be used by God to heal troubled marriages. Family Life ministries has been conducting marriage retreats for over 40 years and has impacted thousands of couples. Pastor Drew Martin and his wife, Grace, will be attending Family Life's "A Weekend To Remember" in Augusta, GA on October 6-8 and would encourage you to join them.
To register or for more information click here.