Muscle News Vol I.44:   Core Muscles
The 6 Official Tests:  You Can't Afford to Fail!
Strengthen your "core" ... Stabilize your "core" ...  

We hear this term all the time now from fitness trainers to physical therapists to yoga instructors to TV infomercials to vanity magazines... 

It is now widely understood the importance of Core Muscle stability ranges from preventing spinal surgeries, recovering from back injuries to keeping your waist slim and attractive.  It is also accepted that Americans have some of the sloppiest and out of shape Core Muscles in the world!

Yet, the field of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy has been addressing Core Stability since way back in the 1950's!

Long before "core stability" became a mainstream idea, there were 6 official tests developed, each one having a corrective exercise to help you build the health, strength and flexibility of your Core Muscles. These tests and exercises were named after their developers and are known as the Kraus-Weber Tests of Minimum Muscular Fitness.

In 1954, it was already obvious that Americans were heading for trouble!  A study of thousands of American vs European children showed that 57.9% of American children FAILED these "core" tests, compared to only 8.7% of European children.

This issue of Muscle News is written to help make sure you are part of the percent of the population who passes these Core Muscle tests! 

Take the following 6 official tests below.  If you don't pass, don't worry ... start to perform the corrective exercises shown for each of the tests.  You will soon improve and be able to pass them all... 

Then you will be able to officially claim to have a healthy, strong and flexible Core, along will all the benefits everyone is raving about!
*The information in this article is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition and does not substitute for a thorough evaluation by a medical professional.  Please consult your physician to determine whether these self-care tips are appropriate for you.
Kraus-Weber Core Fitness Tests: 
(6 Tests of Minimum Muscular Fitness)

There are three main Core Muscle Groups:  Psoas, Abdominals & Back Extensors ... all of which we have covered in previous issues of Muscle News.  Here are the 6 tests for the fitness of these muscles:

TEST 1:  PSOAS + ABDOMINALS (click picture to play video)


Instructions:  As in the video, with feet held on the ground by examiner or under chair or couch, the subject lies flat on her back with KNEES STRAIGHT and hands behind the neck. Perform one sit-up.

Pass / Fail:  Shaking or an inability to raise up fully and smoothly, are indications of failure.  

Implication:  Weakness and myofascial dysfunction of the Psoas muscle and the Abdominals.

Correction:  1.) Self-care instructions we have previously published for these muscles  2.) The official corrective exercise as demonstrated by the model in this video.

TEST 2:  FOCUSED ABDOMINALS (click picture to play video)


Instructions:  Same position as #1 but with KNEES BENT and ankles drawn in toward buttock. Perform one sit-up.

Pass / Fail:  Shaking or an inability to raise up fully and smoothly, are indications of failure.  

Implication:  Weakness and myofascial dysfunction of the Abdominals.

Correction:  1.) Self-care instructions we have previously published for these muscles  2.) The official corrective exercise as demonstrated by the model in this video.

TEST 3:  FOCUSED PSOAS (click picture to play video)


Instructions:  The subject lies flat on her back with hands behind the neck. The legs straight are lifted 10 inches off the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds.

Pass / Fail:  Shaking or an inability to hold the position are indications of failure.  

Implication:  Weakness and myofascial dysfunction of the Psoas muscle.

Correction:  1.) Self-care instructions we have previously published for the Psoas  2.) The official corrective exercise as demonstrated by the model in this video.

TEST 4:  UPPER BACK EXTENSORS (click picture to play video)


Instructions:  The subject lies on his stomach (optional pillow under her lower abdomen and groin). The examiner holds her feet down. Lift head, shoulders, and chest off the floor and hold for 10 seconds.

Pass / Fail:  Shaking, inability to hold the position are indications of failure.  

Implication:  Weakness and myofascial dysfunction of the Upper Back Extensor muscles.

Correction:  1.) Self-care instructions we have previously published for these muscles  2.) The official corrective exercise as demonstrated by the model in this video.

TEST 5:  LOWER BACK EXTENSORS (click picture to play video)


Instructions:  The subject's position is the same, but the examiner holds the chest down. With knees straight, lift legs off floor and hold for 10 seconds.

Pass / Fail:  Shaking or an inability to hold the position are indications of failure.  

Implication:  Weakness and myofascial dysfunction of the Low Back Extensor muscles.

Correction:  1.) Self-care instructions we have previously published for these muscles  2.) The official corrective exercise as demonstrated by the model in this video.

TEST 6:  OVERALL FLEXIBILITY (click picture to play video)


Instructions:  The subject stands/sits barefooted and with feet together and bends over slowly to touch the floor/tip of the toes with the fingertips. Hold this position for 3 seconds.

Pass / Fail:  Inability to reach and hold the position are indications of failure.  

Implication:  Poor flexibility, lengthening and shortening of Core  muslces.

Correction:  1.) Self-care instructions we have previously published for core muscles  2.) The official corrective exercise as demonstrated by the model in this video.

Performed daily or a few times per week, you can successfully pass these 6 Kraus Weber tests and gain the official stamp of approval on your Core!


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