I was asked to be a featured instructor on a new online video lesson web-site. The site was
created by Peabody Conservatory graduate Chris Dunn. The web-site uses state of the art Cisco
"online meeting software" and features
some very distinguished players including
Chris Dunn for classical, Paul Bollenbeck
for jazz, Ron McFarlane for lute, and me
for rock and jazz fusion lessons.
I'll be using the site for my current students
when they go out of town as well as for
staying in touch with all of the new students
that I meet when I'm out touring. To all concerned,
it would be great if you could take a minute to
go in and create a profile. Then accept
confirmation e-mail, then go back to the site
and "friend" me. This would be greatly
appreciated as it will help get the word
out on the site as it is newly
up and running.