
April 10th

Muslim Antisemitism and

The Conspiracy of Silence


"The Sons of Pigs and Apes"



Join us for an evening with author Neil Kressel who will discuss his new book on antisemitism in the Muslim world. After the Presentation and Q&A, join us for a private reception where Mr.

Kressell will be happy to autograph copies of his book.    


The Sons of Pigs and Apes

Muslim Antisemitism and the Conspiracy of Silence

Presentation, Q&A & Reception

April 10, 2013, 7 PM

Library & Archives Canada, 395 Wellington, Ottawa

Admission $20.00

STUDENTS get in FREE. Tickets at the door.


"All religions and cultures suffer from sources that preach hate against the 'other.' Throughout history some have, tragically, practiced what their sources preached, while some have sought to dismiss or even counteract the hateful words of their sources. In this book, Neil Kressel shows how extremists within Islam, many in leadership roles, have exploited some of their hateful sources to preach and practice a virulent form of antisemitism. Read this book and judge for yourself."

     Alan Dershowitz

"Kressel presents undeniable and yet long-denied information about the pervasive and insidious nature of Islamic antisemitism - and he does so with a pained sensitivity that is both admirable and heartbreaking.  Reasonable, patient, and nonemotional, Kressel is antiparanoid and utterly fact-driven."
     Phyllis Chesler, emerita professor of psychology and women's studies, City University of New York

"While parts of this book make me uncomfortable, I must admit that is represents, rather sadly, what many of my coreligionists think."
     Khaleel Mohammed, Center for Islamic and Arabic Studies, San Diego State University

"A lucid, compelling, and much-needed account of how the crucial issue of anti-semitism in the Muslim world is currently being minimized, downplayed, obfuscated, and in many cases completely ignored in much of the Western world.  This book should be required reading for decision makers, opinion moulders, and not least 'experts' in academia, who have been particularly complicit in this policy of silence."
     Robert Wistrich, director of the Vidal Sassoon International Centre for the Study of Antisemitism


 Don't miss the Macdonald-Laurier Institute's next debate!


This debate is coming up this evening, March 21, 2013.

Get your tickets today!

$20 per ticket / Students and Seniors $15 (ID required)

With the Liberal Party weak in every region of Canada and now relegated to third place in Parliament, is a permanent realignment coming in our politics?




Goldenberg says NAY

Bliss says


Enjoy the cut and thrust of vigorous but intelligent debate?  Then you won't want to miss seeing Michael Bliss, Canadian historian, take on Eddie Goldenberg, former senior political advisor to Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chr�tien. 
The moderator for this debate is Canadian historian and former director of the Canadian War Museum Jack Granatstein.    
March 21, 2013
Canadian War Museum,  Barney Danson Theatre
(1 Vimy Place, Ottawa)
7:00 pm Debate
Audience members will have the opportunity to challenge the views expressed by the speakers in a Q & A session.
8:30 pm Private reception and private access to the Museum's special exhibit Eleven Women Facing War.  Continue the conversation at a private reception with complimentary non-alcoholic beverages and a cash bar.

For more information, please visit the Macdonald-Laurier Institute webpage.



Bruce Bawer has written a great review of the 3rd Annual Free Thinking Film Festival!  Click here to read his review on FrontPageMagazine.
Mark Your Calendars Now!

The 4th Annual Free Thinking Film Festival will take place between October 31st and November 3rd, 2013 in Ottawa at the Library & Archives Canada.

In the meantime, stay tuned for more details our films/events in 2013.


Free Mobile Applications!

By the way, we now have an Android application and an iPhone application. Just click here to download our Android application (it's free).

You can click here to get our free iPhone application.


Frederick Litwin
Free Thinking Film Society