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July 2016
As some of you may or may not know, I enjoy watching reality TV. It's not exactly something I am proud to share, as most of the shows I watch (think "The Bachelor" and "Real Housewives of New York City") aren't exactly IQ boosters. I just like watching them to escape, and I find the storylines entertaining, for the most part. Basically, reality-TV-watching is a way for me to relax and chill after a long day.
When I found out that TLC was featuring a new reality TV show based on the life of a larger-than-life (pun intended) woman who unabashedly called herself fat and fabulous, I was intrigued. "My Big Fat Fabulous Life" (MBFFL) premiered in January of last year, and I was thrilled to see a woman on TV who was living in a larger body and who was happy with herself.

Sadly, these types of individuals (i.e., those who are fat and content) are rarely portrayed on most reality shows, as the usual circumstance is that the individual is unhappy with his or her weight and is determined to lose the pounds. Not so with MBFFL!
In a recent episode, the protagonist visits her alma mater where she gives a talk about body positivity and then fields questions from students. Who knows what really went on in that auditorium, but if we take the video at face value, she did a fine job of responding, especially for a layman who was put on the spot.
With time and expertise on our side, Jonah and I take our own stabs at answering two of the questions that arose.

Joanne Soolman, Registered Dietitian / Co-Owner
He Said, She Said: My Big Fat Fabulous Life
He Said
"The medical community actually agrees that obesity can lead to a shorter life span. Do you think that your No BS [No Body Shame] campaign, which emphasizes feeling confident and beautiful at any size, do you think that that can coexist along with the very real facts that they do cause legitimate health concerns?"

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She Said
"My father passed away this past April. He was severely overweight, he was diabetic, and he was an avoider, right. Do you think there is an ethical concern in folks who view you as a health and fitness expert or at least a public figure and use that body positivity message as an excuse to avoid actually addressing their real health concerns?"

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Practice News
When people learn that we are registered dietitians who provide outpatient nutrition counseling, they often are curious about how we do what we do.

While at first glance it might seem pretty obvious (i.e., most people think we just tell our patients what to eat), there really is a lot more to it than that.

We were thinking that it would be helpful for us to host a free seminar, open to the public, to shed light on what we do and how we do it. In addition, it would give individuals an opportunity to ask us questions and to learn more about our approach.

If you or anybody you know is interested in attending such a seminar, please email us at

If we have enough interested people, we will schedule a date and time to hold the seminar and will announce the information in next month's newsletter.
Soolman Nutrition and Wellness LLC | (781) 237-0470 | |
555 Washington Street, 2nd Floor
Wellesley, MA 02482